His heart stuttered, and he blinked, unable to believe what he was seeing — it was the face that filled his dreams.

Bjorn Cursed by N.J. Walters
Standalone - Forgotten Brotherhood #4
Release - January 16, 2021
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/a few descriptive scenes
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 270 pages
Publisher - Entangled: Amara
Lucifer is up to his old tricks, causing problems for the Forgotten Brotherhood. This time, he’s had a woman removed from the Norse afterlife and placed her right in the path of Bjorn Knutson. After the slaughter of his wife and family centuries ago, tortured and broken, Bjorn was cursed as the first Norse werewolf. Now he’s been tasked by Odin himself with killing the woman who escaped. Failure is not an option.
Before he can track her, he stumbles across a woman being accosted by three men in the middle of the night. Even though she’s human, he intervenes and is shocked to recognize the face of the one woman he could never kill — his wife Anja.
She’s also the one he’s hunting…and if he doesn’t kill her then both their lives are at stake.
Find your copy of Bjorn Cursed on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3fJo6Mt

As Odin's creation, when called upon, Bjorn must answer and obey. So when he's told that a soul has escaped the afterlife and returned to Earth, that he's being tasked with finding and killing her, he thinks nothing of it. However, when he finally comes face-to-face with his target... he sees the face of his beloved wife. He quickly realizes that he's willing to defy the gods to keep her safe.
This story was exactly what I needed. Bjorn got the best kind of ending, one I couldn't even imagine. Without giving anything away, he got his answers, he and Anja were reunited, the gods and Lucifer were as ridiculous as ever, and The Forgotten Brotherhood have never been stronger. They're even two members richer! I love this team so much and I'm hoping that this isn't the last that I'll see of them.
I need books for Sven and Death! Seriously, doesn't Death give you goosebumps in the best of ways? And Sven... he has to learn to live again. He has to find a way to make real connections, especially with his parents. Maybe he'll officially join The Brotherhood. Find love. I'm not asking for too much. I sense a beautiful story there.
Find my reviews of the previous books here:

“Can we discuss this later? We have company.”
He’d always had a sixth sense about such things. It was one of the reasons he’d been such a fierce warrior. “Where?”
“Two behind and at least one ahead.” Bjorn jerked his head to the left. “Across the street.”
She didn’t need him to point out which man he meant. Over six feet tall, he wore jeans, boots, and a leather jacket. He looked similar to the ones who’d accosted them earlier. “Do they all look alike?” she muttered. “Is it a requirement or something?”
Bjorn’s fingers tightened around hers, but he was smiling, his lips tilted up slightly, his eyes filled with laughter. He hadn’t forgotten for one second they were being stalked and hunted, but he’d always been good at living in the moment. It’s how they’d been raised, as much a part of them as their physical appearance.
Laugh when you could, cry when you needed, revel in the joys of life, fight for honor and glory, and die well.
“What can I do?” She would fight alongside her man, no matter what they faced.
“Stay close. When I tell you to run, you run.”
“Where are we going?” It bothered her that she had no idea where they were or where they were headed.
“My truck isn’t much farther. About four blocks up the road. When we get there, turn right. It’s the black one.” He rattled off some letters and numbers. “Crap, can you even read them?”
“Yes. I have some knowledge of this world. Not everything, but I understand much, including how to read the language.”
“Good. The truck will have a piece of metal on the back with those on it. Here are the keys.” He reached into his pocket and pulled them out. “Hit this button when you’re close.” He showed her which one. “That will unlock the doors. Get in, hit this other button, and wait for me. I’ll be right behind you.”
“Got it.” She gripped the keys and had her thumb near the button he’d showed her. Her heart was racing as they kept a fast steady gait. She wanted to run, but that was the wrong thing to do. Any animal would take that as a challenge, see her as prey and sprint after her. And these men were essentially animals in human flesh.
Werewolves? They were the stuff of myth and legend but, like the gods, were real. Their kind never came to Freya’s Hall. Odin was rumoured to have all sorts of beasts in Valhalla, but she’d never seen proof, as she’d been unable to leave. That had been part of her pledge to the goddess, which is what made her being here all the worse.
Her vow had been broken.
“Another one just ahead.”
“Should we detour?” She pulled her attention back to the present situation. Her immediate goal—protect her husband.
“That’s what they want. They’re trying to herd us down that street, which means there are likely more of them. We go straight. They’ll do nothing until we make the turn onto the quieter street. As soon as we do, you run. I’ll hold them off and be right behind you.”
“I won’t leave you.”
“I know.” He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. It was over far too soon. She licked her lips, wanting to savor his taste. It was familiar yet strangely new. Maybe because of all the years they’d missed. They were both different people than they’d been when they’d wed and started a family, shaped by their experiences. But one thing hadn’t changed. He was still a hunger in her blood.
He groaned. “Stop looking at me like that, woman. Now is not the time.”
She knew he was trying to lighten her spirits. Tension radiated from his big frame. He squeezed her hand. “Get ready, Anja. It’s just there on your right.” He kept his voice low. “As soon as we reach the corner, run hard and fast, and don’t look back.”

