ARC Review: MY TORIN by K. Webster

January 09, 2018

My Torin by K Webster
I’m a freak, a misfit, an odd end.
Abandoned and unloved.
But my happiness is so close I can taste it.

Until he shows up.

Gorgeous, expensive, and all man.
Sad brown eyes and a brilliant smile.
And he wants me to go with him.

His intentions are hidden.
His motives are unclear.
Yet, I leave with him because there’s no happiness here.

What he promises feels too good to be true…
A castle. A fortune. And horses too.

It’s too easy.
Nothing in my life has ever been easy.

What’s the catch?
There’s always a catch.

Buy it today!


My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve read a lot of books by K. Webster. A LOT!! And I have to say that My Torin has to be one of my favorite. While I love when I get to swim in the dark and twisted thoughts that seem to come so easily to this author’s mind, I absolutely love when she stretches her chops into the contemporary world. Whenever she does the unexpected, something beautiful ALWAYS happens. My Torin was stunning, profound, touching, heartfelt, awe-inspiring, and completely breathtaking.

“She stifles my breath sometimes. Simply from looking at her. Like just her presence sucks the breath right from my lungs.”

I’m sitting here trying to come up with something to write without spoiling the story and yet conveying to you all how I was able to fall in love with three extremely different characters. So in love that I wanted to hug and touch and squeeze and enjoy them all. So in love that I felt each twinge of pain, discomfort, awkwardness and anguish. So in love that I’m sure that each and every one of you will fall as deeply in love with them too.

“She’s a drug you want to snort and get hooked on. But it’s her taste that maddens me most.”

Obviously my favorite character was Torin, but Tyler and Casey owned huge chunks of my heart with barely any effort. The author gave us thorough character development, a moving plot, and the feels were out of this world. I laughed and cried and sighed and cheered for every one of their triumphs and pitfalls. Webster gave me three characters with unique personalities and unique quirks and unique flaws to fall deeply in love with.

“Tyler thought I could love her. I don’t even know what love is. But I could breathelicktastetouchsmellfeel her. I could do that all damn day.”

Honestly, the blurb should be enough to make you want to one-click this book. The fact that I already ordered it on paperback should be an added incentive. If you love a book that tackles sensitive issues and handles them with style and grace, one that evokes a keen sense of compassion and understanding, that speaks on love at all levels, one that is a journey of emotions and more character-driven than anything else, you’re going to want to read this!!

Release Date: January 9, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Multiple - 1st person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Series/Standalone: Standalone

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