My Most Favorite Reads of 2022

May 13, 2023

It's May. I know. I'm so freaking late with this list, but I'm going to blame it on how discouraged I've felt reading this year. While 2022 wasn't the BEST reading year of my life, I did find some really great books and new-to-me authors to fall in love with and to share with you.

Here goes...

Contemporary Romance

Dark Romance

Fantasy Romance

Paranormal Romance

Romantic Comedy

SciFi Romance

Urban Fantasy

Have you read any of these books or have them on a list? Leave a comment below and tell me all about it!

I wish everyone the best that 2023 has to offer — may all of us continue to be healthy and safe this year!

xo, Natalie

Review // Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

May 12, 2023

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

I could never match the strength and bravery of Mercy Madness.
No one ever could, and no one ever will.

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Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

Spark of Madness by Brynn Ford

Ember Glen #1
Release - July 21, 2022
Genre - Dark Romance / dystopian, forbidden
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 320 pages

Mercy is a sinner, and Arlo is no saint

MERCY - For years, I've served the men of Ember Glen. I've endured their depravity because it's required. But when the most vicious man in our village decides to target me during a purge, I have to make a choice…

I can kneel and serve…
or I can run and become a sinner.

I choose sin…
I choose to run.

Only, I didn't expect another man to chase me…
I didn't expect the harrowing punishments he'd make me endure once I was caught…
And I certainly didn't expect to find passion for him.

The man who calls me a sinner sets my soul on fire.

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

REVIEW ~ 4 stars

Let me start off by saying THANK YOU to Jessica @Chatterbooks Book Blog, From her rave review of the series, I knew I had to give it a try. Dark romance, dystopian society, strong heroine, horrific experiences, sinners and servants… Spark of Madness has all of that and more.

I admired the heck out of Mercy. She seemed to be the only one who questioned her place in life. She was the only one who spoke up for how wrong things were. Why were men allowed to subjugate, abuse, and generally mistreat women with no consequences? Why were women punished for questioning or refusing the status quo? She was a warrior for her people, even if they couldn’t see or acknowledge it.

After recently watching The Handmaid’s Tale, I couldn’t help drawing parallels, but at the same time, this story is so different. The construct of this society is also mired in twisted religion, women are oppressed, meant to be seen and to serve, not to have thoughts or feelings or to be heard. Select men are chosen to rule over everyone and each caste has a certain set of rules they must follow. In that vein, Arlo reminded me of Nick, in that he lives in the society and, until meeting Mercy, he believed in the principles of that society. However, he starts to question himself and those around him. While he first tries to rationalize it, it seems he’s coming to accept that something’s wrong with what he was forced to believe.

Arlo isn't a hero in my eyes... yet. But with the way this author writes, I can easily see her convincing me to like him.

My thoughts for the rest of this series:
- Killian must die. The elders must die.
- I think that the idea of no world beyond Ember’s Glen is a lie. I think normal society exists and this cultish environment exists outside of accepted society. I hope Mercy burns down this place and finds a new home in the real world. That would be my hope for her happy ending. I’m not sold on that ending being with Arlo, but I’m guessing the next two books will work to change my mind.

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Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

Blaze of Misery by Brynn Ford

Ember Glen #2
Release - October 20, 2022
Genre - Dark Romance / dystopian, forbidden
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 404 pages

She's destined to die, yet she consumes my every waking thought.

I'm struggling against everything I've been taught to believe.
I'm falling for a sinner, and my passion for her is destroying my world.

As Mercy endures untold torment at the hands of my brothers, my soul splinters, breaking in ways I didn't know were possible. I want her so much it consumes me. I need her so much that I'd burn for eternity in exchange for a single moment with her...if only I could sell my soul to spare her life.

The fear of her looming death begs my mind to open, and all I want is a world where she lives.

Absolution. They could etch the word into my skin, and still, it would never find me.

The trials for my soul begin, but they aren't truly meant to save me.
Nothing can save me from the way I've been broken by the men of Ember Glen.

