Showing posts with label Ari Reavis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ari Reavis. Show all posts

Unintended by Ari Reavis

June 11, 2024

Unintended by Ari Reavis

"We're forever. The unintended became a love I could never live without it."
"You'll never have to."

Available in Kindle Unlimited —

Unintended by Ari Reavis

Unintended by Ari Reavis

Rating -
Standalone - More Than One Night #2
Release - January 16, 2023
Genre - Contemporary Romance / one night stand (instalove)
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - explicit
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Length - 238 pages

Previous book in the series: Unexpected


That’s exactly what the first time Livia and Owen come face to face is. When she tases a guy she thinks is trying to break into her hotel room, she doesn’t expect that to somehow turn into a date. And that date certainly isn’t supposed to turn into a one night stand.

Owen may be curled into a ball on the floor, but even that doesn’t stop him from noticing the beauty before him. He’s not going to let the pain prevent him from using their electrifying beginning to get Livia to agree to go out with him. With each smile, laugh, and time that her eyes come to his, he realizes one night with her will never be enough.

Their one night stand is far from the end of their time together though. A pregnancy makes sure of that. There’s too much on the line now for either of them to leave, but Livia has secrets that could tear everything they’re building apart. They’ll have to fight to stay together, because something much more violent is going to try to rip them apart.

Ari Reavis has this consistent ability to tug at my heartstrings. Her books are so unique, her stories are full of feels, and I'm in love with the way she writes.

Livia had escaped a traumatic relationship and was determined to never give her heart to anyone ever again. Then she met Owen, a man unlike any other and she couldn't help but give him all of herself and more. He deserved someone special because Owen was one heck of a guy and I was thrilled that Livia, despite her fear, stepped up to the plate. Their relationship was so special and while there was a ton of tension, angst, and absolute terror, their love shone through every moment.

This second book of the series was much darker than the first, but this difference was still tempered by the love story that developed between these characters. Livia's ex was a nightmare, and his antics were extremely dangerous, but it only added dimension to what Livia and Owen shared. That no matter what came at them, they would face it together.

I was so happy to see the first couple make appearances throughout the story and Livia's dad and Owen's uncle were such amazing father figures.. I've been getting teased with Bryce's story and I'm excited to get to that one next.

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Find more about Ari and her books on her site:

Review // The Ones Left Behind by Ari Reavis

June 28, 2022

The Ones Left Behind by Ari Reavis

"You're much more interesting."
"Hmm. You should be careful, Elijah."
"Making me fall for you."
"Why would I want to avoid you doing for me what I'm doing for you?"

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The Ones Left Behind by Ari Reavis

The Ones Left Behind by Ari Reavis

Release - July 1, 2022
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5 / several explicit scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 298 pages
Publisher - Indie

When Jolie lost her sister, she never thought she would smile again. It was hard enough to go on, let alone think about being happy. But then a stranger walks into the support group her parents force her to go to, and for the first time, in a long time, someone makes her want to know more about them.

Elijah’s been drowning in guilt since his best friend died. Not thinking the support group will actually help but not knowing where else to go, he walks into the room and silently takes a seat. When he looks at the woman a few seats down, something in her eyes makes him think maybe she’s the one person who can truly understand him.

They build a bond through their grief, but then very different emotions begin to come into play. Can they heal from their losses enough to discover what they could have together? Or are the scars caused by the ones who left them behind too deep?

TW: Both of the main characters have recently had a loved one commit suicide. This book deals heavily with this subject, as well as mental illness. The suicide does not take place on page, but is described.

My Two Cents

4 "The New Normal" stars

I've pretty much moved out of my contemporary romance phase, but there's something about the way this author writes that keeps making me come back!

I don't know how she made something that should have been incredibly sad into something that was incredibly sweet, but that's exactly what she did.

When you lose someone, especially in the ways that both Elijah and Jolie lost someone, how do you ever get past it? Through it? How does one accept that there will never be answers to their many questions and move on?

