ARC Review: ALPHA'S DESIRE by Renee Rose & Lee Savino

March 30, 2018

Alpha's Desire by Renee Rose and Lee Savino
She’s the one girl I can’t have. A human.

I’m a player, but there’s one girl I can’t have.
The redhead who lights up the club every Saturday night. I want to pull her into the storeroom and claim her, but it wouldn’t be right.
She’s too pure. Too fresh. Too passionate.
Too human.

When she learns my secret, my alpha orders me to wipe her memories.
But I won’t do it.
Still, I’m not mate material--I can’t mark her and bring her into the pack.
What in the hell am I going to do with her?

Get this shifter romance today!
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ARC Review: DEMONS by J.L. Drake

March 29, 2018

Demons by J.L. Drake

I thought the light would bring redemption.


But it only brought the Devil to my doorstep.

My demons are breaking through, and the reaper is moving closer.

My weakness has been exposed, and there’s only one person who can calm this hell…


I broke a promise to myself, and now I’m paying for it.

I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be a part of this hell.

But I don’t have a choice…

The reaper is riding bitch on our backs.

This is Book 2 in the Devil’s Reach trilogy, and it ends with a cliffhanger. Intended for readers 18 or older. May contain…triggers.


March 28, 2018

Our Unscripted Story by LA Fiore
Greyson Ratcliffe. I met him at sixteen, the hot new guy sitting on my jetty, an aspiring artist just passing through. He was my first kiss and my first love. I wanted forever with him. I didn’t even get a year.

Five years later, I’m a budding writer who scripts stories of love and struggle, the good and the bad and the ups and the downs. He’s a star on the rise; his wicked talent and crazy good looks have his face plastered on countless magazines. We move in two different worlds and still our paths cross again. We’re older and wiser and as crazy about each other as we had been as teenagers.

My medium is words and my imagination is limitless, but not even I could have written the incredible journey we traveled to our happily-ever-after. Life isn't like fiction, and the greatest love stories don’t follow a script.

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ARC Review: DEVILS & RYE by Alta Hensley

March 26, 2018

Devils and Rye by Alta Hensley
Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

It had been years since I had seen her.
Years since I last saw those eyes with pure, raw innocence.
So much time had passed since I lusted after what I knew I should resist.

But she was so right.
And I was so wrong.

To claim her as mine was breaking the rules. Boundaries should not be broken. But temptation weakens my resolve.
With the pull of my dark desires...
I know that I can't hide from my sinful thoughts—and actions—forever.

Take a sip of this top-shelf cocktail!

ARC Review: TRANSCEND by Jewel E. Ann

March 25, 2018

Transcend by Jewel E. Ann
“In another life, she was my forever.”

An unexpected tragedy leaves Professor Nathaniel Hunt a widower alone with a newborn baby.

He hires a nanny. She’s young, but well-qualified, with a simple life, a crazy name obsession, and a boyfriend she met at the grocery store.

Over time, he discovers she knows things about him—things that happened before she was born—like a hidden scar on his head, his favorite pizza, and how he cheated on a high school Spanish test.

She speaks familiar words and shares haunting memories that take him back to over two decades earlier when he lost his best friend in a tragic accident.

“I’m afraid of what’s going to happen when you realize I’m not her.”

Transcend is a sexy, mind-bending journey that uncovers possibilities, challenges beliefs, and begets the age-old question: is there life after death?

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March 23, 2018

Marriage of Inconvenience by Penny Reid
There are three things you need to know about Kat Tanner (aka Kathleen Tyson. . . and yes, she is *that* Kathleen Tyson): 1) She’s determined to make good decisions, 2) She must get married ASAP, and 3) She knows how to knit.
Being a billionaire heiress isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it sucks. Determined to live a quiet life, Kat Tanner changed her identity years ago and eschewed her family’s legacy. But now, Kat’s silver spoon past has finally caught up with her, and so have her youthful mistakes. To avoid imminent disaster, she must marry immediately; it is essential that the person she chooses have no romantic feelings for her whatsoever and be completely trustworthy.
Fortunately, she knows exactly who to ask. Dan O’Malley checks all the boxes: single, romantically indifferent to her, completely trustworthy. Sure, she might have a wee little crush on Dan the Security Man, but with clear rules, expectations, and a legally binding contract, Kat is certain she can make it through this debacle with her sanity—and heart—all in one piece.
Except, what happens when Dan O’Malley isn’t as indifferent—or as trustworthy—as she thought?

