Showing posts with label 36-Vengeance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 36-Vengeance. Show all posts

Forbidden Flame by Alison Aimes // ARC Review

February 08, 2021

Forbidden Flame by Alison Aimes

When he'd intercepted that package, he'd been searching for revenge.
He'd been delivered salvation instead.

Forbidden Flame by Alison Aimes

Forbidden Flame by Alison Aimes

Standalone - Ruthless Warlords #1.5
Release - February 8, 2021
Genre - SciFi Omegaverse Romance/revenge plot
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4.5 out of 5
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 138 pages
Publisher - Indie

He's out for revenge. She's out to escape. Neither intends to fall in love.

His instructions are simple: do not open the bag. To escape exile and enact revenge, crime boss Magnus Avitus agrees to play the part of errand boy. But when the volatile package he’s been tasked with delivering begins to squirm, he has to take a peek. He never expects to come face-to-face with her. Or to have everything inside him roar "mine."

Her plans are simple: escape the bag and those intent on using her. But when omega Amora Rose's prison is unpacked before she can free herself, she is claimed by ferocious, scarred warlord who makes her heart whisper "mine."

Except she has a secret that’s about to send all their simple plans up in flames.

I know I'm not the only one who loves a good revenge plot. When it's paired with an irresistible couple, set in an omegaverse, I'm gobbling it up! In Forbidden Flame, both Magnus and Amora have experienced their share of pain and betrayal. With each other, they found the unexpected - compassion, understanding, and fated love. He was determined to exact his vengeance on the traitors who exiled him and she was the perfect weapon. Together, they were fierce and powerful. Together, they could finally have it all.

I'm seriously in love with everything I've come across from this author. And again, Alison Aimes has delivered a must-read romance I have to recommend! I was in a huge book slump and this story was not only unputdownable, but easy and fun to read... oh and it was very, very hot!


During all her abductions -- and there'd been plenty -- she'd never encountered an Alpha like this one before. He was bigger and stronger than any she'd ever come across. More savage and wild too. He could really hurt her.
But it was hard to hold on to that worry when each of his rumbled commands only made her burn hotter.
Because he was also the most mouthwatering, sexy Alpha she'd ever seen.
Too much more of his scent and dirty promises, and she'd be in heat.
Then they'd both be in real trouble.

Alison Aimes is the award-winning author of the sexy sci-fi romance series the Condemned as well as the sizzling contemporary romance Billionaire Bad Boys collection. A sci-fi fanatic with a PhD in Modern history, she’s an all-over-the-map kind of woman with a love for dramatic stories and great books, no matter the era. Now, she’s creating her own stories full of intrigue and passion, but always with a happy-ever-after ending. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two kids, and dog. When not in front of the computer, she can be found hanging with family and friends, hiking, trying to turn herself into a pretzel through yoga, listening to a fabulous TED talk, or, last but not least, sitting on the couch imagining her characters’ next great adventures.

Find all of her information and other books on her site:

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale //ARC Review + Release

January 12, 2021

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale

I wasn't aware that an Adam's apple could be such a complete turn-on, but there I was, looking at one and thinking 'holy shit I could totally slide my vagina against that when he was talking and come.'

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale
Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale

Standalone - Souls Chapel Revenants MC #1
Release - January 12, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance w/ elements of suspense
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/a few scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author thru Uplifting Author Services
Length - 208 pages
Publisher - Indie

Lynnwood Thatcher Windsor has lived a lot of lies. Seen a lot of good men go down.

But he will not stand by and watch as the world he’s built from the ground up burns to ashes before his eyes. Even if he has to build an army to combat the problem he sees brewing around him.

One step at a time, he carefully lays out his plan, building layer after careful layer until everything is where he wants it to be.

Every part is impeccably played, his pawns are in the perfect place, and then she barrels into his life, totally scattering every single piece he’s set in motion.

The bad thing is, she doesn’t even realize how badly she’s messed up until she’s roused the beast.