The Ones Left Behind told me there's no one answer on how to move through grief. It's different for all of us and not everyone will understand how you feel. And that's okay. Your feelings are valid and if you're really lucky, like Elijah and Jolie were, you'll find someone special who'll truly get it. Who'll stand by you through any and everything. Who will love you through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad.

So while this story could have been heartbreaking, it had too many happy and uplifting moments to really get me down. It was full of hope and honesty and when it feels so real, it's impossible not to love it!

About the Author

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Visit for more information

Review // Trouble by Ari Reavis

December 14, 2021

Trouble by Ari Reavis

Isn't that all I ever wanted?
To be seen as something more,
someone more,
just... more.

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Trouble by Ari Reavis

Trouble by Ari Reavis

Standalone - Unwavering Love #3
Release - December 6, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance / bad boy meets good girl
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5 / several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 215 pages
Publisher - Indie


People don’t understand how much power a name holds. Justin has been known as Trouble for as far back as he can remember. He’s never seen any other choice than to live up to his name so he can be able to take care of his younger brother. But then…he meets her, and his name begins to feel like a burden he no longer wants to bear.

The moment a handsome stranger walks into Lena’s office, she wants to know what story lays beneath his many tattoos and sexy grin. Putting a hard past behind her, she’s starting her future, but now she can’t help but wonder how Justin might fit into it. She couldn’t have imagined just how much he would change her life, how much he would change everything.

She only knows him as Justin. How long can Trouble stay hidden? When their worlds collide and the secrets between them are exposed, can they survive them?

Find your copy of Trouble here:

Goodreads * Amazon

My Two Cents

5 "Always love a bad boy" stars

"Trouble" was anything but.

Justin knew what it was to struggle and survive. Abandoned by those who were supposed to care the most, he took on the responsibility of raising his little brother. However, with no education and no marketable skills, there was only one job he was qualified for in the hood. And thriving? He would leave that for his brother.

Lena knew what it was to struggle and survive. Alone and abandoned, she grew up in the system. Instead of taking the hard road, she was determined to succeed.

So different and yet so compatible. When they meet, they recognize something in the other that was necessary in their lives. Their relationship blossomed organically and beautifully and I was in love with the way they loved each other.

"I will always be here to help you see the best parts of yourself, Justin." - Lena

So beautiful!

My heart hurt for all that Justin had to go through, for all that his brother had to go through, but I loved how they powered through everything. I loved their dynamic and found myself rooting for their success. And can someone find me a Miss Lydia and/or a Miss Lou to come save a chick?

Oh and let's not forget the ending of this book... If I wasn't already going to rate it highly, the lump in my throat at the end as I forced myself not to cry made its five-star-worthiness quite clear. I can't recommend this author enough. She writes such authentic characters and heartwarming stories and everyone who loves romance should be reading her.

About the Author

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Visit for more information

Author Spotlight: Ari Reavis

November 13, 2021

I've never done this before, but with the HUGE SALE Ari Reavis is having, I couldn't help but create a post to share the news!

So... what can I tell you about this author? She has to be one of the most underrated romance authors I've come across. I've read everything she's written. I mean EVER-Y-THANG and she never disappoints. Contemporary Romance? Nailed it. Fantasy? She crushed that too.

Her writing is beautiful. She creates stunning characters. And her intimate scenes... yeah, read those indoors lol.

And now she's got five books on sale. Five paperbacks and because I've already grabbed the two that I didn't already have, I'm giving you the chance to meet an author that may quickly become one of your favorites too!

Be My Light is ONLY $6.99 ~ on Amazon

Check out my review

Ebony's been trying to pull herself out of the darkness for longer than she cares to admit, but each day only seems to bring her deeper. Music is her only escape from a life that revolves around her siblings and getting through the next day. Then a ray of light is shining through, making her see she might not be as alone as she thought.

Marcus has his own story to tell and Ebony’s the only one he wants to share it with. He’s been waiting for her to notice him, hoping for the chance to prove he’s worthy of her letting him in. Now that he has her attention, he's ready to show her just how beautiful a life with them together could be.

