Please Note: I read this series back in 2016 and it's a dual perspective contemporary romance. Take my reviews with a grain of salt.
About the series:
Becka Jasper is a graduate student on the fast track to a successful career as a researcher. Oliver Weeks is the CEO of a major food research corporation - a powerful and handsome alpha male, that not only knows what he wants, but also gets what he wants.And soon enough, he wants Becka.
Brought together when Becka sits in on one of Oliver’s guest teaching lectures, they connect and discover a chemistry neither is prepared for. Becka soon finds herself wanting more from Oliver than just the internship she originally envisioned, but, almost from the start, she sees signs that Oliver may not be exactly what he seems to be.

Passionate Weeks
Well I liked it. I think I was a bit surprised that there was so much packed into such a short book/novella. I'm intrigued by both Becka and Dr. Oliver Weeks. I got a lot of information but I'm left with questions, which is a good thing because that's what will keep me coming back for more. I want to know what his side business is. And if the story of his background that he told Becka is a lie, what's the truth? Now that they've consummated their 'relationship' (although Oliver keeps saying he's not looking for one), what does this mean for Becka's possible internship at his company?
Four stars.

Lovely Weeks
I really like the writing of this author. She's made a sucker out of me because I'm completely sucked in the plot! Her characters, Becka and Oliver, are extremely sweet together and apart. The slow build of their relationship makes it realistic. And they are both so intelligent, which is a definite plus in my book. This is not a fast-paced series and I think the pacing is perfect. I'm really interested in reading further because I need to know what secrets Oliver is keeping. I hope they're not too bad. This couple belongs together!
Four stars.

Exciting Weeks
Another 'exciting' installment to this series. I had a couple of problems with it though.
1. The fact that Becka had a full blown attraction to her student, Ethan, while involved with Oliver. So not cool!
2. The fact that Becka is sneaking around behind Oliver's back, researching animal testing, and keeping secrets. They're both keeping secrets and it's annoying me lol! I want answers!!
3. If Becka finds out that Oliver is involved with animal testing, then what?
Four stars.

Crazy Weeks
Still good but I'm officially confused. Mild spoilers ahead and I'm sorry for that. OK, when Ethan is first introduced, he's a 21yo student in Becka's class. But in this book, he's much older, filthy rich, and oh yeah, he was Oliver's best friend and business partner once upon a time. WTH?! Did I miss something??? And damn Becka for betraying her relationship to Oliver in this book. There's no real cheating but she went too far. So I liked everyone but her in this one.
Four stars.

Ecstatic Weeks
Wow. The author got me to hate Becka within 37 pages. Quite a feat. For the entire book, my right hand kept itching to give this girl (cuz a woman she definitely ain't) a pimp slap. What the heck is going on??? Why did you change this character so dramatically??? Now she's a slut? Willing to sleep with all hot guys she sees? Thank you for not actually letting her sleep with them, but my sympathies to Oliver. He caught himself an undercover ho-bag! I kept trying to make excuses for her, like she's very young. But no. Excuses just won't fly. She can't decide between the man she's been involved with since book one and his brother??? Then she wants to sleep with a random dude to get both men out of her system??? Then... then... then the loser decides she wants Oliver after all!!! I hope he finds someone new cuz this chick is a waffler and has no clue who she truly is or what she wants.
Because of this rant, and I could continue but I've decided to spare you, I could only give this book 2 stars. And those stars are for Oliver alone!!
Two stars.

Fearful Weeks
Ya, I didn't think it was possible, but it's a new record. My hate has been escalated within 28 pages. I hate you Becka. I really do. And any girl in real life who resembles her, I hate you too. I'm just saying. This chick went from hero to zero real quick. How the heck do you suspect something happened to your man by the hands of his brother, but then somehow convince yourself that sleeping with broski is OK? On what planet is this normal? Your man is freaking missing!! Wth is wrong with this character? And shame on you Ms. Brooks for giving Ethan a POV.
One star

Dangerous Weeks
The author's writing is still great and thankfully she chose to redeem Becka (slightly) in this book. There are still 3 more books in the series so who knows. Oliver disappeared then reappeared (Polkaroo) and Ethan and his lies/deceptions/secrets are still annoying. At least Oliver finally revealed the truth to Becka (and me most importantly) so hopefully this is a sign that the series will progress in a more positive fashion.
Three stars.

Wild Weeks
I'm staying neutral when it comes to Becka. I have no feelings. However, I think it's pretty hilarious that her friend has to explain the reasons why she should stay true to her man. Why is that? Because Becka, for as smart as this series wants to make her out to be, is an idiot. Even Ethan stated she should use her scientific mind. Ha ha ha, where did that mind go again? Chick misplaced it. And she's too busy making paranoid assumptions and accusations, and having fantasies about other men, to look for it. I'm still Team Oliver. Becka can kick rocks.
Three stars.

Thrilling Weeks
I hate that I'm not a quitter, cuz if I was, I would have left this series a few books ago. I feel like all I'm getting is filler, no substance. It's all nonsense this and nonsense that. But nothing is really happening. Oliver has a 'plan' and then takes Becka to Paris. There they share I love yous with NO fanfare!! I didn't believe it, did you? And still the story isn't really moving along, except now there are two lines on a pregnancy test. It's like things are thrown together to give us, the readers, something while giving us nothing at all.
Three stars.

Dramatic Weeks
Well that's the end. Wrapped up with a shiny bow. Becka is pregnant, Oliver remains by her side, Lisa is traumatized, and crazy Ethan got his just dessert. I can't say I'm satisfied with this conclusion, but I am proud of myself for finishing it. So that's something. I will say that I will give this author another chance sometime in the near future because she writes amazingly well and can only improve with time and practice.
Three stars.
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