One day she gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel and life would never be the same. N.J. has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

When I looked down, I saw the rings on both hands. The ring... the seal of the king on my pinky and the wedding band on the other. I never thought I'd have either.
Yet here I was.
I never thought I'd be in love, either.
And yet, here I was.

The Prince's Bride: Beginning Forever by J.J. McAvoy
The Prince's Bride #3
Release - February 12, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance (royal, interracial)
Multiple POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 3.5 out of 5
Format - Kindle purchase
Length - 533 pages
Publisher - Indie
With the fairytale wedding now over and the reality of their new roles placed on their shoulders, can Gale and Odette survive the sea of politics, family secrets, and scandal that awaits them? Can they still be true to themselves and their hearts?
The whole country...even the world is watching and not everyone is happy for them.
Check out my reviews of BOOK ONE and BOOK TWO
Find your copy of The Prince's Bride: Beginning Forever on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wxKHSJ

They're married. As king and queen, they are an unstoppable force. No matter what is thrown at them, they seem to come out stronger. Bad politics, death, family drama, not even bullets can stop them. Their love, their beauty, and their grace made their story such a joy to read.
I even loved getting inside the heads of the secondary characters: Wolfgang and his endless optimism; Iskander and his stoicism even in the face of hilarity; and Wilhelmina was too funny for words! I still want to know what ended up happening to Augusta. That girl did a disgusting 180 and her karma should be harsh!

"My informant told me you've always wanted to do one of these. I've picked all the classic movie food: Twizzlers, popcorn, a few of your favorite, and..." I got up slightly and moved to the back to pull out a small crockpot, lifting the lid for him to see. His eyes lit up.
"Cherumoran Kosowens?" He grinned.
"It's super hard to make well, but I waited until I had perfected it and got a seal of approval."
He looked up at me, surprised. "You made this?"
"All the food tonight, besides the candy, was made by yours truly," I said. He stared at everything all over again. "Do you like it? I didn't wnat to make it too girlie —"
"This is amazing." He reached up and touched one of the notes I'd written. "Wow. I'm very touched right now."
Thank God.
"Dear Gale —"
"Don't read it out loud!" I gasped, and he glanced down at me.
"Because it's... it's embarrassing?"
His eyebrow rose. "Your love is embarrassing?"
"I only want to do one super embarrassing thing right now."
"And that is?"
I made a face before I grabbed the guitar.
"You wrote me a love song?" He gasped, grinning wide.
"Stop looking at me like that! You are going to make me mess up." I bit my lip while sitting in place before him. "I tried doing the whole love letters thing. I didn't feel like they were as good as yours, so I decided to switch back to what I'm good at — music."
"Now I'm very excited," he mused, leaning back on the pillow to watch.
I rolled my eyes and focused on my fingers. "I'm not as good with this as the piano —"
"Encore!" he called out, pumping his fist in the air.
"I haven't even played yet!"
"Doesn't matter. I'm in love and I'm going to want more," he said.
Oh God... focus.
Trying to ignore him, I began to play, singing the first verse, "Before I met you I never knew, how bright the stars shine at night, I never knew how sunshine made every morning all right, how beautiful the world is when I wake up, and you are the very first thing in my sight..."
The thing about music for me was that once I got started... once I was into it... everything faded away and I could just melt into it. The song, the sound of the music... it felt like swimming in the current of memories... and all the memories of this song was of him. From the first time, I saw him, to us laughing together, teasing each other. It hadn't even been two whole years, and yet everything felt like... magic.
"Loving you is like magic, Gale —" Before I could finish the words, his lips were on mine, his hand cupping my face.
When we separated, he rested his forehead on mine, his eyes glazed over with lust. "I don't think I can handle much more right now... I want you too badly. Can I have you?"
"You already do," I replied, kissing him again.