Opening up her world to Marcus might be the hardest thing Ebony has ever done, and when her past threatens to drag her back under again, will he remain at her side? Can Ebony overcome, what has always seemed like, insurmountable odds and find her way to the light?

────── ♔ ──────

Just Fake It is ONLY $5.99 ~ on Amazon

Check out my review

You are cordially invited to a wedding...

The date has been picked; the planning has begun. All that’s needed now is a groom. Angela never saw herself asking a complete stranger to marry her, but with her wedding drawing closer, she’s left with little choice. The arrangement is simple. Convince her parents they’re head over heels for each other, get married, and then go their separate ways. But she didn’t anticipate her heart having plans of its own.

Tristan thought he was meeting her for their first date, but ends up getting a marriage proposal instead. His past makes it easy to understand why Angela needs a fake fiancé. And how hard could it be to go along with her charade anyway? But his feelings never agreed to play by the rules. Neither of them considered what would happen when faking it stopped being enough. What do you do when you start falling for the person you’re marrying?

────── ♔ ──────

Girl Meets Boys is ONLY $5.99 ~ on Amazon

Check out my review

Girl meets boy, they fall in love, and live happily ever after. But what happens when, instead of meeting one boy, the girl meets two?

With Emily starting college, she figures it’s the perfect time to break out of her shell and have a new beginning. She doesn’t expect that in rewriting her story, it would include a love triangle.

First she meets Julian. She can’t help but notice his shirts with quotes on them, that match his quirky personality, his crooked smile and ruffled hair. He understands her in ways few others do. That’s what makes her afraid to let him get too close.

Then she meets Will. He’s from a different world, different crowd. When he goes out of his way to show her just how well she fits in his life, she finds herself getting swept up all too easily. Sometimes though, opposites really shouldn’t attract.

Girl meets boys and soon the choice isn’t which one of them is better, but who she’s better with.

────── ♔ ──────

Unspoken is ONLY $7.99 ~ on Amazon

Check out my review

The Unspoken One has been banished for many years, his very existence erased. Ameera must find his true name and summon him if she has any hope of saving her kingdom from war, and herself from marriage to a ruthless king.

The Kingdom of Nur has been suffering for years under Ameera’s father’s rule. She's bid her time, carefully keeping her secret hidden and waiting to become queen so she can repair what her father has broken. Then an unwanted marriage to the brutal king of Nur’s enemy threatens everything she’s worked towards.

With her wedding drawing near and the future of her kingdom in peril, she finds the forbidden name. She knows The Unspoken One is her last chance to save Nur, but she risks much in summoning him. His magic is not understood, the crime he was banished for is unknown, and speaking his name carries an unbearable punishment.

For Nur, for herself, she must risk it all. Or lose everything she holds dear.

She speaks the name too many have paid a painful price for uttering. Nothing, not the kingdom, their lives, or her heart, will ever be the same.

────── ♔ ──────

Imperfect is ONLY $5.99 ~ on Amazon

Check out my review

When a guy saves you from a horrible blind date, you don’t expect to end up dating him.

Mariah’s confusion over why a man is pretending to know her quickly fades once she realizes the handsome stranger winking at her is trying to save her. If she leaves with him, what might this night turn into?

Damir knows he can’t watch the beautiful woman across the restaurant cringe one more time without stepping in to help her. He promises he would take her on a much better date than the one she just left, but will she give him the chance to prove it?

He's got a past that corrupt people refuse to allow him to forget. She's come too far to get wrapped back up in the hardships she's escaped.

Can such an imperfect beginning turn into exactly what they both need?

I hope you grab one of these today and that you fall in love with the talent that is Ari Reavis as much as I did!

xo, Natalie

Review // Scarred by Ari Reavis

October 04, 2021

Scarred by Ari Reavis

"Let yourself fall apart if you need to, and I'll be here to help put you back together when you're ready."

