Review // House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

July 28, 2023

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

Sometimes I catch myself enjoying a moment, and worry I'm enjoying it too much, you know? Like something could come along and ruin all of this if I let myself have too much fun or get too accustomed of feeling happy.

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

My Rating - ★★★★★

Part of a series - Crescent City #2
Genre/Trope - Fantasy Romance / fated mates
POV - Multiple 3rd person
Heat - descriptive
Source - ebook from the library
Length - 1335 pages

Previous book in the series: House of Earth and Blood
Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar are trying to get back to normal―they may have saved Crescent City, but with so much upheaval in their lives lately, they mostly want a chance to relax. Slow down. Figure out what the future holds.

The Asteri have kept their word so far, leaving Bryce and Hunt alone. But with the rebels chipping away at the Asteri’s power, the threat the rulers pose is growing. As Bryce, Hunt, and their friends get pulled into the rebels’ plans, the choice becomes clear: stay silent while others are oppressed, or fight for what’s right. And they’ve never been very good at staying silent.

My Two Cents

I don't even know where to start. This book had SO MUCH going on that here... at the end... I'm still gasping over everything I learned about this world!

With it only being my second time trying this author, I was hoping I would love this sequel to House of Earth and Blood.

Did I love it?

You better believe it!

There were so many people and subplots and motives and secrets and reveals and twists... It was hard not to stay engaged. I HAD to know what the heck was going on.

Put this book down? Sleep? Are you joking??? I was too busy taking notes!

Bryce and Hunt were trying to lie low after everything they did in the first book. I couldn't blame them because they skirted death by an inch. But no matter their good intentions, it seems fate wants to keep playing with them, drawing them into circumstances that could get them killed.

“Our love is stronger than time, greater than any distance. Our love spans across stars and worlds. I will find you again, I promise.”

Rebellion is brewing.
Hel is making a stand.
Pollux and Bax and the Harpy and the Hind are in town.
Ruhn is falling in love?
Ithan learned some hard truths... about himself.
Tharion is very close to losing everything.
Cormac was full of surprises.

And through it all, I kept hoping and praying, crossing my fingers and toes, that my Hunt angel would be okay.

Seriously though, I'm at that point where, if it's between everyone else dying or Hunt...

Actually, make that Hunt and Ruhn. Although I do wish everyone (at least the good guys) could live. That would be a dream, wouldn't it?

I loved the banter. I loved all of the side stories for some of the characters. I can't even explain how much I started to love Ruhn in this book. His storyarc blew me away and I'm hoping to see more of it in the book to come. Ithan had a really neat story that seemed to be happening, although it seemed to lose some momentum along the way. And then Tharion... I have NO IDEA where his part of the story is going. But I'm excited to find out!

The next book can't come into my hands soon enough. That ending was INSANE! I knew that I'd be diving off a cliff, but I wasn't expecting it to be like this. I didn't think I'd be so freaking crushed at the end of it. I'm terrified, excited, and super anxious to find out what will happen next.

Knowing the truth about the Asteri (or at least some of it)... how will this play out?

The Author

Sarah J. Maas is the #1 New York Times and internationally bestselling author of the Crescent City, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and the Throne of Glass series. Her books have sold more than twelve million copies and are published in thirty-seven languages.

A New York native, Sarah lives in Philadelphia with her husband, son, and dog.

To find out more, visit or follow @therealsjmaas on Instagram.


  1. Glad to hear that this one was such a hit for you. I know many love this series and this author. Not a fan of her lol its not my type of fantasy. But glad she is an author that works well for you.

    Great review.

    1. Thanks hon! XO
      I really enjoyed it. It was a surprisingly fantastic read :)

  2. For some reason, I have not picked up this author yet. I guess I should give her a try! Great review!

    1. Thanks luv! XO
      Yes, you should definitely give her a try. You might even enjoy yourself too :)

  3. Amazing review, babe! ❤️ I can't wait to read this series! 😍

  4. I haven't read Maas yet but I've heard SOOO much. Sounds awesome.I love your review- makes me want to read these ! :)


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