So I’m a writer (duh that’s how you found me), movie enthusiast, and self-proclaimed chef. I love music even though I can’t sing or dance to save my life. (That doesn’t necessarily stop me but you’ve been warned.)
I started Ruthless People the summer of 2013 in hopes of giving myself a new type of love and crime drama. I never knew so many people thought like me! I feel truly blessed to have fans like you all! Writing is my true love and having you all enjoy my words is a dream come true.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamjjmcavoy
Instagram: http://instagram.com/jjmcavoy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JJMcAvoy

"I will not let you burn to keep me warm, but I will burn everything else so you can stay." - Gale

The Prince's Bride Part 2 by J.J. McAvoy
The Prince's Bride #2
Release - November 27, 2020
Genre - Contemporary Romance (royal, interracial)
Multiple POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 348 pages
Publisher - Indie
In book one, he was just a spoiled playboy prince whose family was in desperate need of money. Now everything has changed Odette Wyntor has a choice.
Stay or Run.
Royalty is not for the weak of heart.
Can they handle what is to come?
Find your own copy of The Prince's Bride Part 2 on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3fkFOXH
It's FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited!

Gale and Odette gave me everything I thought I needed and so much more...
👑 connection - even though, in the beginning, they were apart and Odette had doubts about where they stood, once they were in the same room, their spark was back! It was magical. They fell together as if no time had passed. Their love was so beautiful.
👑 drama - why was every bit of their angst and contention either adorable or hilarious?
👑 ease - weird right? They were navigating the monarchy, trying to find a way to be themselves and stay united, and there was such an easiness between them. It translated in a way that made me truly believe in their forever.
👑 authenticity - in ways that were so simple. It was so easy to relate to Odette's hair care regimen. Yup, I too wear a tie-head to bed!
While there was a bit of mayhem mixed in with their magic, I had no worries when it came to Gale and Odette. I fell in love with them. I fell in love with their story. And I know I'm going to fall in love with whatever comes next for them. I've already got their extended story downloaded and I can't wait to read it!!

So I’m a writer (duh that’s how you found me), movie enthusiast, and self-proclaimed chef. I love music even though I can’t sing or dance to save my life. (That doesn’t necessarily stop me but you’ve been warned.)
I started Ruthless People the summer of 2013 in hopes of giving myself a new type of love and crime drama. I never knew so many people thought like me! I feel truly blessed to have fans like you all! Writing is my true love and having you all enjoy my words is a dream come true.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamjjmcavoy
Instagram: http://instagram.com/jjmcavoy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JJMcAvoy

I'd never, not ever, thought I would have a thing for a felon.
But there I was, lusting after the man.