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Scarred by Ari Reavis

Scarred by Ari Reavis

Release - October 20, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance / instant connection
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5 / several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Page Count - 202
Publisher - Indie

It’s the scars of the past that keep us from seeing what the future could hold.

Liam has scars that remind him daily why he refuses to allow love into his life. What good is it when it only leads to anger and hatred later on? But then he literally bumps into someone who makes him wonder if there is more to life than reliving the pain of what he’s been through.

Some scars are easier to bear than others.

Nia can’t look in the mirror without being reminded of what she’s endured. She carries the past with her like a living darkness wherever she goes. When she meets someone who looks beyond her scar, she dares to hope for a future she never thought possible.

But the past never stays dead for long.

When the ghosts of the past come back to haunt them both, can they make it through together? Or will the fear and uncertainty tear them apart before they can find happiness? The past and present collide and they’ll have to fight for each other if they want to have a future.

Find your copy of Scarred by Ari Reavis on Amazon

My Two Cents

I consider every book by Ari Reavis to be a comfort read. While no two stories are alike, and each one gives me a unique experience, they all read like I'm coming home.

After meeting Liam and then Nia in Imperfect, I didn't think I needed more. I was cool with what I knew. Then I picked up this book and realized how necessary their story was. How else was I going to fall in love with them?

Both characters had traumatic pasts, things done to them that affected how they went about their daily lives, and yet they thrived. Neither of them hid or fell apart. And together... they created something magical. Liam and Nia were such wonderful, kind, compassionate, patient, and understanding characters. I felt their pain, their confusion, their fears, their blossoming love, and all of their joy.

I love when an author can give us something so stunningly beautiful out of the ugliness that created deep emotional and physical scars.

About the Author

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Visit for more information

Review // Imperfect by Ari Reavis

July 05, 2021

Imperfect by Ari Reavis

"I've never been in love," I whisper.
"Me neither, but I can't wait to see how it feels."
"With me?"
"With you. Only with you."

Imperfect by Ari Reavis

Add it to Goodreads / Find it on Amazon

Release - July 5, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance/instant connection/interracial
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 263 pages
Publisher - Indie

When a guy saves you from a horrible blind date, you don’t expect to end up dating him.

Mariah’s confusion over why a man is pretending to know her quickly fades once she realizes the handsome stranger winking at her is trying to save her. If she leaves with him, what might this night turn into?

Damir knows he can’t watch the beautiful woman across the restaurant cringe one more time without stepping in to help her. He promises he would take her on a much better date than the one she just left, but will she give him the chance to prove it?

He's got a past that corrupt people refuse to allow him to forget. She's come too far to get wrapped back up in the hardships she's escaped.

Can such an imperfect beginning turn into exactly what they both need?

Damir and Mariah were perfectly imperfect together. His past consisted of many mistakes and missteps, but his loving and supportive parents helped to steer him onto the right path. Now he's a successful contractor, giving back to the community.

Abuse and neglect haunted Mariah's past and it was with the love of her big brother that she was able to love and thrive.

On one seriously terrible first date, Damir comes to Mariah's rescue and his white knight behavior doesn't stop there. They quickly fall in love, discovering they both want the fugture the other envisions.

One major problem: the cops who harass Damir and won't allow him to move on from his past.

I enjoyed many elements of this story, such as...
* the easy chemistry between the characters
* how simple and sweet the secondary characters were
* the way the author illustrated the harassment Damir suffered

While I didn't find this book to be as suspenseful as it purported to be, I did find it entertaining so recommending it comes easy.

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Find more about Ari and her books on her site:

Unspoken by Ari Reavis // ARC Review

March 08, 2021

Unspoken by Ari Reavis

I feel myself losing control again. Feel the magic churning in my gut like it wants to completely overtake me and burn this palace to the ground. I have never felt so desperate, so reckless. And even with so much power, more than I've ever felt before, I have never flt more powerless. I have magic I cannot use. A title that offers me no protection here. And a father who is feeding me to a monster piece by piece, and all with a smile because he thinks it will save him from the very same fate.