The day that Six Ines Broussard met Lynnwood Thatcher Windsor was the worst day of her life.

First, she has a public breakup with a man she’s not even dating. Second, she has to deal with a black-tie event that she’d rather gouge her eyes out than to go to. Third, she then has to sit at a table for hours on end with the one man she despises.

Just wanting a break, she thinks she’ll lose herself for a few hours and do what she loves to do best—spend time by herself and go for a walk in the middle of nowhere, spot some birds, and get a little sun. Only, her day doesn’t go nearly as planned.

She walks right into the middle of hell. And at the center of it? Lynnwood Thatcher. The mayor. The man that she took one glance at on the night of his inauguration and dismissed as boring. A total stick in the mud.

Only, he’s not so boring shirtless, in the middle of nowhere, doing things that are very illegal.

At first, she’s appalled. Then her interest gets piqued. Stuck-up suit is hot! And he has tattoos. Oh, and let’s not forget one hell of a mouth on him!

Then he goes and kidnaps her, and she realizes that nobody is quite as hot as you thought they were when they’re now holding you hostage.

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale


Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale
To say I've been excited for Lynn getting his own book would be an understatement. This gorgeous man has been popping up like no one's business and I was one of the fans clamoring for his story to be told. And let me tell you... if I thought he was hot before, this book made him even hotter!!

Okay, so Lynn is the undercover bad boy. He's currently the mayor of town, but there is just so much more going on, hiding beneath his elegant suits and perfect hair, stuff I can't even begin to explain. Just know that he is bound and determined to clean up the place and he's not afraid to get blood on his hands. A lot of blood, if necessary.

Six is a woman who is what some would call a free spirit. She doesn't really fit, but that's one of the things that makes her so great. LLV created a character that moved to her own beat, followed her heart, and that organ led her right to Lynn.

These characters couldn't be more different. And yet they fit so well together. I loved their every interaction, the slow build up to their inevitable relationship, the hotness in between, their everything.

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale

My only real hang up was that some parts of the story deserved more time to develop. They were so interesting and were given such a starring role that I felt they should have been fleshed out a bit more.

I'm all agog (and yes, I use this word regularly in real life) to see what this author is going to come up with for all of the characters introduced here. For example, that doctor who let the kid who was terrorizing women die on the operating table... yeah, I'm dying to read his book! I was dying to read his book right after he did all that! Oh Zach... Seriously, I'm excited to read ALL of their books.

If Repeat Offender is anything to go by, this series is going to be outstanding!

P.S.... Side Note... Whatevs... The author left this little tidbit in the book... Go to Google. Type Wizard of Oz. Touch the red slipper. Then the tornado. You're welcome. Now I'm probably the very last person to do this, but I do thank her for showing me it. It gave me so much joy. It's so neat that someone took the time and gave the effort to make it possible. So freaking cool!

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale
Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

You can find out more about her and her amazing books on her website:

Ancient Enemy by Katie Reus

August 24, 2020

He would sacrifice his own life for vengeance, but he would not sacrifice her life.

Ancient Enemy by Katie Reus

Ancient Enemy by Katie Reus

Standalone - Ancients Rising #2
Release - August 25, 2020
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Theme(s) - vengeance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat - 3.5
Format/Source - eARC provided by the publisher

She should be his mortal enemy.

Ancient dragon shifter Rhys awoke from his slumber hungry for revenge against the witch who killed his sister. When his hunt takes him to the rebuilding city of New Orleans, he finds a woman he can’t keep his eyes off—but she’s a witch. While Rhys wants to despise all of Dallas’s kind, even he can’t deny that she's beautiful, kind and…adorable. And her pet baby dragon only increases his fascination with the sexy woman. Protective instincts he never knew he had take over him as they hunt powerful monsters. He’s forced to confront everything he thought he knew about witches as his life is turned upside down.

But he wants her anyway.

