Series Review // Red & Wolfe by Ella James

May 13, 2024

Hello and happy Monday! I'm back with a series of books I read back in the day, enjoyed, and wanted to share. Have you read these books? Hopefully my review inspires someone to give this series a try.

Book One

When Sarah "Red" Ryder loses her job as an art critic for a Boston newspaper, she's brokenhearted. Worse than that? She's broke. Her boyfriend recently left her, so she's stuck paying her hefty apartment rent alone. After two months unemployed, there's no money left. With no immediate family to turn to, Red reaches out to her estranged grandmother, a reclusive writer living on an island off the coast of Charleston. Several days later, Red receives $30,000 and an invitation to visit.

James Wolfe is not Red's grandmother - but he's the only person waiting for her at the boat dock. Red has something he needs. He won't take "no" for an answer, and he doesn't mind screwing her over to get it. He lost his conscience six years ago, when he went off the grid. Since then, life is about him - and the renowned oil paintings he does under the mysterious pseudonym "W."

Until the moment he sees her. Then Red is all he wants. And Wolfe will have her - any way he can.

I gave it 3 stars.
From what I've seen, I'm guessing this is a spin on Little Red Riding Hood? I'm not sure I really got that other than the characters names. I haven't quite connected to Red or Wolfe yet. Red annoyed me so it will take a bit to endear her to me. While she was busy selling her worldly possessions, I kept wondering why she doesn't move?! When I read that she had granite countertops, I was baffled. Surely the cheapest places in Boston don't have granite countertops! Wth was wrong with this picture?! So yeah, I had no sympathy for the character. However, I'm interested in finding out more about Wolfe so I'm going to keep reading.

Book Two

Return to Rabbit Island for the erotic second installment of Red & Wolfe, the sensual story of exiled playboy James Wolfe and writer Sarah "Red" Ryder.

This is an erotic fairy tale inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.

I gave it 4 stars.
Damn that Wolfe is one sexy as f**k dominant. I didn't expect that and I like the surprise.

In this book, Red finally acknowledges how alone she is now that she has no family left. She also starts realizing, with Wolfe's help, that she's a natural submissive, at least for him.

I'm really interested to find out how she figures out who he is (she calls him Race Hollister but we know he's James Wolfe).

Book Three

Return to Rabbit Island with Red & the illusive Rafe for the hottest serial installment so far.

I'd bring at least two pairs of extra panties if I were you.

I gave it 4 stars.
What I found funny about this installment was that even though it was less than 40 pages, so much was happening that it felt longer. I'm still very intrigued by the mysterious James Wolfe. There seems to be so many interesting points to his story, such as his relationship then marriage to Cookie, her subsequent death, his trial for her murder, his relationship with his father and brother, his cousin Bob, and his relationship with Red's grandmother Gertrude. Because of how short each part is, I'm guessing I won't see further development on these areas, which sucks because I would definitely read that. I think of Red as a side character, simply because she's not a strong enough character to carry the plot on her own. She offers very little IMO. I hope to get some answers and maybe the start of a relationship between these two because they're hot together (although that's mainly because of Wolfe).

Book Four

Return to Rabbit Island for the heart-pounding conclusion to Red and Wolfe's story.

Don't forget your extra panties - but this time, you might also want to bring your gun.

I gave it 4 stars.
This is a new author for me and I found her writing unique, different and refreshing. This book for instance had so much packed into so little. Sex, betrayal, sex, guns, sex, knives, sex, secrets revealed, sex. Wow there was a lot of sex lol. But I'm not complaining about that. Nosiree. However, I am complaining about the use of the term 'f**k doll'. I absolutely did not like it. I could have truly done without it. But I liked everything else about Wolfe so it didn't completely turn me off from him. I enjoyed this series and I'm sure I will enjoy other books from this author.

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