Unspoken by Ari Reavis

Unspoken by Ari Reavis

Standalone - Nur Series #1
Release - April 12, 2021
Genre - Fantasy Romance
Single POV - Ameera (heroine)
Heat Level - 3.5 (a couple of scenes)
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 295 pages
Publisher - Indie

The Unspoken One has been banished for many years, his very existence erased. Ameera must find his true name and summon him if she has any hope of saving her kingdom from war, and herself from marriage to a ruthless king.

The Kingdom of Nur has been suffering for years under Ameera’s father’s rule. She's bid her time, carefully keeping her secret hidden and waiting to become queen so she can repair what her father has broken. Then an unwanted marriage to the brutal king of Nur’s enemy threatens everything she’s worked towards.

With her wedding drawing near and the future of her kingdom in peril, she finds the forbidden name. She knows The Unspoken One is her last chance to save Nur, but she risks much in summoning him. His magic is not understood, the crime he was banished for is unknown, and speaking his name carries an unbearable punishment.

For Nur, for herself, she must risk it all. Or lose everything she holds dear.

She speaks the name too many have paid a painful price for uttering. Nothing, not the kingdom, their lives, or her heart, will ever be the same.

Amazon US:
Amazon CA:

Unspoken by Ari Reavis

I have read every book that Ari Reavis has published and Unspoken is unlike anything that I've read from her before. And it's not just because it's a fantasy romance, something new the author has done. It's the story's tone. At once somber and hopeful. Dark and light. It had an optimistic lean to it that got me through its darkest moments. This author's voice is beautiful and needs to be heard!!

Ameera is the last living child of a ruthless and tyrannical king. Desperate to save himself from impending war, he promises his daughter's hand to an equally devious, if not murderous, king to unite the kingdoms. Too bad Ameera has no intention of tying herself to man who cares only for himself, imposing death, conquering lands, and starving his people.

She has hopes that when it is her turn to rule, she can fix what her father has broken. She can begin to rebuild her once glorious home. But she cannot accomplish all she hopes for alone. She must invoke the name of the man who was banished from Nur. A man who is called upon to right wrongs, to fight for justice. A man who could bring about her end before she's even started.

I found it impossible not to want to join in on Ameera's fight. This woman, who has been beaten down by her father since her birth. This woman, who has been humiliated before the entire kingdom. This woman, who only wants to bring prosperity and success to her people. This woman, who is absolutely deserving of the greatest of loves... How could I not want her to triumph?

And the love story that developed? I couldn't have asked for more. So much can be said without saying a word and the author did an incredible job of capturing that. The tension between Ameera and Hamza... their chemistry... I lived for their every interaction!

With Unspoken, I was lost to the magic and the wonder that was created. I was easily able to picture the halls of Ameera's palace. I believed I could feel Nur's cool autumn breeze or the bitter cold of Sameer. From the downtrodden and the oppressed to a princess who was treated as a pauper, this story made the fantastical seem real.

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Find more about Ari and her books on her site:

Girl Meets Boys by Ari Reavis // ARC Review

January 15, 2021

Girl Meets Boys by Ari Reavis

"I'm fighting for you, Emily. I don't even mind the fight because I know in the end that you'll see I'm the better man. But what I won't do is fight for someone who won't even be there in the end. Someone who'll fade away trying to be like everyone else. I won't fight for someone who won't even be the girl I want by the time she chooses me."

Girl Meets Boys by Ari Reavis

Girl Meets Boys by Ari Reavis

Release - January 15, 2021
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance/love triangle
Heroine POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 249 pages
Publisher - Indie

Girl meets boy, they fall in love, and live happily ever after. But what happens when, instead of meeting one boy, the girl meets two?

With Emily starting college, she figures it’s the perfect time to break out of her shell and have a new beginning. She doesn’t expect that in rewriting her story, it would include a love triangle.

