ARC Review: THE FIRST SIN by Jillian Quinn

April 30, 2018

The First Sin by Jillian Quinn
Once upon a time, I fell in love with a blue-eyed boy who promised me forever.
We fell hard and fast, even though our relationship was forbidden.
Loving Angelo Morelli wasn’t my first sin.
It wouldn’t be my last.

Our families were friends before they were enemies, fighting for power in the city.
I was their bargaining chip, a pawn to be used by the most powerful men in Philadelphia.
I just didn’t know it.

Angelo was my white knight in a world full of darkness.
But someone had to pay for the sins of the past.
Too bad that person was me.

Review: HOLY CRAP! THE WORLD IS ENDING! by Anna-Marie Abell

April 29, 2018

Holy Crap the World is Ending by Anna-Marie Abell
End times are here! Now you can eat whatever you want and not care if you gain weight.

The president has announced that Earth is going to collide with a rogue moon, and in the process, our entire planet is going to be smashed to bits. As one would expect, upon hearing this news, humans went ballistic. It was as if every sports team in the world lost their championship game at the same time. No car was left unrolled—but oddly enough, Taco Bell remained open and made unfathomable profits in the last days. Apparently, Doritos Locos® Tacos were a popular last meal.

Autumn (who for the purpose of this retelling asked to be portrayed as drool-inducing hot with kick-ass ninja skills) has just been handed the task of saving all of humanity. With the help of her unbelievably sexy alien boyfriend and her kleptomaniac friend with fire-retardant hair, Autumn races to save her fellow humans by using the Ark of the Covenant. Along the way, she discovers how sheltered people are from the truth of extraterrestrials and their power to either protect us or destroy us.

Stupid government.

Grab a bottle of wine, a shipload of snacks, and prepare to take a ride on this humorous chick lit romantic sci-fi paranormal adventure. If you’re into Ancient Aliens, conspiracy theories, UFOs, crave a little sexy time in your reading, are curious if we were genetically engineered (like the Sumerian cuneiform texts claim), and are dying to find out the meaning of life, then this book is for you.

Review: MISADVENTURES OF A CITY GIRL by Meredith Wild & Chelle Bliss

April 28, 2018

Misadventures of a City Girl by Meredith Wild and Chelle Bliss
Fresh off a divorce from a Hollywood hotshot, Madison Atwood needs an escape. With the paparazzi fresh on her heels and her love life splashed on every tabloid, she runs away to a swanky retreat in Northern California. Avalon Springs is the mountainside haven she needs to find herself again.

Luke Dawson lives off the grid, preferring solitude to society. When he finds a beautiful woman soaking in the hot springs on his property, he can’t stop himself from watching her. She captures his attention, but she’s just a city girl—a beautiful distraction disturbing the peace he’s settled here to find.

When Madison discovers Luke’s secluded cabin, he can’t turn her away again. They make no promises. Madison needs to feel wanted again, and Luke misses the touch of a woman. But when mother nature has other plans, they’re forced to spend more than a night of passion together. Can Luke say goodbye to the only woman who’s made him feeling anything in years, and can Madison leave behind the man who brought her back to life?



My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've got a bunch of these 'Misadventures' books to read and if they're anything like this one, I'm in for a great time! My heart went out to Madison. The deterioration of her relationship with her ex had her questioning her value, had her suffering from self-doubt, and left her lost and confused as to her identity. As for Luke, serving his country left him with the need for isolation. He found it hard to assimilate, which made him a loner. When Madison went on a trip to find herself again, she found herself on Luke's property, and that's when their story began. It was sweet and incredibly hot and I was so happy that they were each able to complete the other. Through compromise, they ended up being just who the other needed.

Review: POSSESSIVE by Willow Winters

Possessive by Willow Winters
It was never love with Daniel and I never thought it would be.
It was only lust from a distance.
Unrequited love maybe.

He’s a man I could never have, for so many reasons.
That didn’t stop my heart from beating wildly when his eyes pierced through me.
It only slowed back down when he’d look away, making me feel so damn unworthy and reminding me that he would never be mine.

Years have passed and one look at him brings it all back.
But time changes everything.
There’s a heat in his eyes I recognize from so long ago, a tension between us I thought was one-sided.

“Tell me you want it.” His rough voice cuts through the night and I can’t resist.
That’s where my story really begins.

Review: ROCK KING by Tara Leigh

Rock King by Tara Leigh
I'm not who you think I am.

Shane Hawthorne has it all. At least, that's what the headlines say about me. I have millions of fans, awards, more money - and women - than I know what to do with. But what you don't see is the wreckage I've caused. The memories and pain I can't escape, even when I pour them into music and spin them into gold.

I tried to forget. To lose myself in booze and groupies. It didn't work. It hurt me and - worse - it hurt my band. That's the last thing I want to do, so I'm cleaning up my act... starting with Delaney Fraser.

Gorgeous, smart, drama-free, and even nice - Delaney is the perfect "girlfriend." When I'm with her I don't have to pretend. It's like she sees the real me. And I can see a future with her. But that's dangerous. Because the truth is, Shane Hawthorne doesn't actually exist. He's a shield to hide who I really am. Fraud. Runaway. Addict. Murderer.

And it's impossible to love a lie, right?


Review: DOG PART 2 by Bella Love-Wins

April 24, 2018

Dog by Bella Love-Wins
I was supposed to protect her, not fall for her...
Read the exciting conclusion of DOG.
Kane is now top dog in the Rugged Angels MC, and has slept with half the eligible biker chicks in Tucson. He meets his match when Kim, daughter of his club's former president, just won't give in to his usual tricks. When Kim's father is shot, Kane steps up to protect her, and neither of them seem capable of handling the sparks that fly as the tension builds between them.
Note: Bonus includes Part 1 of this 2-part series.
Recommended for 18+ readers.


Review: DOG PART 1 by Bella Love-Wins

Dog by Bella Love-Wins
I was supposed to protect her, not fall for her... >
Kane is now top dog in the Rugged Angels MC, and has slept with half the eligible biker chicks in Tucson. He meets his match when Kim, daughter of his club's former president, just won't give in to his usual tricks. When Kim's father is shot, Kane steps up to protect her, and neither of them seem capable of handling the sparks that fly as the tension builds between them.

Note: Part 1 of a 2-part series.
Recommended for 18+ readers.

Get it on Amazon:

Review: DIRTY WORK by Chelle Bliss & Brenda Rothert

April 23, 2018

Dirty Work by Chelle Bliss and Brenda Rothert
I hate him. Jude Titan is everything that's wrong with the male sex: cocky, domineering and loaded with swagger. Oh, and did I mention he's a Republican? Yeah, the guy's so conservative he leans to the right when walking. And lucky me, I'm running against him for Senate. But I've got plenty of fight in me. A golden boy war hero opponent with a smile that leaves melted panties in its wake? Bring. It. On.

Damn, she's sexy. Reagan Preston intrigues me from the moment I lay eyes on her. And speaking of laying...I want between those thighs. But I want to make her burn for me first. Every debate and stolen moment is foreplay for us. She claims she hates me, but her body tells a different story. I plan to win this election, but I also want to win the sharp, fiery Democrat who captures my attention like no woman ever has. Politics is filthy, just like all the things I want to do to Reagan Preston.


REVIEW - 3 stars

I find it hard to resist a book that involves a politician at its forefront. I blame it on my Scandal addiction. So when I read the blurb and figured out this was about two politicians... I couldn't say no. I enjoyed this story. I did, so don't let those three stars make you think differently. It's just that part of me wasn't super happy with the turn of events towards the end. It could be that my inner feminist hackles were up, but I wasn't thrilled with Reagan becoming the assist rather than the star.

Love doesn't give a shit about our plans. It's more stubborn and unyielding than any of us will ever be. Once it takes hold, all we can do is give in.

That right there rings true with me. I loved how surreptitiously these two, Jude and Reagan, carried on their affair. I loved their texts, their phone calls, and every single one of their face-to-face interactions. Their love grew in an authentic way and aside from the drama that came from Reagan's family, their love was easy. I haven't read much from Chelle Bliss or Brenda Rothert, but this story makes me want to read more.

Review: BLACK INK: PART III by N.M. Catalano

April 21, 2018

Black Ink by NM Catalano
The BLACK INK Trilogy
In Part I,
we met the man,
Alexander Black
Ruthless. Powerful. A prick.
Intoxicating, intriguing.
He took, he claimed, he possessed.

In Part II,
He owned.
In a world of seduction,

In Part III,
The beast is unleashed.
In a dangerous race against time,
The only thing he wants is
Will it be too late?

**18+, strong language, strong sexual content, there is horror and mention of rape, should you have triggers, please be advised.**

Review: BLACK INK: PART II by N.M. Catalano

Black Ink by NM Catalano
Alexander Black

Ruler of an empire. An enigma. Ruthless and powerful.
Someone is setting him up, threatening to destroy everything he's built.
He's got one thing on his mind; keeping Gemma safe.

Gemma Trudeau

A pawn in a game.
It's a game she has no way of winning, with players who win only one way.

Black will not lose.

To him, it's no game. It's life and death.
And with Gemma, it's so much more.
It's resurrection, surrender, freedom, and something he never imagined he'd have.
What began as her awakening to his darkness leads to something else.

***18+, very strong sexual content, strong language, BDSM. Second part to a series, there is a bit of a cliffhanger.

ARC Review: CHEEKY KING by Nana Malone

What good is a King without his Queen?


I never wanted the crown, but now it's mine.
Instead of my freedom–instead of her.
But even though she’s not mine to keep, I can’t seem to stay away.


The moment he became king, I knew we were over.

Now I’ve returned home some kind of conquering hero.
If only they all knew that we'd both lost our hearts.
If only I could stay out of the royal bed.

What good is being cocky if you can’t get what you want?



My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m so in love with this couple. Even though they drove me bonkers with the way they ran hot and cold, I was a total fan! Sebastian and Penny are at odds because of the lies they told and truths they omitted. Not the best timing as Sebastian could really use Penny at his side while he navigates life as the new king. Then again, the law is the law and these two can’t be together… even if they wanted to. But maybe… just maybe… the new king can change the laws to suit himself.

Loved them! As Sebastian tried to reconcile duty with the deep love he felt for Penny, she was trying to figure out exactly where she wanted to be in her life. An artist? Part of the royal guard? What she knew was that as much as she wanted to spend her life with the king, it wasn’t meant to be and being around him was its own special brand of torture.

Insane chemistry, a royal family, and a devastating mystery made this story into an intensely satisfying read. It was fast-paced drama with touches of intrigue, bitter rivalries, secrets and betrayals. But at its heart it was a sweet love story that made me laugh and swoon with how immensely I loved these characters.

Release:04.30.2018 | Contemporary Romance | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 3.5 | Royals Undercover #2

Review: BLACK INK by N.M. Catalano

April 16, 2018

Black nk by NM Catalano
Alexander Black
Ruthless. Powerful. Dangerous. Intoxicating. Twisted. A prick.
There is nothing or no one beyond his reach anywhere in the world.
He uses any means to get what he wants.

He wants Gemma Trudeau. For two reasons, first, to find out if she helped her husband steal three million dollars from him. The second, he wants to do very bad, very twisted things to her.

He always gets what he wants.

Gemma Trudeau
Her life was destroyed. She's alone, homeless with no money.
A brilliant successful lawyer, she must now beg to work for the one man who suffered as much as she did from her husband's illegal schemes, the only one who can help her get her life back. What she didn't know was he would rock her world.

Alexander Black has Gemma right where he wants her. The heat between them rages, leaving them in an constant aching burn.

A stranger breaks into her house and she's terrorized. He has one purpose, to take her, bind her, force her into a night of raging passion, leaving her stunned, confused, and very, very satisfied. He promises he'll be back. She can't wait.

The Capo di Tutti Capi has offered her protection. But at what price?

Someone is stalking her. The mob who wants to own her? The faceless man who seduces her in the dark blindfolded? Or the one man who should hate her, Alexander Black?

Who can Gemma trust?

First book in the BLACK INK Series. A bit dark, a bit edgy, and a whole lot of heat. It does have a bit of a cliffhanger.
**18+ adult audience, very strong sexual content.**

Review: CONDEMNED SERIES BOOKS 1-4 by Gemma James

April 15, 2018

Condemned Series by Gemma James
One lie that sent an innocent man to prison.
One act of revenge eight years later.
One obsessive love.

Alex De Luca was only fifteen when she sent the love of her life to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Rafe Mason, rising MMA star, her brother’s best friend, and the guy her foolish heart still yearns for even now that eight years have gone by.

But now he’s free and only wants one thing: Alex at his mercy.

And she is.

She’s a prisoner on his island, a willing captive to his deviant desires, bound by his justified fury. Even worse, she’s a hostage of her own treacherous heart. But the lie she told eight years ago is ricocheting, destroying lives and altering the course of fate. Neither of them saw it coming.

The violence and death. The betrayal. The utter destruction that leaves them in ruins.

How can a single lie cause so much devastation? Redemption seems impossible because neither of them can undo what’s been done. She belongs to him as much as he belongs to her, and they’ll fight for each other or go down in flames trying.



NOTE TO READERS: Intended for mature readers who enjoy a psychological dark romance thriller with kidnapping and other disturbing themes. Not for the faint of heart. You’ve been warned.

Get all four books today!

ARC Review: FOR THE LOVE OF LUCA by Soraya Naomi

For the Love of Luca by Soraya Naomi
I’m a man who has it all: power, love, and wealth.
I’m a man who always needs to be in control.
I’m a husband.
I’m a murderer.
I’m the underboss of the Chicagoan mafia.
I keep the world that Fallon and I have created in our home safe, and I’d sacrifice anything or anyone to protect the woman I love and my high ranking position without an ounce of remorse.
Until my worst nightmare comes true and I lose control over my home and myself, posing a challenge neither Fallon nor I ever anticipated.
And I fear that being a good husband and being a good Mafioso might get one of us killed.

A standalone novel from the Chicago Syndicate world. It's not necessary to have read book 1 and 2.

A romantic suspense in dual point of view.

Find it here:

ARC Review: DISGRACE by Bethany-Kris

April 12, 2018

Disgrace by Bethany-Kris
Siena Calabrese is no longer the prized daughter of la famiglia. Her transgressions against her brothers and family have stained more than just her reputation. Her best chance at keeping breath in her lungs would be to sit down and shut up like she was taught to do. She definitely shouldn't be feeding information to her family's enemies. And yet, she is still willing to risk it all for a chance at forever with Johnathan Marcello. After everything, how could she not?

The disgraced one …

Johnathan Marcello’s life and secrets have now been put on display for everyone to see. There's no hiding the things he's tried to keep hidden, but maybe that's the best thing that could have happened. Now he's about to walk straight into a war between rival mafia families, and he's got choices to make. His love is on one side, he's on the other, and everybody is playing for keeps. He'll play the game just as dirty as anyone else to get what he wants, even to the detriment of himself. For her, how could he not?

The shamed one …

It's time that the forgotten king takes back his throne. It's already been too long since it was taken from him.

But when has anything in this life been easy?

This Mafia Romance is available now!

ARC Review: DIESEL by Crimson Syn

April 10, 2018

Diesel by Crimson Syn
Jack Diesel is hiding something.
All rugged goodness, with a dark edge,
He’s the type of man who will get me into trouble.
The type of man I should stay away from.
There’s no avoiding someone like Diesel.
He’s a powerful magnet that lights my whole body on fire.
But he has secrets.
Secrets I can’t help but look into.
Secrets that are hindering me from being with him.
Secrets I intend to uncover.

Gabriela Cristiano is a delicious little spitfire.
She’s tough, cynical, and sexy as fuck.
She knows the power she wields on men and I’m no different because I crave her.
From the moment she fell on my lap, I can’t keep myself away.
One moment we’re arguing the next she’s on her knees before me.
She’s a rollercoaster ride I don’t want to get off of.
If only I could tell her about my past.
If only I could learn to love again.

Diesel has a dark past, but that won't stop him from making you squirm in your seats. Hold on to your panties ladies, Diesel's going to take you for a wild ride.
18+ Only Boys & Girls
Explicit Sexual Scenes & some serious Dirty Talking

ARC Review: EPOCH by Jewel E. Ann

April 07, 2018

Epoch by Jewel E. Ann
Some lives end unfinished, and some transcend time.

After a horrific incident, Swayze finds herself trapped between two lives. Patchy memories and fear for her own safety thrust her into a gut-wrenching journey to uncover the truth.

Will she let her dreams slip away to seek retribution and find the missing pieces to a puzzle that existed a lifetime ago?

“I’m not going to watch you self-destruct. I’m not going to watch you fall in love with another man.”

Or will she discover the only truth that matters?

Epoch pushes the boundaries of what we believe and what we know. It redefines fate and proves that the only thing separating the heart and the soul is an infinite timeline.

“I think a part of you will be mine to love in every life.”


ARC Review: ENDORSED by Marni Mann

Endorsed by Marni Mann
My client’s younger sister is off-f***ing-limits.

Getting my first big client signed to the NFL was the second best moment of my life. Escorting his sister back to her hotel was the first. Imagining what she would feel like, look like, taste like—none of it was as good as the real thing.

If her brother found out, it would destroy my career, so I ended things between us.

Eight years later, the girl who got away still owns me.

First I’ll make her forgive me, and then I’m going to make her mine.

He’s owned my body for far too long.

It’s been years since he’s touched me, and my skin still remembers every brush, stroke, and thrust. I want to forget how good it felt. Almost as much as I want to do it again.

We can’t finish what we started until I make my confession.

I have a secret—and one that wasn’t mine to keep.

Before he can love me, he’ll have to find some way to forgive me.

ARC Review: KINDA DON'T CARE by Lani Lynn Vale

April 03, 2018

Kinda Don't Care by Lani Lynn Vale
She’s in a white dress that dances around her ankles, and her hair tumbles in a long sheet of curls down her back. A veil covers her beautiful eyes, and she smiles directly at him. Janie is everything Rafe’s ever imagined she would be on her wedding day.

Breathtaking. Gorgeous. Perfect.

The moment he sees her walking down the aisle towards him, he knows that she’s the one.

Then she passes him, making her way to the man she’s to marry.

A man that wasn’t him.

A man that he knows with one hundred percent certainty isn’t good enough for her.

It seems that her father isn’t the only one who’s having a hard time giving her away. Rafe only wishes he knew why.

Everything about Janie sparks protective instincts he doesn’t feel for anyone, not even his own fiancĂ©.

What he feels for the bride, however, isn’t merely a simple attraction. He knows that something is there just beneath the surface…if only he could reach it.

It has to be something huge, too, otherwise he wouldn’t be drinking whiskey straight from the flask in a church pew and wondering how many years he would do in prison if he shot the groom in front of about a hundred witnesses—half of those being cops.

He was good…but not that good.

A near-death experience cost Rafe almost six months of his memory, but right now he can’t help but feel like a huge mistake is being made on both of their parts. One that’s going to cost him everything.

Then she says I do.

Review of THE MAIDEN by Celia Aaron

April 02, 2018

The Maiden by Celia Aaron
I joined the Cloister to find the truth.
But I've discovered so much more, and the darkness here is seducing me, pulling me down until all I can think of is him.
Adam Monroe, the Prophet's son, a dark prince to an empire that grows by the day.
He is tasked with keeping me safe from the wolves of the outside world.
But the longer I stay at the Cloister, the more I realize the wolves are already inside and under the Prophet's control.
If Adam discovers the real reason I'm here, he'll bay for my blood with the rest of them.
Until then, I will be Delilah, an obedient servant of the Prophet during the day and Adam's Maiden at night.

Author's Note: If you have a trigger, this book will pull it. The Maiden is the first book of The Cloister Series. The Prophet will release in May, and the conclusion to the series, The Church, will release in June.

One-click today for ONLY 99c!

ARC Review: CHEEKY ROYAL by Nana Malone

April 01, 2018

Cheeky Royal by Nana Malone
All they want is everything they can’t have.


Yes, yes, I've heard the rumors.
The prince is royal, and cocky and has a—well never mind about all that.
The problem is, he's also my job.

When the King called on me to retrieve the wayward prince, I was ready to walk away.

Then I caught my boyfriend cheating—and suddenly leaving never felt like a better idea.


I never wanted the throne.

When I left behind my gilded cage of a palace, it all sounded so simple: find my long-lost brother & make him the prince so I don't have to rule the kingdom like my father expects.

Then I meet my new neighbor, and quickly realize I’ve found the queen of my heart—and bed.

Just one problem, I can’t let her find out who I really am.