September 2023 Bookish Recap

October 02, 2023

Hello hello and welcome to another recap!

September wasn't too bad. I got my reading mojo back, my thoughts were staying positive, and everything seemed to be coming up Natalie. Then the last week in September, actually until today, I HAD NO INTERNET!! Can you imagine? I felt like I was living in the dark ages 😂😂 Which is absolutely ridiculous since I spent half my life with no such thing as internet. But the internet was down, my data was wonky (so no hotspot), and I was watching cable of all things during the night. I couldn't even sync my kindle so NO READING!! Life was so unfair this past week, but my internet is back, supposedly stronger than before, so here's to hoping things only go up from here.

Before my online life turned to shite, here's what my month looked like...


Total Books Read: 12
Total Pages Read: 3895
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Scifi
Tropes: enemies-to-lovers, fated mates, retelling, single parents, second chance
From my TBR: 2
Avg. Rating: 3.79 stars

All the Books

I found a couple of five-star worthy reads. They're from two of my favourite authors, so I'm not surprised :)

The other books I read and would recommend were:

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Garnet Flats by Devney Perry
Whispers of You by Catherine Cowles
Mourning Wood by Heather M. Orgeron
Stars and Shadows series by Holly Renee
In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros
A Ship of Bones and Teeth by Karina Halle

Added to my tbr

I added the Campus Wallflowers series by Rebecca Jenshak because I was blown away by Deanna's reviews over at A Novel Glimpse. So I'm gonna give it a shot, hoping that I love it as much as she did.

I've also added The Summer series by Elizabeth O'Roark because the reviews I've seen from some of my favourite bloggers made me wanna do it :)

Book Haul

Aside from books I borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, I've bought nothing!! I'm doing so well with this DON'T YOU DARE BUY ANY MORE BOOKS, NATALIE goal I've set for myself :)

I hope we find only the best reads in October!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie


  1. That is an accomplishment not to buy any books. Now I want to read Fourth Wing.

  2. No internet for a week? It sounds like both a blessing and a curse. I had a weekend a while back with no cell service, etc and it was kind of nice at times. I hope I'm steering you in the right direction with Campus Wallflowers. I have a feeling you are going to love O'Roark's books.

    1. It was both a blessing and a curse lol. I hope I do enjoy these books!!


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