Get this awesome romcom today!

ARC Review: FREED by Elena M. Reyes & N. Isabelle Blanco

March 21, 2018

Freed by Elena M Reyes & N Isabelle Blanco
They wanted this.
To strip us of our humanity. Devolve us back to our most basic forms.
They used our love for each other as the trigger.
Now, they’ve succeeded. They’ve turned us into something else.
Into creatures willing to spill all their blood, end-all their lives, in the hopes of finally being freed.
Even if we die in our attempt to escape, Noah and I are determined to take as many of them down with us as we can.
Before it’s all over, we will all bleed for their sins.
All of us.

WARNING: This story isn't for everyone. Please read with caution. Contains graphic violence and explicit situations some might find disturbing. Read at your own risk.

Find it here:

ARC Review: REBEL by R.R. Banks

March 20, 2018

Rebel by RR Banks
Savage rival. Hardened Marine. Ruthless hero.

I can have any woman I want,
Except Bree.
She's untouchable. My enemy's daughter.
But I wanted her the moment I saw her.
Her full breasts. Her curvy hips.
I’m addicted to her taste.
She submitted to me eight years ago.
But I f*cked up.
Now I'm back. She hates me.
She has a son now and I’m damn sure he’s mine.
A century-old feud kept her from me in the past.
Now nothing will stop me from having all of her.
She may be the enemy’s daughter, but I’ll risk it all for my family.
This war is going to leave someone dead,
And I swear it won't be Bree.

Will we make it down the aisle or will this feud destroy us all?

ARC Review: HIT GIRL by Tia Louise

Hit Girl by Tia Louise
My finest trick?
Making you think I’ve forgotten...

Names on a list.
Faces in a crowd.
One little girl.

He told me to get over it, let it go.
I can't do that.
I want them to pay.


(A STAND-ALONE, second-chance romance.)

ARC Review: SINNER by Sierra Simone

March 19, 2018

Sinner by Sierra Simone
I’m not a good man, and I’ve never pretended to be. I don’t believe in goodness or God or any happy ending that isn’t paid for in advance.

What do I believe in? Money. Sex. Macallan 18.

They have words for men like me—playboy. Womanizer. Skirt chaser.

My brother used to be a priest, and he only has one word for me.


One-click this delicious taboo read!

Review: TRIGGER by J.L. Drake

Trigger by J.L. Drake
***This book ends with a small cliffhanger. Intended for 18+. May contain Triggers.***

I was raised by the Devil himself.

Formed into a man who was unreachable.

I went from the boy with bruises to the man with a trigger.

Killing is the only thing that calms the itch.

The demons inside were a constant battle…

…until she changed everything.

Problem is when you spend most of your time in the dark, is it smart to step into the light?

ARC Review: TWO WEDDING CRASHERS by Meghan Quinn

March 17, 2018

Two Wedding Crashers by Meghan Quinn
I don’t know what love is anymore.

Well, that’s not entirely true, but I’m going to tell you a little secret: I’ve lost the spark.

You know the kind of spark I’m talking about?

Where butterflies take flight in your stomach from two hands innocently colliding. Or catching your breath when you first meet someone attractive. Yeah, that spark.

Except I haven't felt that feeling in forever; there is nothing left inside of me.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem--but I’m a writer on a serious deadline, and my editor is breathing down my neck for a romantic, Nicholas Sparks type love story. No pressure, right?

That's how I find myself flying across the country to crash a wedding in the name of research, dress and heels stuffed into my small suitcase.

It should be the easiest book research ever. Drinking some free champagne, basking in the love of two strangers, and tapping into my romantic side. That will be a breeze. I'm a pro. I can handle this.

Until I mistakenly end up in the wrong hotel room, naked as the day I was born, with the sexiest human I have ever met staring me down, wondering what I'm doing taking a shower in his bathroom. I don't think calling it research will get me out of this pickle.

But it will make for one hell of a story....

ARC Review: FIVE FIGHTS by Belle Brooks

Five Fights by Belle Brooks
“There’s no better wolf than a dead one.”

This is the end.

The sound of cars makes my heart beat faster. The sight of a bitumen road gives me hope. The faces of my family waiting for me are all I can see as I battle to survive.

I can’t look back.

I can’t cry out.

Fight, Morgan.

He is the Wolf, and I’m the thirteenth woman he has called his Red. This is his last chance to scratch my name from the list of bitches who’ve wronged him.

Will he claim my life?

“I’m coming for you, Red. It’s time to die. – The Wolf

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Start the series today (currently free)!

ARC Review: OUTCAST by Jamie Schlosser

March 15, 2018

Outcast by Jamie Schlosser
My infatuation with Ezra Johnson started how all obsessions begin—with a simple crush. Over the years I silently soaked up every shy smile and random act of kindness, wrestling them away to a secret place in my heart meant for unrequited love.
Because if it wasn’t for the fact that I tutor him once a week, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even know I exist.
Then I find his sketchbook.
And it changes everything.

There are two certainties in my life: I’ve been in love with Kayla Reynolds since I was fourteen, and I can’t have her.
I’ve spent years settling for a two-dimensional fantasy world, capturing her beauty with a pencil and paper. She’s kind, smart, gorgeous…
And she belongs to someone else.
Or so I thought.
An interesting turn of events makes me realize things aren’t always how they appear on the outside, and now I’ve got my chance to be the man she deserves.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been called a loser. The cripple. An outcast.
But maybe—just maybe—this time the good guy won’t finish last.

Although OUTCAST is the fourth book in the Good Guys series, it can be enjoyed as a standalone. Due to language and sexual content, this book is intended for readers 18 and older.

ARC Review: BREAKAWAY by A.M. Johnson

March 14, 2018

Breakaway by AM Johnson
As Tampa Bay's star center, Mark Carmelo's life was hockey, and after a bitter and public break up, all he wanted to do was focus on the game.
Until he saw her.
The one that got away.
The one he thought he'd never see again.

For thirteen years, Stevie West drowned in her lackluster life. Recently divorced from her “roommate” with passionless benefits, she was ready to start over. On her own.
Until she ran into him.
The same man she'd met one year ago.
The temptation that had finally given her the courage to find herself again.

When lightning strikes twice, there’s no way to deny the chemistry it creates.
But with both of them still nursing old wounds, Mark and Stevie will have to find a way around the other's defenses, a way to breakaway and score the one thing they never expected… love.

Review: DROPOUT by Jamie Schlosser

Dropout by Jamie Schlosser
Over the past year, I’ve been called a lot of things. Slacker. Troublemaker. Party animal.
I thought I was on top of the world. Turns out, I was pretty close to rock bottom.
Now I have a new title: college dropout.
Talk about a reality check.
But I’ve got a chance to redeem myself. One summer to turn things around. Two months to prove I’m not a complete f*ck-up.
It’s time to change.
I want to get back to being one of the good guys.

I have everything I need to live out my dream of being a reclusive songwriter—my guitar, my notebook, and blissful silence.
At least, I did until Jimmy moved in next door.
With tattoos, piercings, and mischievous green eyes, he’s got bad news written all over him. And last time I got with a bad boy, it ended horribly.
Jimmy makes me feel things I shouldn’t feel. Want things I shouldn’t want. He’s a hazard to my carefully laid plans.
But he’s only here for two months.
I can resist him...right?

ARC Review: PACK MASTER by Aaron L Speer

March 13, 2018

Pack Master by Aaron L. Speer
Alexandra Hensley awakens to a world she doesnt recognise. The city is covered in eternal night and nothing makes sense. As she desperately tries to piece the last few days together, a well funded and armed government sect emerges out of hiding, with great knowledge of the supernatural in Sydney.
Are they friend or foe?

In England, Alicia Slade is faced with a daring situation. Let her infant grandson be used as a pawn for a tyrants plans of domination. Or enter civil war to retrieve him. For her, the choice is already made. For her potential allies, the choice isnt so simple. Alicia just may have to face insurmountable odds alone. But maybe, just maybe. Help from an unknown source might not be far away. But will it be enough to defeat an entire army?

Review: DANCER by Jamie Schlosser

Dancer by Jamie Schlosser
Technically, I’m not a stripper. As a cage dancer, I don’t take all my clothes off and no one gets to touch me. I’m just the eye candy.
And I can feel their eyes on me. I know they’re watching, but I don’t do this for them.
This is my time.
My life may not have turned out the way I thought it would, but I’m not complaining. From 9pm to 1am several days a week I get paid to feel sexy, to feel desired, to do what I love.
I always knew I wanted to be a dancer—I just didn’t realize I’d be doing it in a cage.

Erectile dysfunction—two words that can cause a collective cringe from men everywhere. The doctors can call it ‘performance anxiety’ all they want, but that’s just a fancy way of saying my dick doesn’t work.
Just when I start to think there’s no hope for me, I see her. She’s gorgeous, sexy, and goofy as f*ck. She also looks really familiar but I can’t put my finger on it.
When I find out who she really is, my world is turned upside down and everything seems to fall into place.
She’s not gonna make it easy for me, but I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge. She’s convinced I won’t stick around.
I’ll prove her wrong.
I’ll show her I’m one of the good guys.

Get it today!


My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you read Trucker, you know that Colton is having some problems downstairs - erectile dysfunction. How does that happen to a guy as young as he is? He’s got performance anxiety and it’s messing with his head and his emotions. He feels there’s no hope. He might as well start taking that little blue pill, right? But then he sees her. The most beautiful girl he’s ever seen is dancing in a cage. And something other than his attention starts to perk up. Desperate to know this girl, to explore this unexplainable connection, he starts haunting her workplace. And then realizes that something about her is strangely familiar. Brielle doesn’t suffer the same confusion. She knows exactly who Colton is. The boy she used to know. The boy she used to love. Now these two are getting another chance at love, but can Colton break down her walls and convince her that he’s her forever?

Dancer was just as sweet, if not sweeter, than I expected. Colton was a real upstanding man that any girl would be lucky to have in her corner. He wanted to stand by Brielle through every moment of her life, to support her and to love her. This best friends to lovers romance was cute, sexy and heart warming. I love it when the good guy doesn’t finish last ;)

Release: 12.06.2016 | Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance | POV: Dual - 1st person | Heat: 3.5 | Standalone - The Good Guys #2 with character crossover

Review: TRUCKER by Jamie Schlosser

I know what you're whispering in the car as you pass me by.
When you see me walking along the side of the road with my thumb out, you'll probably keep driving without giving me a second glance. You probably think I'm foolish. Naïve.
You might assume I've made some bad decisions.
You might think I'm too young to be on my own.
You might be right.

I love my job, but driving an eighteen-wheeler comes with a certain stereotype. When you hear I’m a trucker, a specific image might come to mind. Uneducated. Dirty. Perverted. Rough around the edges and a little bit dangerous.
But the truth is, I’m not any of those things. In fact, I’m pretty far from it.
You’d be surprised to find out I’m one of the good guys.

Get it today!

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My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This new-to-me author gave me a real feel good book. I loved it. If I didn’t already know that good guys exist (though they do seem to be rare, right?), this book would be enough to convince me. Travis was just so freaking sweet. He was honest, endearing, wasn’t afraid of being vulnerable, oh and bonus… he was a virgin. I think it worked well with the cute as all heck heroine, Angel, who was also a virgin. Her life wasn’t so easy and hitch hiking wasn’t the smartest decision she ever made, but it did lead her to her happily ever after, so I’m not really complaining ;)

As sweet as this story was it did have a little bit of drama. An ex who wasn’t really ever an ex liked to stir the pot and caused some trouble for our young lovers. You know the one, the girl who wanted the guy who never really wanted her and then he meets the girl he wants and the stalker girl doesn’t like it. Luckily their newfound love was strong enough to endure her immaturity. With a complete cast of incredible side characters that I can’t wait to really meet, this was a cute yet steamy romance with a little kick to it. Now I’m off to read Colton’s story and find out more about his impotence!

Release: 07.18.2016 | Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance | POV: Dual - 1st person | Heat: 3 | Standalone - The Good Guys #1

ARC Review: HERO by Lauren Rowe

March 12, 2018

Hero by Lauren Rowe
The first time I laid eyes on Lydia Decker, I couldn’t speak. Or breathe. Or string two coherent thoughts together.

And I don’t mean any of that figuratively.

I’m not talking about a guy being floored by the sight of a gorgeous woman—although, of course, Lydia is gorgeous beyond words.

No, when I first laid eyes on Lydia Decker—my physical therapist—I was lying flat on my back in the ICU, high as a kite on painkillers, breathing on a ventilator, my bones as broken and splintered as my spirit.

When I first laid eyes on Lydia Decker, she was a ray of light in the dark. Hope for the hopeless. A salve for my singed and battered soul.

She said she’d been assigned to fix me. That she was there to bring me back to life. She said helping me was her calling.

And then she touched me. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. She healed me.

And I fell in love.

But what I didn’t know... what I couldn’t possibly know... was that Lydia Decker needed fixing far more than I ever did.

ARC Review: LOYALTY by Bethany-Kris

March 11, 2018

Loyalty by Bethany-Kris
Fresh out of prison after serving a three-year sentence, Johnathan Marcello wants to get back to normal business as a mafia capo. The rules set out for him are clear—keep out of trouble, maintain a low profile, and stay stable. But stability is a delicate balance for a man like John, and shaky ground is only a single step away.

A chance encounter with a blue-eyed woman might just change his whole world.

Siena Calabrese’s life revolves around cooking numbers, and scrubbing books clean. After all, a girl is only useful to men in the mafia, if she isn’t totally useless. As long as she does what they want, then she can maintain the illusion of freedom. But illusions are only delusions in the grand scheme of her life, and reality is far more dangerous.

A man with secrets might just be the one thing she didn’t know she needed.

In this life, family is everything. Or, that’s how it should be.


Mix it all together, and it makes for a volatile city.

A war is coming.

ARC Review: RENNER'S RULES by K. Webster

March 10, 2018

Renner's Rules by K Webster
I’m a bad girl.
I was sent away.
New house. New rules. New school.
Change was supposed to be…good.

Until I met him.

No one warned me Principal Renner would be so hot.
I’d expected some old, graying man in a brown suit.
Not this.
Not well over six feet of lean muscle and piercing green eyes.
Not a rugged-faced, ax-wielding lumberjack of a man.

He’s grouchy and rude and likes to boss me around.
I find myself getting in trouble just so he’ll punish me.
Especially with his favorite metal ruler.

Being bad never felt so good.

ARC Review: WHEN SINNERS KNEEL by R. Scarlett

When Sinners Kneel by R. Scarlett
Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.

Lex Harvey came to The Pit to find her missing friend. Someone who fights there must have the answers she’s seeking. Instead, she found him. The damage inside her matches the darkness inside him. She’s only eighteen, but the feelings she has for him are as old as time.

Beau Knight should have ruled New York. Falling in love was the beginning of his end. He watched her die and he lost his heart. Now, The Pit is his heaven and his hell. The only place he can be himself.

They’re both beyond fixing. Addicts, with desires humans couldn’t understand.

A soulless man and a souleating girl.

How do you find redemption from your demons when you are one?

One-click this PNR today for ONLY 99c!!

ARC Review: LAW & BEARD by Lani Lynn Vale

March 08, 2018

Law and Beard by Lani Lynn Vale
Winnie thinks she has the perfect life.
Two beautiful, healthy children. A police officer husband. A job that she loves. Oh, and let’s not forget that she’s a nationally ranked marathon runner.

Fast forward six months, and her perfect life has imploded.

Winnie finds herself in a completely new world, and this new world is a brutal bitch.

In this new life of hers, her husband is gone. He realizes, at the worst possible time, that he’s no longer in love with her. He’s in love with her best friend. So he leaves, and doesn’t look back.

Her sixteen-year-old daughter is in trouble with the law, and she’s barely making ends meet thanks to losing the job that was keeping her and her tiny family afloat.

Then, the last thing that could make it all bearable, her running, is ripped out from under her, too. Thanks to a spinal stroke that leaves her unable to walk, let alone run, she’s having to relearn how to do the simplest of tasks—such as putting on her own pants.

She’s at the lowest of lows, and the last thing she wants is a sexy, bearded, motorcycle riding alpha to tell her how to live her life.

But Steel Cross never asks her what she wants.


ARC Review: VLAD by Ker Dukey & K. Webster

March 07, 2018

Vlad by Ker Dukey and K Webster
The Vasiliev name is a powerful one.
We rule with an iron fist and we do it well.
Being the eldest, I am Father’s best hope at keeping us at the top of the food chain.

Everything I do has purpose.
Everything I do has reason.
Until her.

I play my games thinking several moves ahead.
Power. Power. Power.
Until her.

The next move requires I marry and soon.
This will strengthen us and secure our position.
But I am not to marry her.

I am to wed the eldest Volkov.
Problem is, her younger sister is the one who awakens my dead heart.
It is her I want in my bed and by my side forever.
Her. Her. Her.

In this game, though, it’s not about what I want.
But maybe it can be about what she wants.

I am Vlad.
Vile. Vicious. Villainous. Vasiliev.
And I will win eventually.

ARC Review: DARK GLITTER by C.M. Stunich & Tate James

March 06, 2018

Ciarah O’Rourke was born into torture.
A human spirit reincarnated in the body of an ancient fae goddess, she’s spent the last five years in iron shackles, her mind poisoned with magic for secrets she doesn’t know.

Waking up in a dirty alley with no memory of her escape, Ciarah finds herself in the hands of The Wild Hunt Motorcycle Club--a ruthless and violent group of bikers with faerie blood in their veins.

Arlo. Reece. Killian.
Three men drenched in death, sin, and old magic.
From their clubhouse in the middle of the Louisiana bayou, they’ll offer Ciarah the keys to unlock her memories and control the veil between worlds. But even her knights can’t erase the twisted scars that remind her they aren’t the only ones who hunt.

When The Wild Hunt rides, the souls of the dead join their parade.
All that’s missing now is their queen.

Get it today!

FREE with Kindle Unlimited

ARC Review: LONER by Janine Infante Bosco

March 04, 2018

Loner by Janine Infante Bosco
A man who can’t visualize his future will always revert to his past.
To where he came from and all the ways he failed.
The murder and mayhem that changed his life and darkened his soul.
The legacy of who he is will burn through his veins and ominously guide him to hell.
A place where he pays not only for his sins but the sins of his father as well.
A hustler by nature, a loner by choice, I am the spawn of Satan.
I am Lincoln Brandt and I am the son of Cain.

Reckless and rebellious, I’ve spent most of my life running away from one mistake only to chase another.
At the end of my rope with nowhere left to turn, I’m about to make the biggest one of all.
Face to face with the bastard who broke me, I lay it all on the line for him.
My heart and my life.
Heaven is overrated and the ride to Hell doesn’t have to be lonely.
The stakes are high.
The risk great.
It’s do or die.
Together we’ll ride.
Forever we’ll burn.

Review: CONSEQUENCE by Rachel Higginson

March 02, 2018

Consequence by Rachel Higginson
Consequence, the conclusion to Sayer and Caroline’s epic love story

Five years ago, I escaped a dangerous life I had always wanted to leave. I got away. I found freedom. But it cost me the love of my life.

For five years I lived in hiding, protecting my most valuable secret while Sayer Wesley sat in prison paying for both our sins. I promised to love him forever. I promised to never leave him.

I broke my promises.

Five months ago Sayer found me.

Five weeks ago, I was forced to face my past.

Five days ago, someone took my daughter. They kidnapped her in order to make Sayer and me suffer. I will do anything to get her back. Even if that means coming clean to Sayer, letting him into my life and introducing him to our daughter.

All I wanted was to protect her from this life and now she’s right in the middle of the chaos. Sayer is the only one that can help me. He’s the only one that can get her back.

But it might mean losing him again.

Fifteen years ago, I fell in love with Sayer Wesley. Now I must pay the consequences for falling in love with a con man.

Review: CONSTANT by Rachel Higginson

Constant by Rachel Higginson
Fifteen years ago I met Sayer Wesley. I fell in love with him. I promised I would never leave him. I swore nothing could break us apart.

Five years ago I broke my promise. I ran away. I took the one secret that could destroy us both and disappeared.

Five days ago I thought I saw him.

I knew it was impossible. Sayer was locked away, serving a deserved sentence in federal prison. He couldn’t find me.

He wouldn’t find me. I was too good at hiding. Too good at surviving.

Because if Sayer ever found me, there would be hell to pay for a plethora of sins. The worst of which, he didn’t even know about.

Five hours ago, I told myself I was crazy.

Five minutes ago, I saw him again.

Five seconds ago, I was too late.

ARC Review: UP IN SMOKE by T.M. Frazier

March 01, 2018

Up in Smoke by TM Frazier
I’m a man without a conscience.
I deal in murder and mayhem.
I’m the best at what I do.
Frankie Helburn is supposed to be an easy job.
A means to flush her father out of hiding.
Except there isn’t anything simple about Frankie or the secrets she’s keeping.
She’s stubborn as hell and the sexiest god damn thing I have ever seen, sending dark, dirty animalistic desire coursing through my veins.
She’s cocaine with legs. A f*cking addiction that makes me question things I’ve never questioned before. Want things I’ve never wanted before.
I might have her, but she isn’t mine to keep.
If her father doesn’t show his face, she will be mine.

One-click this bad boy today!!

FREE with Kindle Unlimited