My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read a lot of books in 2016. I think I read more that year than any other. To try to sum it up would be almost impossible. Not completely impossible, but the probability of me doing that is next to nil. It's not only laziness that deters me from this attempt. It's the fact that I read over 600 books!! Who is willing to weed through that list with me? For me? No one??? Exactly. If you don't wanna, why would I?
I will say that it was a great year in books. That from what I've seen in peeks (and through my stealthy stalking) 2017 is looking to be a promising year as well. I'm looking forward to Preppy 2 and 3 from TM Frazier. I'm looking to finish the Bellator Saga from Cecilia London. I want to get the rest of the books that Pepper Winters has promised. I can't wait to read from new authors. Those reads are my fave! :D
I think that I'm going to keep a running tally of favorites for 2017 so I don't run into this problem again for 2017 on Goodreads. Maybe then I too will have an interesting graphic or two to display my love and appreciation. For those I've disappointed, don't be too upset. I bought over 600 books (and many paperbacks on top of that because I had to add my faves to my bookshelves). So that's money in people's pockets. I'm sure they love that more than any platitudes I could possibly share ;)
Until next year! xoxo
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