Showing posts with label 6-Killer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6-Killer. Show all posts

Review: DIRTY by Callie Hart

July 07, 2018

Dirty by Callie Hart
Face of an angel.
Body of a god.
And a mouth so dirty he could make the devil blush…

Fix Marcosa’s time can be bought with money, but he isn’t selling sex. Murderers, rapists, criminals: if you’re on the wrong side of Fix’s moral code, you’re in trouble. The kind of trouble that winds up getting you killed. As a hitman for hire, Fix is no stranger to violence. He’s merciless. Relentless. A true savage, down to the roots of his very soul. You can beg. You can plead. You can pray, but it won’t do you any good. Once the tall, dark stranger arrives at your doorstep, it’s already too late to repent.

Sera Lafferty’s no stranger to heartbreak. With an abusive father and a dependant sister, her life has been one of sacrifice and compromise. As soon as she sets eyes on Felix ‘Fix’ Marcosa, she recognizes the darkness in him and makes a vow: she will not get involved. But trapped inside a motel room with the sexiest man to ever walk the earth? Throw in some tequila and the storm to end all storms, and Sera finds herself worshipping at the altar of Marcosa.

She knows she made a mistake.

She knows she needs to run.

But when she witnesses the assassin at work first hand, she knows it’s far too late. Thrown into the back of his sleek black ride, Sera finds herself trapped, and in more way than one. Fix is deadly. He’s demanding, he’s dirty, and he’s determined to claim her for his own.

ARC Review: HIT GIRL by Tia Louise

March 20, 2018

Hit Girl by Tia Louise
My finest trick?
Making you think I’ve forgotten...

Names on a list.
Faces in a crowd.
One little girl.

He told me to get over it, let it go.
I can't do that.
I want them to pay.


(A STAND-ALONE, second-chance romance.)

ARC Review: VILLAINS & VODKA by Alta Hensley

December 03, 2017

Villains and Vodka by Alta Hensley
My life is one long fevered dream, balancing between being killed or killing.
The name Harley Crow is one to be feared.
I am an assassin.
A killer.
The villain.

I own it. I choose this life. Hell, I crave it. I hunger for it. The smell of fear makes me hard and is the very reason the blood runs through my veins.
Until I meet her…

Marlowe Masters.
Her darkness matches my own.
In my twisted world of dancing along the jagged edge of the blade…
She changes everything.
No weapon can protect me from the kind of death she will ultimately deliver.

*Villains & Vodka is a dark billionaire romance. If you don’t like a splash of shock, a dash of taboo, and a heavy dose of sex, then don’t take a sip of this TOP SHELF cocktail.

Review: VENERABLE by Laura B. Martinez

November 22, 2017

Venerable by Laura B. Martinez

Innocent. Confused. Curious.
She was a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He saved her.
He took her from the hands of an animal just to throw her to the Monsters.
For the first time in his whole life, he wished he wasn't the worst of them all
Will the darkness extinguish Sebastian's only light?

ARC Review: SAVAGE by L.A. Fiore

November 17, 2017

Savage by L.A. Fiore

They call him a monster.
Pale blue eyes as cold as ice that see right through you.
He’s hard.
He’s damaged.
He’s dangerous.
He lives in a castle fit for a fairy tale, but he’s no prince.
He’s savage.
He’s brutal.
He’s a killer.
By an act of fate, our worlds collide.
They call him a monster, but he is my salvation.

Review: TORMENTOR MINE by Anna Zaires

November 14, 2017

Tormentor Mine by Anna Zaires

He came to me in the night, a cruel, darkly handsome stranger from the most dangerous corners of Russia. He tormented me and destroyed me, ripping apart my world in his quest for vengeance.
Now he's back, but he’s no longer after my secrets.
The man who stars in my nightmares wants me.

Review: Ghostface Killer by M. Never

March 28, 2017

Ghostface Killer by M Never
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Release - March 29, 2017
Genre - Dark Mafia Romance
Heroine POV - 1st person
Heat - 4.5 out of 5
Length - 252 pages

Once, I was nothing.
Hungry, abandoned, wandering, and alone. An adolescent street rat fighting for crumbs.
Then a chance encounter changed my entire world.
A man in an expensive suit asked me how much my life was worth.
I didn't have an answer, because I didn't know.
He asked if I thought it was worth killing for.
Impulsively, I said yes...

He found me, then fostered me, and in the interim turned me into a killing machine. A modern day La Femme Nikita.

Now, I only have one mission. To avenge the death of the man who saved me.

There's an invisible war on the streets. Us against them. Family against family. Power against power.

They call me Ghostface Killer because they never see me coming.

I understand the weight of that danger.
The hazard.
The jeopardy.

Because now here I stand, three months pregnant with the barrel of a gun pressed to my head cause I never saw him coming...

Review: Dark Protector by Celia Aaron

March 02, 2017

Dark Protector by Celia Aaron
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Standalone - Dark Protector #1
Release - February 27, 2017
Genre - Romantic Suspense
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Length - 270 pages

From the moment I saw her through the window of her flower shop, something other than darkness took root inside me. Charlie shone like a beacon in a world that had long since lost any light. But she was never meant for me, a man that killed without remorse and collected bounties drenched in blood.
I thought staying away would keep her safe, would shield her from me. I was wrong. Danger followed in my wake like death at a slaughter house. I protected her from the threats that circled like black buzzards, kept her safe with kill after kill.
But everything comes with a price, especially second chances for a man like me.
Killing for her was easy. It was living for her that turned out to be the hard part.

Review: Kill Me by L.P. Lovell

January 03, 2017

Kill Me by LP Lovell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Kiss of Death #1
Release: October 24, 2016
Length: 238 pages


To many, I am little more than a myth. The Kiss of Death, a hired killer, revered by some of the greatest criminal organisations in the world. Trained by the bratva themselves, without conscience, without mercy, the perfect soldier. I’ll kill anyone… for a price. Death doesn’t discriminate, she sells to the highest bidder, but even I have a weakness.


I want one thing—power. But power is merely a game of strategy. The pieces are on the chess board. Death is my queen, and also my pawn. She’ll paint this city red in exchange for the one thing she wants. Now all I have to do is watch it all play out. She’s nothing more than a weapon, and yet, I find myself wanting to dance with death, to possess her. And I always get what I want.

A game of power. A risk that could cost her everything. An obsession that would see the world burn at their feet. A bloodied king. A broken queen.

Kill me or kiss me?

Goodreads | Amazon

Read it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Review: Best Laid Plans by Stylo Fantome

January 02, 2017

Best Laid Plans by Stylo Fantome
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Mercenaries #1
Release: September 7, 2015
Length: 322 pages


* Smuggle diamonds from Liberia to Morocco
* Make the trip in three days
* Don't get caught
* Don't kill each other
* Don't have sex with each other
* Don't fall for each other
* Stick to the plan

This is the story of what happens when an unlikely bond is formed between enemies, causing tensions to rise, and igniting a chemistry that threatens to burn them both. Together, they'll learn that sometimes even the best laid plans can fail.

If this NOVEL were a MOVIE, it would have an R rating from the MPAA. Contains: Violence, Grisly Images, Strong Language, Nudity, and Graphic Sexual Content

Goodreads | Amazon

Read it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Review: Killing Sarai by J.A. Redmerski

Killing Sarai by JA Redmerski
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In the Company of Killers #1
Release: June 19, 2013
Length: 326 pages

Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been held for the past nine years.

Victor is a cold-blooded assassin who, like Sarai, has known only death and violence since he was a young boy. When Victor arrives at the compound to collect details and payment for a hit, Sarai sees him as her only opportunity for escape. But things don’t go as planned and instead of finding transport back to Tucson, she finds herself free from one dangerous man and caught in the clutches of another.

While on the run, Victor strays from his primal nature as he succumbs to his conscience and resolves to help Sarai. As they grow closer, he finds himself willing to risk everything to keep her alive; even his relationship with his devoted brother and liaison, Niklas, who now like everyone else wants Sarai dead.

As Victor and Sarai slowly build a trust, the differences between them seem to lessen, and an unlikely attraction intensifies. But Victor’s brutal skills and experience may not be enough in the end to save her, as the power she unknowingly holds over him may ultimately be what gets her killed.

This is their story…

Goodreads | Amazon

Review: Six by K.I. Lynn

Six by KI Lynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Release: June 8, 2016
Length: 386 pages

I had a one-night stand. It wasn’t my first, but it would be my last.

A gun to the head.

A trained killer.

A deadly conspiracy.

Kidnapped and on the run, my life and death is in the hands of a sadist captor who happens to be my one-night stand. Armed with countless weapons, money, and new identities, the man I call Six drags me around the world.

The manhunt is on and Six is the next target. Can we find out who is killing off the Cleaners before they find us?

Two down, seven to go.

When it’s all over he’ll finish the job that dropped him into my life, and end it.
Stockholm Syndrome meets bucket list, and the question of what would you do to live before you died. The questions aren’t always answered in black and white. Gray becomes the norm as my morals are tested.

Death is a tragedy, and I’ll do anything to stay alive.

Are you ready for the last ride of your life? Six has a gun to your head—what would you do?

This isn’t a love story.

It’s a death story.

**Due to the dark and explicit nature of this book, it is recommended for mature audiences only as some scenes may be particularly disturbing.**