First she meets Julian. She can’t help but notice his shirts with quotes on them, that match his quirky personality, his crooked smile and ruffled hair. He understands her in ways few others do. That’s what makes her afraid to let him get too close.

Then she meets Will. He’s from a different world, different crowd. When he goes out of his way to show her just how well she fits in his life, she finds herself getting swept up all too easily. Sometimes though, opposites really shouldn’t attract.

Girl meets boys and soon the choice isn’t which one of them is better, but who she’s better with.

You know that Ari Reavis is a talented storyteller when she can get me to read one of my least favorite tropes ever - the love triangle! I tend to stay away from these types of stories, usually because I end up hating someone (the heroine) and I'd rather save myself the pain and the pressure. But I find it hard to resist this author's writing. So here I am and here are my humble thoughts.

Emily was a young woman trying to find herself. Tired of being the shy one, the one hiding in the shadows, she decided that her first year of college was going to be different. New look, new day, new attitude... same girl. She immediately realizes that nothing was going according to plan, however, she did meet a charming boy named Julian. He was a lot like her, he made her feel free to be herself, and he seemed to adore her for just who she was. But she needed more.

Enter Will. He's the campus bad boy, he comes from money, people seem to flock to him like he's the new Messiah, and Emily is instantly captivated. No matter what he does, she can't seem to get enough. He's the one to pull her out of her shell, to get her to try new things, to become a different person. He offers something that Julian cannot provide. Which girl will Emily be in the end?

This story in no way swayed me to start enjoying love triangles, especially when they involve young people. I'm over teenage angst and drama. Growing up is hard and Emily had to take some hard knocks in order to see the light. I'm happy with who she chose, but dang, she made it hard for herself! The author didn't shy away from illustrating the hurdles and hormones and doubts and insecurities that young people face when she created Emily. She also showed how beautiful it is to find oneself and love oneself for all of one's faults and favors.

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” - Maya Angelou

Find your copy on Amazon!

Ari Reavis is a wife and mother of five. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, she enjoys staying in, devouring books and watching movies. Her kids are running around, her husband is trying to show her martial arts moves, and she's trying to write. Her day in a nutshell.

Find more about Ari and her amazing books on her site:

Afraid to Fall by Ari Reavis

September 26, 2020

"Just don't be afraid to fall, Layla."

It Was Always You by Ari Reavis

July 16, 2020

My eyes spring open when I feel his finger touch my chest, right where my heart is. “This,” he whispers. “I want this.” “That old, broken thing?” I give an awkward chuckle as my heart melts right under his finger. “Yes, so I can make it whole again. So I can make it better than it ever was. So I can keep it safe from ever being hurt again.”

Never Leave Your Side by Ari Reavis

June 08, 2020

Never Leave Your Side by Ari Reavis
The artist.

Renna should be focusing on her first art showing, but instead, all her attention is on the man standing in front of her painting. When she goes over to introduce herself, she’s unprepared for the passion one look from him ignites.

The fighter.

Kyle taking the night off from his martial arts school to come to the gallery appears to be worth it, as he admires the works on display. Then the beautiful woman who painted them gives him one smile and he knows he’ll never get enough of her.

The unexpected.

Kyle’s used to having to fight, but what will happen when he comes up against something he can’t beat? Renna’s always counted on art to clear her mind, but when the future becomes blurry, it gets harder to keep envisioning the picture perfect life she wants.

It’s easy to say you’ll never leave each other’s side when things are easy. But can that promise be kept when it has to become more than just words?


September 04, 2019

Life is about all the pieces coming together…if they fit.
Cassidy knows the ugly side of love all too well, and isn’t interested in allowing it into her own life. So, why does the man at the gym make her question that?
Lucas is too busy raising his young daughter to look for love, but life has already shown him just how quickly things can change. Maybe that’s why the woman doing sit-ups has him doing a doubletake.
When the pieces of two people fit, falling in love should be easy. Except there’s always something in the way of happily ever after. And just because two people fit, doesn’t always mean they match.

Find it here:
Goodreads | Amazon

Read it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited