Showing posts with label Monthly Recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monthly Recap. Show all posts

November 2022 Bookish Recap

December 04, 2022

Hello hello!

Yes, I'm late, as usual. Get used to it 🤣😂

November was actually a very decent reading month for me. I found some to love, some to not love, and some I couldn't finish. Here's what I was up to for the month...


Total Books Read: 23
Total Pages Read: 4639
DNFs or No Rating: 3
From my TBR: 16
Avg. Rating 3.11

All the Books

My favorite books of the month were:

The other books I still found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:

Brute Force, Machine, and Primal Urges by Lizzy Bequin
The Mermen Trilogy by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
The Kingdom Series by Marie Hall
The Darkest Half by J.A. Redmerski
Set by Alessa Thorn
Good Trouble by Lani Lynn Vale

Added to my tbr

Pretend by R.L. Mathewson
Gift of Dragons by Aja James
Totally Folked by Penny Reid

Book Haul

I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

October 2022 Bookish Recap

November 09, 2022

Hello hello!

I know this is late. I'm always late with these things and as many of you have noticed, I've been missing for the last couple of weeks. I had to take a mental health break. Sometimes, being online, communicating with people, posting stuff... it takes a toll. So I took a step back and now I'm here, better than before. I'm looking forward to finding and loving new posts, speaking with people, and reading again.

My October wasn't the best or worst. It was simply there. I can only hope November is better!


Total Books Read: 8
Total Pages Read: 2998
DNFs or No Rating: 0
From my TBR: 2
Avg. Rating: 3.83

All the books

I found three books to absolutely love!

The other books I still found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:

A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne
Risk On Ice by S.R. Grey
Devil of Dublin by B.B. Easton
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole
Witches Get Stitches by Juliette Cross

Added to my tbr

Book Haul

Aside from what I got from KU, I've bought nothing. Well, I did buy stuff, but I haven't received them in the mail yet. Can't wait to share them with you in the next recap post!

I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

September 2022 Bookish Recap

October 01, 2022

Hello hello! Welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading.

While I was able to knock a few books off of my to-read list, I read plenty of ARCs this month as well. Go me!

This wasn't the best reading month for me, but it wasn't too shabby either. From contemporary to paranormal, I found plenty of romance to fall in love with.

I hope that September treated you as well (or even better) as it has treated me and I wish you all the best for October!!


Total Books Read: 14
Total Pages Read: 4530
DNFs or No Rating: 0
From my TBR: 3
Avg. Rating: 3.39

All the Books

My favorite books of the month:

The other books I still found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:

Stolen by the Warlord by V.K. Ludwig
Never Trust the Living by Lani Lynn Vale
Beauty and the Villain by V.F. Mason
The Heart of a Villain by V.F. Mason
City of Souls by Mel Harding-Shaw

Added to my TBR

Sea of Roses by Opal Reyne
The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith
The Isle of Sin and Shadows by Keri Lake
Lost Boy by Ker Dukey

Book Haul

Challenged by Ryan Michele
The Lady by Golden Angel
Making Faces by Amy Harmon

I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

August 2022 Bookish Recap

September 03, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading.

Once again, I've made great strides in knocking books off of my TBR. Some are winners and some... not so much. But I'm enjoying the experience!

August was another great reading month for me. I've been able to read so much more this summer than I have for any other part of the year. I can only hope I can keep this up.

It's back-to-school prep time for me and my girls and being a single mother, trying to do it all, isn't easy. But it sure is fun! I'm not the only one who loves back-to-school shopping, right?!

I do hope that August treated you as well (or even better) as it has treated me and I wish you all the best for September!!


Total Books Read: 25
Total Pages Read: 5,699
DNFs or No Rating: 4
From my TBR: 21
Avg. Rating: 2.88

All the Books

My favorite book of the month:

The other books I still found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:

Badd to the Bone by Jasinda Wilder
Unintended by Georgia Cates
Ares by Penny Dee
Strange and Unusual by Lani Lynn Vale
It's Not Over by Kaylee Ryan & Lacey Black
Call of Water by Marina Simcoe

Added to my tbr

Wicked Little Sins by A.R. Breck
Stolen by the Warlord by V.K. Ludwig
Requiem by Callie Hart
Killian the Assassin by Wendy L Anderson
Madness of the Moon by Marina Simcoe

Book Haul

Call of Water by Marina Simcoe
Stolen by the Warlord by V.K. Ludwig

I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

July 2022 Bookish Recap

August 03, 2022

July 2022 Romance Book Recap

Hello everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading.

I've actually made great strides in knocking some books off of my Kindle TBR. I'm not the only one who has numerous to-read lists, am I?

So yeah, most of the books I've read this month are oldies (mostly goodies) that I finally got to, way after their release dates. Better late than never, right?

I'd say that July was an incredible reading month for me. I found not one, not two, but three 5-star worthy reads. I call that something amazing!!

I do hope that your July treated you as well (or even better) as it has treated me and I wish you all the best for August!!


Total Books Read: 33
Total Pages Read: 10,042
DNFs or No Rating: 10
From my TBR: 28
Avg. Rating: 3.13

All the Books

My favorite books of the month were:

The other books I still found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:
I'm With You by Bijou Hunter
Drowning to Breathe by A.L. Jackson
Fatal Affair by Marie Force
Feyness by E.S. Carter
Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas
Dark Sexy Knight by Katy Regnery
Badd Motherf*cker by Jasinda Wilder
Badd Ass by Jasinda Wilder

Added to my tbr

* A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows by Holly Renee
* The Shadow Princess by Sawyer Bennett
Book Haul

Nothing, which is a great thing kinda. I do want to read some of the new releases so hopefully I'll find more of a balance for August.

I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

June 2022 Bookish Recap

July 01, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading.

I haven't done one of these in a couple of months and while I feel bad, I'm ok with that. I'm here now and I hope to continue to do these consistently from now on.

June was a great reading month for me. I found not only one, but two five star reads and I cannot complain.

I do hope that your June has treated you as well (or even better) as it has treated me and I wish you all the best for July!!

Here's what my June looked like:
Total Books Read: 11
Total Pages Read: 3171
DNFs: 2
From my TBR: 2
Avg. Rating: 3.3

All the Books

My favorite books of the month were:

The other books I found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:
A Cold Dark Place by Toni Anderson
Cold Pursuit by Toni Anderson
Remedy Maker by Sheri Fredricks
Nancy and the Naga by Honey Phillips
The Ones Left Behind by Ari Reavis
King of Flesh & Bone by Liv Zander

Added to my tbr

I've added nothing and I think that's actually a good thing. I'm still trying to whittle down my TBR one book at a time.

Book Haul

Again nothing and that's awesome. I'm trying to stick to reading the paperbacks on my shelves and the ebooks on my kindle. Wish me luck!

What are you looking forward to next month? I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

March 2022 Bookish Recap

April 03, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading (and otherwise).

I think my book slump days are finally over. At least for now. I cannot begin to tell you how freaking happy I am about it. If you've been there, you know what it is. And if you haven't, I hope you never do.

I found a new-to-me author, which definitely helped get me out of my whole, and I'm making my way through one of their series. So those books will appear in April as well :)

I do hope that your March has treated you as well (or even better) as it has treated me!

Here's what my March looked like:
Total Books Read: 15
Total Pages Read: 4229
DNFs: 2
From my TBR: 7
Avg. Rating: 3.4

All the Books

My favorite books of the month were:

The other books I found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:
God of Wine by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Make Me Your Villain by Lani Lynn Vale
Savage Prince by Alison Aimes
Unbroken II by Aaron L. Speer
Asterion by Alessa Thorn
Medusa by Alessa Thorn

Added to my TBR

Nothing. Still not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but I'm looking at the positive — at least my TBR ain't growing!

Book Haul

Nothing. No news to see here people. I've been taking advantage of my KU subscription, reading what's already on my kindle, and wearing out my digital library borrows.

Please keep me in your positive thoughts. One month of steady reading doesn't mean my slump days are over. *fingers crossed*

What are you looking forward to next month? I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

February 2022 Bookish Recap

March 05, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading (and otherwise).

I've got to admit, I'm suffering through a major reading slump. It's put me in such a funk that I've been neglectful in reaching out and supporting fellow bloggers and readers. I've been avoiding the internet, social media, Goodreads, etc. I thought it would help, but it hasn't. So you'll be seeing me all over your stuff shortly.

I'm feeling so blah about reading and I'm hoping that if I pick up something by one of my favorite authors, perhaps something from their backlist, my funk will disappear. I'll be crossing my fingers and toes. Share a quick, positive thought into the atmosphere for me, will you?

Here's what my February looked like:

Total Books Read: 6

Total Pages Read: 1912

DNFs: 0

From my TBR: 3

Avg. Rating: 4.17

All the Books

My favorite book of the month was:

The other books I found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:
Anna and the Alien by Honey Phillips
You Can Run by Rebecca Zanetti
Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden
Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Tommaso by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Book Haul

Nothing. See what I'm saying? Worst. Slump. Ever!

Added to my tbr

Nothing. Again. The. Worst!

Again, please think positive thoughts for me. PLEASE!!

What are you looking forward to next month? I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

January 2022 Bookish Recap

February 05, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading (and otherwise). Happy New Year and I hope it's been a happy and safe one for you so far.

I'm still suffering from reader's block (is that a thing?) and reading whatever I choose, however I choose. It's still working for me and I'm of the mind that what ain't broke shouldn't be fixed.

January turned out to be an interesting reading month for me. I got to tackle my TBR and I even dedicated some time to ARCs. How awesome is that?

So here's what January looked like for me book-wise:
Total Books Read: 13
Total Pages Read: 4396
DNFs: 1
From my TBR: 10
Avg. Rating: 3.7

All the Books

My favorite books of the month were...

The other books I found worthwhile (and would recommend) were:
Archangel's Consort by Nalini Singh
Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole
Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost
Always Someone's Monster by Lani Lynn Vale
The Mastermind by Dylan Allen

Book Haul

* Taste: an anthology - ebook
* Imperfect by Ari Reavis - paperback
* Just Fake It by Ari Reavis - paperback
* Remember Ramsey by Cynthia Eden - paperback

Added to my TBR

Infernium by Keri Lake

I did amazing this month and I can only hope February is just as good!

What are you looking forward to next month? I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

October 2021 Bookish Recap

November 01, 2021

Hey everyone and welcome to another recap of whatever the heck I'm reading! October is done and my family and I experienced the weirdest Halloween yet. No trick-or-treating, no costumes, plenty of treats :)

Once again, I spent the month reading whatever I wanted. Whether it was ARCs I couldn't help but request or accept, books I bought, borrowed or received, I had a blast reading. It was such a great month for me. While I didn't read many books, what I did get through, I loved!

So here's what October looked like for me book-wise:

Total Books read: 9

Total Pages read: 3281

DNFs: 0

From my TBR: 2

Avg rating: 3.89 stars

All the Books

My favorite book of the month was...

However, the other books I read were also awesome, which were...
Chalk Dirty to Me by Lani Lynn Vale
Scarred by Ari Reavis
Marked for Seduction by S.J. Rowe
A Shadow in the Reaping by Brynne Weaver
To Kiss a Demon by Stephanie Rowe
Darkness Awakened by Stephanie Rowe
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
Dream Keeper by Kristen Ashley

Book Haul

I think this was the first time I didn't break the bank buying books in a month!

One book! I'm so proud of myself!!

Added to my tbr

And here's where things get interesting. I added a total of ZERO books to my tbr. What?!

What are you looking forward to for November? I hope it's as incredible as we deserve it to be!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

September 2021 Bookish Recap

October 05, 2021

Hello again! Can you believe we've already made it through September? Seriously, how is time moving so quickly right now?!

Again, I spent this month reading quality over quantity. Actually, I've read a ton of ARCs, which is so freaking cool because it's been a while since I've gotten any of those.

So here's what my September was all about book-wise:

Best Books

I got to read some amazing books, several of which were worthy of all the stars, however, the ones I loved most...

And yet, all of the books I read were great (some absolutely awesome) and they were...

Pure Requiem by Aja James
Jerk It by Lani Lynn Vale
Pure Destiny by Aja James
Inmate of the Month by Lani Lynn Vale
Dirty Gambit by Airicka Phoenix
Saving Silver by Xavier Neal
Coldhearted Bastard by Jenika Snow
Immortal's Honor by Rebecca Zanetti
The Killer's Vow by Aria R. Blue
The Boss by Melanie Moreland

Book Haul

No physical copies this month, but I did indulge in some of the ebook deals I shared on my blog. All books were $2 or less!

I also got the Fall in Love book bundle that had a limited time release.

Added to my tbr

Now here is where things start getting interesting. One of my goals this year was to read more of the books on my reading list and to resist adding too many more. I'm failing people!! At least, I failed this month. Who knows when I'll ever get to read these, but authors need to slow the heck down so I can read all of the books!!

Reading Stats

I read a total of 3756 pages across 13 books AND all of the books ended up being ones I'd recommend. I actually requested or was approached for ARCs, which made for a welcome change this month. So here's how I did:

What Else?

Absolutely nothing. I'm still trying to find the energy to post consistently. I'd like to get back to doing the Top Ten Tuesday posts (I really miss that community). And I'd love to try another reading challenge. Or I might just keep doing whatever it is I am (or am not) doing right now. Maybe I'll surprise you.

What are you looking forward to for October? I hope it's as incredible as we deserve it to be!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie