My name is Natalie and I'm unapologetically addicted to reading.
I've been blogging since 2017 (seriously blogging since 2019) and have met some of the most amazing people in this community and I hope to meet even more.
I'm the single mom of three amazing girls, none of whom are the least bit interested in reading. Can you imagine? Thankfully, they put up with my book and bookish addiction, even if they don't understand it.
Five Facts About Me:
- While I've got a degree in Finance & Economics, and I have my own law practice, I've always wished I went to school for something that qualified me to be a librarian. My dream job *le sigh*
- I have very few hobbies, but I love playing on my Nintendo Switch and crocheting things for my family
- I haven't watched actual television in more than 12 years. I've been hooked on streaming services like Netflix, Prime, and now even Disney+ where I can binge a series to my hearts content. Who has time to wait for the next episode???
- I'm probably the most extroverted introvert you've ever met
- Reading is my jam, ever since I discovered Kaleidoscope by Danielle Steel when I was a kid
I'm always looking for romance recommendations so please feel free, ANY TIME, to reach out to me and give me one. I'm on social media, but I really suck at it, so I'm usually only there to find new books to read and like everyone's posts LOL.
If you're interested in what I'm doing on ACNH, check out my completed islands (through dream address):
* Paradise @ DA-4289-0434-2178
* Zion @ DA-5991-3052-0883
* Maplewood @ DA-7111-2838-9356
* Themyscira @ DA-8090-3201-4512
* Elysium @ DA-9705-6486-3934
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