Dallas Kinley is used to being hated because of what she is. Witches have always been the pariahs of the supernatural community. Until now, when the world needs rebuilding. Even though she wants to keep her distance from Rhys, vampires and humans are dying in New Orleans, so she vows to help him hunt down those responsible. But finding the enemy comes at a heavy price, because Dallas is hiding a terrible secret. As they race against the clock to find the murderers, she can only hope his need for revenge won’t rip them apart. Especially when he finds out what she’s been hiding from him.

Author note: Book can be read as a stand-alone complete with HEA.

Unholy Union by Natasha Knight

August 17, 2020

Unholy Union by Natasha Knight
She doesn't yet understand there is no protection from me.

Unholy Union by Natasha Knight

Unholy Union by Natasha Knight

Circumstance put Cristina on my path.
Fate bound her to me.

Cristina and I share a common past.
A single night that changed the course of our lives.

She asked me if I was a monster the night I met her.
I am.

She’s about to learn I’m her monster.

Because the countdown that began eight years ago has ended. Her time is up.

On the stroke of midnight, she’s mine.

Find your copy of Unholy Union here:
Amazon * Nook * iBooks * Kobo

Broken by Rebecca Zanetti

April 08, 2020

Broken by Rebecca Zanetti

Find your copy of Broken here:
Goodreads | Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | Google | Nook

The Mindf*ck Series by S.T. Abby

April 07, 2020

The Mindf*ck Series by ST Abby

They took too much.
Left too little.
I had nothing to lose...until him.

Dragan by D.B. Reynolds

February 04, 2020

Dragan by D.B. Reynolds

Get your copy of this surreal fantasy romance today!
Goodreads | Amazon | Kobo | B & N | iBooks | Google

COLDEST FIRE by Juliette Cross

November 18, 2019

Revenge is a dish best served cold

Coldest Fire by Juliette Cross
Archangel Uriel is hell bent on revenge on the demon prince Vladek. To get into the prince’s impenetrable fortress, he’ll have to fight in the pits of the underworld. And he’ll need the help of the last person he can trust –– the demon witch Nadya.

There is no way Nadya, who spends her days taking care of others, expected to find Uriel on her doorstep. He seems no happier about being there than she does. But helping him means evening the scales against her backstabbing sister, and she’ll do whatever it takes to make that bitch pay.

Using the fight pit circuits in the demon underworld, Nadya helps Uriel combat his way to the arena at the castle in Russia. Only she isn’t what she seems. As a matter of fact, she may hold the key to his redemption...and to his heart.

BENE by Bethany-Kris

November 02, 2019

BENE by Bethany-Kris

Find your copy of Bene here:
Goodreads | Amazon CA | Amazon US

BACKFIRE by Keri Lake

October 05, 2019

Dark and intense, Backfire is a read that doesn't disappoint!
Goodreads | Amazon
FREE with Kindle Unlimited

RICOCHET by Keri Lake

October 01, 2019

I found a new anti-hero to add to my harem!
Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
FREE with Kindle Unlimited

LACHLAN by D.B. Reynolds

July 01, 2019

Lachlan by DB Reynolds
Scotland—sweeping forests, tumbling waterfalls. . .and towering highlands where vampire warriors have ruled for centuries.

Lethal and charismatic, vampire Lachlan McRae woke on his first night to death and devastation—his clan slaughtered, his fortress destroyed. One hundred and fifty years later, driven to avenge the murder of everyone he loved, he’s ready to hunt down and kill the one vampire who was behind it all—Erskine Ross, the Vampire Lord of Scotland.

Beautiful, smart, and cool under pressure, Julia Harper is determined to prove she’s more than a child of wealth and privilege. When a lifelong friend is murdered by vampires, she steps out of her role as an analyst for the CIA, and sets out to take down one of the most powerful men in Scotland—the deadly Erskine Ross.

Recruited by a friend to arrange contact between Lachlan and her best friend Cyn’s mate, the powerful Vampire Lord Raphael, Julia soon discovers that she and Lachlan want the same thing . . . Erskine’s death. But when Erskine sets out to kill Julia instead, she and Lachlan find themselves fighting for her life, and for a love that neither one of them can trust.