The man who hurt me the most is also the man whose touch sets me on fire. Arlo Rainn hasn’t earned my thoughts, my attention, or my desire, yet he possesses me entirely. My feelings for him strengthen as we explore our forbidden passion, and as he comes to know me better, he begins to see the world through my eyes.

My warden's perspective is shifting, and I fall deeper into the madness of my need for him.

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

REVIEW ~ 5 stars

I couldn’t sleep from reading and wanting to continue reading this book. I’m freaking hooked and can’t wait to see the next hurdle Mercy must pass. This woman is so strong, full of compassion, with a certain sweetness and softness I find so endearing. The warrior within her is blazing through and I can’t wait to continue to see her fight.

I still think Killian has to die. This dude is cruel and deserves punishment that meets his crimes and actions. Death is the only solution.

I’m not sure how I feel about the other members of The Control. Owen seems to be reasonable (if a lot delusional), Wesley seems to take pleasure in being cruel (and yet try to appear kind), Ryker seems to be a determined Killian follower (like that guy needs anyone to encourage his wickedness), and the other member I don’t even remember. I hope Theo is a help rather than a hindrance in the rebellion to come.

I wonder where the missing pages of Mercy’s mother’s journal are. Who made sure she found the journal in the first place? And what do those pages have to say?

I’m curious about what exists outside of Ember Glen. I’m sure it’s a futuristic version of our society and I hope I get a chance to see Mercy thrive in the freedom of it.

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Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

Embers of Mercy by Brynn Ford

Ember Glen #3
Release - March 31, 2023
Genre - Dark Romance / dystopian, forbidden
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 356 pages

Death has always been chasing me, and I fear it's finally caught up.

If this trial doesn't end my life, it will surely take my mind.
And nothing could have prepared me for the despair yet to come.

Though everything seems hopeless, my love for Arlo remains constant. A part of me wants to give up and fade away with him. But secrets are being kept, and though I never expected to live long enough to learn the truth, a brewing rebellion might be the end of it all.

If Arlo and I are going down in flames, at least we can burn Ember Glen down with us.

The end of everything approaches, and I've never felt so lost.

I'm sickened by the trial Mercy is forced to endure.
If I could complete it in her stead, I would trade places with her in a heartbeat.

I can't do anything for her, and it wrecks my soul. My sanity is shattered, and I lose all control. And though my actions draw death nearer, its imminence inspires boldness. When we finally discover the truth, we have nothing left to lose.

One way or another, Mercy and I will end this—either everything will change, or we'll leave this place burning in our wake.

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

REVIEW ~ 4.5 stars

It's the last book of the trilogy and it gave me almost everything I could have wanted in an ending.

❥ bring on the rebellion
❥ let all castes unite
❥ Kill all those who NEED to die
❥ a happy ending for those who definitely deserve it

I'm being intentionally vague, but my only issue with this final book was that I wanted more. I wanted to spend time with Mercy and Arlo as they enjoyed their freedom. I wanted to really know what life was like for them away from Ember Glen and I wanted more justice to be found.

You know me... I'm a greedy goose.

If you love dark romance with horrific elements, situations that really push your boundaries, and love that shines a bright light through the darkness, then you NEED this series on your to-read list.

Review // Edin by Lily Mayne

May 06, 2023

Edin by Lily Mayne

"You're just... good, Edin. Kind. And generous, and selfless. And you..." I flushed, feeling exposed. "You make me calm. You soothe me."

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Edin by Lily Mayne

Edin by Lily Mayne

Standalone - Monstrous #2
Release - May 19, 2021
Genre - M/M Fantasy Romance / forced proximity
POV - Single 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 410 pages

I was just a boy when the monsters rose on earth, forcing humans to flee to the coastlines and live in cramped, dirty, military-controlled cities. I enlisted as soon as I could to escape.

Now, I’ve been in the military for twelve years and have the scars—and missing body parts—to prove it. As a hardened soldier who’s spent his fair share of time out in the Wastes—the dangerous place where monsters roam free—I didn’t think anything could surprise me anymore.