Doin' A Dime by Lani Lynn Vale
Standalone - Souls Chapel Revenants MC #4
Release - May 18, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/several descriptive scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 215 pages
Publisher - Indie
Live-in property & pet caretaker needed. Six-year minimum. Background check required. Generous compensation. Marriage of convenience required.
The moment that Wyett Villin read the ad on her local community’s page, she knew that it would be perfect. It didn’t matter how big the house was, what kinds of animals she had to take care of, or what the compensation was. She didn’t give a flip as long as it got her out of her childhood home and away from the person that she despised the most.
Only, she had no clue that by accepting the position, she would be agreeing to watch over the mini-mansion and two large dogs of Hunt McJimpsey, computer hacker extraordinaire, sexy nerd, and convicted felon of Souls Chapel, Texas.
She’d meant to make her life easier, not complicate it more.
Hunt McJimpsey was careful. He knew exactly what he was doing and practically planned every single step that he took to make sure that he always had his tracks covered.
But one single mistake costs him five years of his life, and if he’s going to go down for the crime, he might as well make it spectacular.
Three years into his prison sentence, he’s a changed man, and definitely not for the better.
He’s harder, angrier, and even more brilliant and conniving than before he went in.
He thinks that by keeping up with his dogs’ babysitter, his property caretaker, and reluctant wife, that he’s only doing his due diligence as a responsible person. Only, what starts out as curiosity for his property turns into genuine like for the woman that is caring for what means the most to him.
When an opportunity to get out of the hellhole known as prison arises and the only thing he has to do is join a motorcycle club and sign some of his free time away to help those less fortunate, he jumps at the chance.
Not only because he’s ready to get the hell out of prison, but because he’s ready to meet the woman that he’s been falling for, one visit a week, for the last three years.
Find your copy of Doin' A Dime here:
Amazon * iBooks * Nook * Kobo

Hunt McJimpsey was the perfect combination of alpha, sexy, nerdy, compassionate man. Wyett Villin was his soulmate in every sense. She had a huge heart. She was a survivor. She was sweet and beautiful. And their chemistry was intense.
Hunt may have been a felon, but in my opinion, at least when it comes to fictional males (can't be saying this and be a representative of the criminal justice system), he went to prison for all of the right reasons. A hacker extraordinaire, he was one of the good guys. Now that he works for Lynn, he's even more so.
Again, I fell in love with LLV's words and without giving away the plot, I hope I've convinced you to fall in love with these characters too. If you love love, romance and all the feels, this story is definitely the one for you!

★ I need a job that isn't too 'jobby.' Where I can do work that's not too 'worky.' - Wyett to Six
★ "I plan to take and retake all of your firsts. Everything. I'm gonna give you your first baby. I'm going to give you your first I love you. I'm going to give you your first house. Your first really big fight. Your first make-up. I'm going to retake any time I want, too. Because you're mine and I want to make sure you know it."

She knew he would have taken the bullet for her, with or without a vest. It both filled her heart with love and with colossal fear.

Material Witness by Lisa Mondello
Standalone - Heroes of Providence #1
Release - January 1, 2012
Genre - Romantic Suspense
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5/a couple of barely descriptive scenes
Format/Source - Amazon Kindle purchase
Length - 237 pages
Publisher - Indie
Bestselling crime novelist, Cassie Alvarez, aka Cassie Lang, had murder on her mind when she walked into Rory's Bar under dressed and under cover to research her latest crime novel. Researching the cool, blue-eyed and dashingly handsome man at the end of the bar stirred her senses more than she wanted to admit. But was this man of leather armor all he appeared to be?
Playing White Knight to an innocent wasn't how Detective Jake Santos planned to spend his time under cover. But there was no way "CJ" was what she claimed to be and that nagging tightness in Jake's chest told him he'd better take her home to safety and leave it at that. Then the barroom exploded with gunfire, leaving a trail of dead that includes a notorious Providence crime boss and an undercover FBI agent. When Cassie's name is leaked to the media as the only witness to the grisly murders, Cassie insists she only trusts Jake to protect her.
The FBI wants their star witness happy and will do anything to make sure Cassie testifies. But it is clear to Jake that the shooter isn't the only person who wants Cassie dead. Not knowing who to trust, he vows to protect Cassie at all cost despite the fact that guarding the beautiful novelist is a serious distraction.

Cassie was a woman who wrote crime fiction for a living and she was pretty good at it... if you chose to neglect the fact that it wasn't wholly accurate or that she naively put herself in dangerous situations in order to research whatever she was writing about. I found her to be a bit deluded when it came to real life as opposed to the fiction she wrote. Who goes into a mob-run bar to conduct research for a fiction novel? Seriously? At least Detective Jake Santos had a reason to be there, seeing as he was undercover. Anyway, her being there ties her whole life up in knots because she's a witness and someone doesn't want to leave her alive.
It was pretty obvious who some of the bad guys were, but I was still caught off guard. I enjoyed the way the story developed and the way the suspense brought the characters closer together. If someone recommended another book from this author for me to read, I'd definitely give it a go!

Stop delaying in tackling things that terrify you.
Because you never know.
The spoils might be sweet.

Dream Spinner by Kristen Ashley
Standalone - Dream Team #3
Release - May 25, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - Hattie/1st person & Axl/3rd person
Heat Level - 3.5 out of 5/a few scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the publisher
Length - 393 pages
Publisher - Forever
Hattie Yates has finally met the man of her dreams. Yet years of abuse from her demanding father have left her petrified of disappointment. She’s already failed to reach her goal of becoming a professional ballerina—she can’t handle the terrible consequences of another dream becoming a nightmare. But when a stalker sets their sights on Hattie, there’s only one man she dares to hope can help . . .
Axl Pantera knows Hattie is the only woman for him. Yet despite the attraction burning between them, Hattie refuses to let him in. The former soldier is determined to woo her into letting down her walls. And when danger comes calling, he’s up against more than her wary and bruised heart. Axl will do anything to prove to Hattie that they’re meant to be, but first, he’ll need to keep her safe.
Find your copy of Dream Spinner here:
Amazon * Nook * iBooks * Kobo

There's Hattie, who has suffered many years of abuse from her father, who has built up walls that allow her to deny herself her greatest wish, walls that do their best to keep Axl out. Then there's Axl, a man who has been through a lot. He has his own demons, he has a huge heart, he's compassionate and patient, he's bloody awesome!
I wasn't Hattie's biggest fan in the beginning, but I grew to like her as the story developed. Now Axl, I loved him from the start. Again, this is something I find with many of the KA books I've read. Love the hero, like the heroine, ecstatic over the journey to get to the end.
Dream Spinner gave me tons of feels, oodles of laughs, and a story I could really sink my teeth into. Whether you're an old hat like me or new to this author, this is definitely a book to fall in love with.

He stared down at me, unmoving.
I stared up at him, the same.
The air around us grew heavy.
And he was so gorgeous, saying such incredible things, not to mention right there, and I was touching him, I couldn't stop my lips from saying, "Shut up, shut up."
The words that came after that lingered in the air unsaid, but they were there.
Kiss me like you mean it.
And he heard them.
I knew he did when his arm sliced around me and my hand on his chest was forced up into his spiky hair because my body was plastered to his.
And his mouth was on mine.
He kissed me.
Axl kissed me.
And he did it like he meant it.
His other arm swept around me, and I came up on my toes, his head angling, mine tipping the other way. He held tight and I pressed deep and I tasted, and I took, and I gave, and I drank, and he plundered, and he sucked, and his tongue danced with mine and yes...
He kissed me like he meant it.
And I kissed him back the same way.

Kristen, born in Gary and raised in Brownsburg, Indiana, was a fourth-generation graduate of Purdue University. Since, she has lived in Denver, the West Country of England, and now she resides in Phoenix. She worked as a charity executive for eighteen years prior to beginning her independent publishing career. She currently writes full-time.

You can begin again anywhere you want to in life, but you can't recreate your past or the way it shaped you.

The Brave Line by Kate Stewart
Release - March 31, 2017
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Amazon Kindle purchase
Length - 290 pages
Publisher - KLS Press
She is a five foot seven long list of things he can’t have.
He is a determined cop, desperate to keep his heart sealed behind his badge.
Michelle is a survivor. With a fresh perspective on life, she trades her tragic past in California for the coastal waters of Charleston. Fueled by a new career as a dispatcher, she’s determined not to let her scars weigh her down. She apologizes for nothing, especially her insatiable need for a certain police officer.
Rowdy is a newly minted sergeant dedicated to his job, but the life of a Charleston police officer has never been more dangerous. With his need to take order of a city spiraling out of control, the last thing he wants is an entanglement with a mouthy dispatcher. But, there’s just one problem. He can’t get enough of her.
As the heat rises between the unlikely pair, so does the tension.
Three months of summer was all it took to shake their foundations, rattle their walls, and bring them crashing down.
It was lust.
It was love.
It was real.
And it would have been perfect . . . if it wasn't already over.
You can find your copy of The Brave Line on Amazon
It's FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited

While Rowdy's fears weirdly aggravated me, I understood them. He had lost someone close to him. He was still dealing with that loss and didn't want to put anyone through the pain he was going through. It was an honorable motive. It was also dumb. He was hurting himself and Michelle more than anything else. It took him a long while to finally see how wrong he was, but when he did... Damn! The author did a beautiful job of busting this man's heart wide open!!

Kate is a lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap. She dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity, and on occasion, does very well at whiskey.

Remember, trust no one. Pay attention to the details. Don't believe everything you hear. And watch your back.
A war is coming.
Which side will you choose?

Blood Seeker by Lexi C. Foss
Standalone - Immortal Curse #7
Release - October 24, 2020
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 / a couple of scenes
Format/Source - Amazon Kindle purchase
Length - 286 pages
Publisher - Ninja Newt Publishing, LLC
An unexpected connection led to a forbidden affair that ended in blood. Now Sethios will stop at nothing to find his mate, even if it means risking his life and love in the process.
Caro’s mind is fractured, her body destroyed, her heart broken. She thought he would come for her, save her, free her from this nightmare. But her hope flees with every wave, her soul teetering on the brink of madness.
Will Sethios arrive in time? Or will other powers intervene?
A new prophecy is rising… One that will threaten to destroy them all.
Amazon blurb:
Seraphim do not feel.Seraphim do not love.
Seraphim do not react.
Those are the rules every higher being lives by. And Caro broke them all for him.
Now she’s lost in a vacant sea, punished for the ultimate sin of choosing an abomination—a vampire—over her duty.
Sethios promised to come for her, to find her, to save her, but with each passing breath, her hope melts into despair.
Will he find her in time? Or will her mind shatter from the madness?
Welcome to the Immortal Curse world.
The High Council of Seraph will see you now...
Find your copy of Blood Seeker here:
Amazon * Nook * Kobo * Indigo * Audible

That is most definitely me!
Stas is still at the head of a prophecy. Sethios is now up-to-date on everything and is trying to figure out how to be a father to his daughter, who grew up without him. And Caro is somewhere they can't find her. When the family is finally reunited, it's beautiful and it's funny. But those super warm feelings I got when I watched them interact paled in comparison to all of the moving parts of this story.
★ the seraphim aren't as lovely as they seem
★ someone I always believed to be the 'bad guy' may not be as bad as he seemed
★ there is still so much more to know about what is to come
★ Vera... Vera... Vera
★ and it seems that Balthazar is getting his memory back - bound to be good times :)
I believe there is so much more to come and that this story is far from over. And as I impatiently wait for the next book...

I'll implore you to get started!
Check out the other books from this series:

She loved this man. This Sethios. This male who had shattered all her beliefs and had broken through the harshest of her resolves.
Caro clung to him, weeping, her time with him too short. The sacrifice they would make would change the future of the world. But what if they couldn’t come back from it?
She would never voice that fear, the knowledge of what was to come. Because her mother would find her when she failed to locate Astasiya. Caro would endure rehabilitation. And she would survive.
That was her purpose, her one secret, that she never gave up. With Sethios forever etched into her very soul, the council couldn’t separate them. They would try, and they would fail. She would return to him. Always.
“I love you,” he whispered to her, his lips a caress against her ear. “I will forever love you.”
“I love you, too,” she breathed. And this time it was her. Her voice. Her heart. Her body. Her soul. She’d fallen into the memory, enraptured and ensnared and never letting go.
His eyes burned into hers. “Come back to me, Caro.”
“I’m right here.”
“Come back to me, angel.”
She frowned. “I’m here.”
“I miss you.”
It didn’t make any sense. How could he miss her? He was holding her. A part of her. Only, everything began to blur, the memory slipping from her fingers and surrounding her in a cage of literal glass.
She frowned. Where am I?

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