But then circumstance forced me together with a big, annoying purple monster who’s arrogant and bossy and pushes all my buttons in the worst—and best—ways. I need his help, and I hate needing anyone’s help. But the more time I spend with him, the more I realise that maybe there’s more from him that I need. And that he might need things from me too.

But I’m still a soldier. I still have responsibilities. It doesn’t matter how I feel about Edin, because we can’t be together. It’s too dangerous.

That doesn’t stop me wanting him, though.

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

Edin by Lily Mayne

My Two Cents

4 "I love Edin so much!!" stars

I didn’t like this one as much as I did the first book (Soul Eater). I loved Edin. I loved him from the first time he was introduced through Wyn. I knew I’d love him more in his own book and I did. He was such a happy go-lucky male, but he also had so much depth to him. A tragic past weighed heavily upon him, however, he was still able to find and inspire hope, feel deeply, and, in many ways, honor his people.

Hunter was hard to like. It took most of the book for me to change my mind about him. He was selfish and self-serving. I get that he was desperate to save his friend, but even he recognized that he wasn’t being a good person. I believe Edin deserved so much more from him, right from the start. Here’s this overgrown alien who stops to help you, puts himself in danger for you, cares for you, etc. He gave far more than what he got.

I was so happy to see Wyn and Danny again and for some more justice to be served. Bye bye Mallory lol.

Edin and his purple c*ck ruled the show and I enjoyed how Hunter found a new part of himself. He loved submitting sexually for Edin. In the end, they were well-matched and I'm actually looking forward to seeing both of them again in the books to come.

Have I mentioned how in love I am with the fan art for this series???

Edin by Lily Mayne

Edin by Lily Mayne

The Author

Lily Mayne writes what she loves to read: achingly sweet yet gritty romances against unusual backdrops—dark, futuristic, dystopian and more.

She enjoys reading and writing (duh), cooking and baking, watching terrible horror movies and many other hobbies that would have potentially made her an ideal Victorian maid. Just a really lazy one.

She currently lives in the UK with her husband and several fluffballs, who like to make a lot of noise while she’s writing.

Find out more here:

April 2023 Bookish Recap

May 05, 2023

Hello hello and welcome to another recap!

I had to continue my mental break from all things internet, which included my blog and my social media. I've been crocheting and spending time with my kids—activities that are certain to jolt me back into a better head space. And honestly, I'm feeling a lot better. So hopefully this means you'll be seeing me again all over your blogs, pages and feeds.

As you can guess, April was not a great reading month for me, but here's what I've got...


Total Books Read: 4
Total Pages Read: 1425
Genres: Contemporary (2), Dark Romance (2)
From my TBR: 1
Avg. Rating: 3.63

All the Books

There weren't any real standouts of the month, however, the book I'd recommend is:

Tattered by Devney Perry

Added to my tbr

Book Haul

I haven't bought any books in a while. And lucky for me, most of the books I've added to my TBR are in Kindle Unlimited.

I can only hope my May reading is so much better than what I've been going through for the last several months. And I hope you find only the best reads!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

The Sacrifice, Red Havoc Rogue, and Yearning For Her

May 03, 2023

The Sacrifice by Shantel Tessier

Release - April 6, 2023
Genre - New Adult Contemporary / vengeance, arranged marriage
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5 / plenty of BDSM elements
Format - ebook borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Length - 535 pages


A Lord is to marry after he graduates from Barrington University, an elite college for the rich. A Lady’s job is to help him fit into a world unaware of his secret society. The Lord does not get to choose who he spends the rest of his life with. But there is always an exception to the rule. And I just so happen to be his.


I was to wed a Lord of my parents’ choosing. Wealth can’t buy you everything, or I would have had freedom years ago. Instead, my strict parents made sure I lived a dull life in a mansion resembling a prison.

But on my wedding day, I was handed over to another man—an even more ruthless Lord that my family hated.

Tyson Riley Crawford only wanted me for his revenge. I’m nothing more than a debt to be paid. I didn’t have a say in the matter. So when I said my vows before the congregation, I knew I’d break them. Consequences be damned.

Too bad I underestimated my husband and didn’t realize he was more determined to punish me than I was to succeed at escaping. He’ll make me choke on those words I used to bind myself to him.

Yet even he couldn’t have seen what our future held. Ultimately, we’re all just pawns in a game that none of us can win unless you’re willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice … and even that may not be enough.

I gave it 3.25 STARS. I enjoyed the characters, even when I thought the heroine was acting dumb. While Lake acted like she knew it all, she knew very little. Her ignorance is what drove this story though. Tyson had so many secrets and even I was guessing, right to the end, what his motives were and why things were happening the way they were. Honestly, I wanted to rate this book higher because it was hotter and more deceptively devastating than I thought it would be. However, in the end, I felt that things were left dangling a bit.

For starters, why did Whitney hate Lake so much? And Luke, what was his deal? And why were so many people more loyal to Luke than Tyson? What was he offering them? And the father... it was all a bit messy (or a lot).

I think the problem I had was that while the mystery of the plot was interesting and kept me engaged, I wanted a bit more when the mystery was solved. I needed more answers. So while I loved what grew between Tyson and Lake, their volatile and not quite normal relationship, I wanted more.

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Red Havoc Rogue by T.S. Joyce

Standalone - Red Havoc Panthers #1
Release - February 7, 2017
Genre - Paranormal Romance / instalove
POV - Dual 3rd person
Heat - 3 out of 5
Format - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 232 pages

Annalise Sutter is a newly Turned shifter determined to get her life back on track. The problem? Her inner panther is a monster that attacks anything that breathes. She’s had to let go of her old life completely to protect the people she loves, and the one thing that has kept her steady through this transition is Jaxon Barns. They’ve been texting for months, but he’s anti-shifter and she can’t tell him what she has become. When a spot on a notoriously private panther crew comes up, she jumps at the opportunity to pledge in desperation to get her animal under control. Too bad that means leaving Jaxon behind, because what human is going to put up with an out of control shifter who lives way out in the boonies?

Jaxon Barns is harboring two things—a massive grizzly in his middle and an equally big chip on his shoulder about being born a shifter. He grew up in the Gray Back Crew, but can’t seem to settle down long enough to stay in one place. The only thing that eases the ache of being a rogue are the text messages that come from Annalise. She feels like the only real thing in his life, and when she disappears mysteriously one day, he knows something has gone really wrong. Now he’ll have to track her to panther territory to save her from herself.

But maybe the panther inside of her isn’t the biggest danger to Annalise’s safety anymore. Perhaps now, the biggest threat to her future…is him.

I gave this 3 STARS. I loved that Jax and Annalise shared a deep connection before they had even met. Not knowing that the other was a shifter, they delved into more intimate topics and became the person the other relied on. So when Annalise knew she had to start over in a remote part of a new town, she was sad to let Jax go. She was having trouble controlling her animal and this new crew was known for taking in broken people. And she was very broken.

Jax wasn't willing to let her go. Known as a wanderer, he had a pack, but loved the open road. So he had no trouble leaving his family and tracking down Annalise. However, when he finds her, the reception from her new pack isn't exactly warm. She's everything he could ever want, he's everything she could ever need, but her pack forbids them to be together.

I loved the way they snuck around, not able to get enough of each other. I found this story to be sweet, funny and sexy. I enjoyed meeting the members of both packs and I hope they feature in some way in other books from the series. I did want more depth in this book, hoping for a little bit more of these two as a happy couple, but I was quite content with the way everything played out.

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Yearning For Her by Tiffany Roberts

Release - March 21, 2023
Genre - Paranormal Romance
POV - Dual 3rd person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 396 pages

A wicked incubus. A curvy, delectable human female. One night of passion that changes everything.

Willow Crowley’s world comes crashing down when she discovers her boyfriend has been seeing another woman. The dream she’d held of a life with him is shattered in an instant, leaving her alone with nothing except heartache.

She vows to never open herself to that hurt again…

Until a seductive, otherworldly stranger with white hair, piercings, and icy blue eyes promises her a single night of pleasure. No strings attached.

But that night isn’t enough for him. He wants more, more than she’s ready to give. How can she trust him not to break her heart when he isn’t even human?

Kian has lived promiscuously for four hundred years, feeding on the desire of the humans he and the fae considered prey. But when he locks eyes with a purple-haired female, something inside him shifts irrevocably.

No one else can sate his hunger.

He wants her.
Needs her.
Yearns for her.

Yet she refuses to submit to the carnal delights he promises. She wants more. She wants…love.
Can he mend her broken heart? Can he love a mortal woman?

I gave this 3.25 STARS. I adored Kian and for the first hero I've ever read from this writing duo, color me impressed! He was absolutely swoon-worthy. As an incubus, he'd slept with hundreds of people and he didn't really seem to discriminate. He fed off of their pleasure so I guess he didn't have to be choosy. But there was something different about Willow. After their one night stand, he quickly realized that he couldn't feed from anyone else. She satisfied him in ways he'd never experienced before. And while she might be reluctant to give into him, recently getting over a bad break up and not trusting in what Kian has to offer, he wasn't about to let her go.

There was a lot to love about this story, from Kian's absurd methods of wooing Willow, his refusal to take no for an answer, his obsessive and possessive thoughts and feelings when it came to her, and pretty much everything Kian did. My only issue was how long and hard Willow had him working for it. I got that she had trust issues and I didn't blame her. But she did and said some hurtful things that irked me. So while I could understand her motives, I didn't have to like them.

I also wanted a bit more from the ending. There was this whole underlying plot with a nefarious and villainous incubus and with all the lead up it was resolved quickly. I was hoping to see if there was any fallout. And of all the incubi that Kian knew, why didn't we hear from or meet them? I can only hope there will be another book about another incubus and Kian makes a special guest appearance.

Review // Scarred by Emily McIntire

April 19, 2023

Scarred by Emily McIntire

Sara Beatreaux is not my problem.
Normally, I wouldn't care.
I shouldn't care.
But I do.

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Scarred by Emily McIntire

Scarred by Emily McIntire

Standalone - Never After #2
Release - January 4, 2022
Genre - Dark Romance / enemies to lovers / vengeance / retelling / royals
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 348 pages

She doesn't belong to him...she belongs to the crown.

Prince Tristan Faasa was never destined for the throne. That was always his brother, Michael. The same brother responsible for both Tristan's tormented childhood and the scar that mars his face. When their father dies, Michael is set to assume the throne, and Tristan is set to steal it. The leader of a secret rebellion, Tristan will stop at nothing to end his brother's reign. But when Michael's new betrothed, Lady Sara Beatreaux arrives, Tristan finds himself in the middle of a new kind of war. The kind that begs the question of what's more important, the crown or the woman about to wear it.

Sara has one plan. Marry the King and eradicate the Faasa line, even at the risk of her own peril. But she never expects the Scarred Prince. He's dangerous. Forbidden. And one of the men she's been sent to kill. But the line between hatred and passion has never seemed so thin, and as secrets come to light, Sara grows unsure of whom she can trust—torn between vengeance and the villain she was never supposed to love.

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

Scarred by Emily McIntire

My Two Cents

3.5 "Burn it all down" stars

Not quite a retelling, but it did have a lot in common with The Lion King. A scarred prince, some nefarious goings on, and a love story. I guess a villain deserves a happy ending too!

When his father dies, Tristan is alone in the world. His brother has the throne, the council is corrupt, and their people are starving. Tristan is determined to change things. His goals are dangerous, but he seems to laugh in the face of danger. << see what I did there?

When Sara's father dies, she vows revenge. She means to kill every member of the Faasa family, hopefully bringing back prosperity to her beloved lands. While her family schemed for her to be chosen as the King's future wife, she plotted and planned. And when she finally meets her future family, it's easy for her to imagine them all dying from her blades.

But then she gets to know Tristan, the outcast, the man in the shadows. He's nothing like what she thought he was and everything she needed in her life. With her conviction waning, can she find a new passion with him?

"The truth is, I am yours. Wholly. Inexplicably. Painfully. Unconditionally." He moves my hand until the dagger presses against his throat. "And if you need to sacrifice my soul so you're able to live with yours, then do it."

While I enjoyed this story, I wish someone had warned me that it was a slow build on the filth. I loved Tristan's obsessive, possessive self and his dirty mouth, but I wanted more. I know I'm greedy, but so much of this book was about these two fighting against their growing feelings that I wanted to spend time with them as a couple.

And yes, the author does offer an epilogue, but I would have to sign up for the newsletter and I'm not about to do that. No offense, but I'm on a newsletter cleanse. So I'm here, at the end of the book, happy that this couple gets to actually be a couple, but hopelessly wanting more. I'm good with all of the murder-y mayhem that happened, I was gleeful whenever Tristan's madness appeared, I'll never look at hash the same way again, and I liked everything in between. I'll be checking out the next book in the series for sure.

The Author

Emily McIntire is an Amazon Top 15 and Publishers Weekly best selling author known for her Never After Series, where she gives our favorite villains their happily ever afters. With books that range from small town to dark romance, she doesn’t like to box herself into one type of story, but at the core of all her novels is soul deep love. When she’s not writing you can find her enjoying her family, or lost between the pages of a good book.

Find more information at

Books That Didn't Make the Cut Pt.11

April 18, 2023

Hello hello! I'm back with some more books that didn't really work for me, but might be winners for you.

He Wants It All by Marilena Barbagallo ~ DNF

Genre - Contemporary Romance / enemies to lovers
POV - Dual
Length - 399 pages

Krum Botev has never had anything in life apart from himself. He knows only what he has been taught. Hard, selfish, insensitive, but faithful to the Father, the one who raised and educated him according to the values of the secret society he is part of. No one has ever succeeded in knocking down his armor. No one can touch him outside or inside; no-one except her, who is part of that past Krum cannot forget. Ambra Livori, a beautiful and wealthy heiress, has always had everything. But nightmares don’t give her a break. They go on showing her the man who ruined her life when she was only sixteen. The memory of him, over time, has become a perverse feeling she cannot tolerate. Just when Ambra decides to learn how to control her emotions, she receives a strange call. Her origins will be questioned and the past will become a terrible present from which she won’t be able to escape. Fighting for herself will be the only solution. What links Ambra and Krum? But most of all, can two different souls be able to touch each other outside and inside? A secret organization, an uncontrollable passion, a man and a woman destined to clash.

Honestly, the writing was a bit all over the place and I think that's because this was translated from Italian. I really wish I could read it in the original language. I believe a lot of what the author was trying to convey was lost in translation. The concept of this story is so intriguing that I wish I could have continued.

Hammered by Jasinda Wilder ~ DNF

Genre - Contemporary Romance / a bit of forced proximity
POV - Heroine 1st person
Length - 342 pages

Dad Bod Contracting—for ALL your domestic contracting needs. Have a leaky faucet or clogged disposal? Need a new patio with intricate brickpaving designs? Want your garage transformed into a yoga studio? Dad Bod Contracting has you COVERED. Our clean, well-mannered, and friendly professionals pride themselves on attention to detail. Every job comes with a 100% customer SATISFACTION guarantee. No job is too small. Hand us your “honey-do” list and we’ll get it done, and we’ll look good doing it! A good job well done is one phone call away, so call Dad Bod Contracting today! It started with a window that was jammed shut. Pretty simple, right? All I wanted was to open the windows while I tidied the house. I’d been after my no-good husband to do it for months, but he never did. And then he shacked up with his secretary, leaving me with a pile of bills, husband-free for the first time in ten years, and with a house that was falling apart. The ad popped up on the side of my social media feed—a local contracting agency willing to do pretty much anything. Since I don’t really know a screwdriver from a ratchet, I gave them a call. And let me tell you, the ad was NOT lying. Jesse O’Neill can do it ALL…and looks amazing doing it. He fixed my window, so I called him back to fix the sagging, splintery front steps. Which led to him fixing my kitchen sink. And then he recarpeted my stairs. And then fixed the squeak in my bed. He was supposed to fix my house, not my rusty, sputtering libido. And certainly not my broken heart.

You know those books you REALLY wanna like? Hammered was one of those books. It should have checked many of my boxes, but it somehow failed to do that. It could have been the fact that it was told from only Imogen's perspective (and you know how I hate that). I was more interested in the side characters than the ones this story was about. I even liked the little I got to know of Jesse (the MMC). It just fell flat, I'm afraid. It's too bad because I know that a lot of people enjoyed the heck out of this story. I've really liked other books by this author so I'll be giving her another try.

Balls in Play Box Set by Kate Stewart ~ DNF

Genre - Contemporary Romance / sports
POV - Dual 1st person
Length - 273 pages (for Anything but Minor)

“She’s a nerd.”
“Okay, she’s a flight instructor.”
“He’s a ballplayer.”
“The best that ever was.”
“Technically, you aren’t according to MLB stats.”
“See? Total nerd. She also has no filter.”
“He’s no southern gentlemen.”
“I had one last season to prove my worth.”
“I’d never seen a game.”
“He told me he was a player.”
“She told me she was a lesbian.”
“But you fell in love with me anyway.”
“Yeah, baby, I totally did.”

I know it's a "me" problem. I've seen so many 4-and-5-star reviews for this series and I couldn't even get through book one with ease. I was infinitely bored and the heroine, Alice, annoyed me. I can't even pinpoint why she irked me, but aggravate me she did. So I'm one of the few that didn't love this supposedly laugh-out-loud novel.

Review // Tattered by Devney Perry

April 16, 2023

Tattered by Devney Perry

What could I say that would convince Thea I'd be back?

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Tattered by Devney Perry

Tattered by Devney Perry

Standalone - Lark Cove #1
Release - June 19, 2018
Genre - Contemporary Romance / secret baby
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 3 out of 5
Format - ebook from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 372 pages

Thea Landry has always known her place in modern-day society. It’s somewhere just above the trash can her mother dumped her in as a newborn but below the class where much comes easy. With her tattered shoes and bargain-bin clothes, her life has never been full of glamour.

So when a rich and charismatic man takes interest, she doesn’t fool herself into thinking their encounter is anything more than a one-night stand. Months later, she’s kicking herself for not getting his phone number. Or his last name. She’s given up hope of seeing him ever again.

Until one day, years later, Logan Kendrick waltzes into her life once more and turns everything she’s built upside down. This time around, she won’t make the same mistake. She’s going to fight to keep him in her life—not for herself.

But for their daughter.

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Tattered by Devney Perry

My Two Cents

4 "I'll be there" stars

Thea and Logan shared an instant connection. After a one-night stand, they couldn't quite figure out how to forget. He remembered her while he was engaged to someone else. And she remembered him because... well, she was pregnant with his child.

Years later, Logan just happens to be in the neighborhood and the sparks between them are just as hot as they remembered. After the initial awkwardness, anger and regret once he found out that she had his child, all Logan wanted was to be with Thea. If only she could get out of the way of her own happiness.

While Logan was planning a happy ending for his family, I felt like Thea kept sabotaging things. She had secrets and would act out without explaining herself to the man she loved. Her reasons were valid—abandoned as a baby, growing up in a neglectful orphanage, never feeling like she belonged anywhere—and I understood. But she kept hurting Logan and I needed her to stop.

I also needed Logan to listen to her. He was making all of these plans in his head, not really considering her aversion to his ideas.

But that's what angst is all about, right? Misunderstandings... miscommunication... missed signals.

I wanted these characters to see what they could have together and compromise. I did not want Logan to do all of the bending. It was a bit unfair. He spent the entire story bending and almost breaking to please and appease Thea. I needed her to give too.

That was my only gripe with this story. I enjoyed everything else about it, from the pacing, the connection these people shared, their connections to the secondary characters, and the lives they were making. If all Devney Perry books read like this one, I'll be reading them all!

The Author

Devney is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling author.

Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state.

After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her husband and two sons.

Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she’s discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop.

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