Showing posts with label Single Parent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Single Parent. Show all posts

Review // Freak Show by Lani Lynn Vale

September 19, 2023

Freak Show by Lani Lynn Vale

Life had gotten a whole lot sweeter since Slone had come into my life.

Freak Show by Lani Lynn Vale

Freak Show by Lani Lynn Vale

My Rating - ★★★★1/2
Standalone - Welcome to the Circus #2
Genre/Trope - contemporary romance / single dad
POV - dual 1st person
Heat - several slightly explicit scenes
Source - eARC from the author
Length - 257 pages

Slone Day, defensive end for the Longview professional football team, has a lot on his plate.
He’s at the peak of his career, he’s a single father raising a girl that’s border line genius and can’t seem to find the time to date. Let alone see someone seriously.
He’s perfectly content living his life as it is.
Then he goes to a circus.
There, he meets a woman that literally takes his breath away.
And in one bold, crazy, this is probably going to backfire move, he not only asks the woman out. But he invites her to spend the next two weeks with him while she’s recovering from an incident.


There she is, a practical invalid who can’t go anywhere without being babysat, experiencing a crisis in the middle of a public setting, when she spots him.
The moment that Caristonia Singh meets Slone, she realizes her life is about to change.
Meeting men when you work in a circus is practically impossible. That’s why she’s the inexperienced girl that doesn’t know how to act around a hot guy.
A really big, really sexy, holy crap he could toss me over his head and make it look easy, guy.
From the moment he comes to her defense—family can be dicks sometimes—she starts falling.
But nothing good ever lasts when it comes to the circus life.
People come and go. No one ever stays.
But Slone is dead set on proving her wrong, but she’s learned firsthand that nothing good ever lasts.

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

Freak Show by Lani Lynn Vale

My Two Cents

When I read Banner's story in Somethin' About That Boy, I knew I wanted to learn more about Slone. I cannot even begin to tell you how thrilled I am for getting my hands on his book!

Slone was a professional juggler—single dad, professional athlete, and a truly decent guy. I'm so happy he was as sweet and thoughtful and kind as I remembered him to be. This man deserves all the happiness in the world and he finally found some more.

Ari was a beautiful mess and I really enjoyed getting to know her. The instant spark she shared with Slone had me bouncing in excitement and I lived for every moment that they shared.

Despite a creepy stalker and a callous sister, this story gave me all the feel-goods. There was such warmth and family and friendship in these words and I'm excited to continue this series.

About the Author

Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

Visit for more information!

Review // Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

July 18, 2023

Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

She's the center of gravity for me, the thing that keeps me tethered to earth and reminds me every single day that although this world is f*cked up, there is still so much beauty to experience while you're here.

Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

My Rating - ★★★★¼
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / second chance / single parent
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - explicit
Source - borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 299 pages

Tucker Beckett and I likely never would have met if our spouses weren’t having an affair.

Newly divorced with a young son to raise Tucker Beckett is the last man Miranda Owens should be itching to figure out, to make smile, and hear laugh. Still there is something about the detective with haunted blue eyes and a dirty mouth that draws her in from the moment they meet.

If only life were so simple.

As Tucker and Miranda begin to navigate their new relationship, Tucker is tasked with solving the murder of a young woman, while their ex’s begin to play games in an attempt to split the two of them up.

Before they fall, these two will need to figure out if the only thing tying them together is the circumstances that brought them together in the first place or if it’s something more.

Love isn’t complicated but sometimes life is.

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

My Two Cents

Tucker and Miranda met under very unusual circumstances—his wife was sleeping with her husband. It should have ended there. Their marriages over, their lives in disarray, and trying to figure out what to do and where to go next. Who knew that the greatest love of their lives would be found in betrayal?

I loved how unorthodox the relationship between Tucker and Miranda was. I loved that through the devastation, they found a connection with each other, a connection that went beyond their common pain. They fell into each other so easily and made this such an amazing read.

The drama from the exes was hilarious, although I'm not sure I was supposed to laugh so hard. I also liked the details given from Tucker's job. It gave a cool dimension to the story that strayed from the romance without taking anything away from it. It just gave me more layers to a character that I had already come to care deeply about.

I only wish I could have had more of this couple building something together because I wanted more time with them. I guess they were so wonderful together that I got greedy!

Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds

The Author

Aurora Rose Reynolds is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author whose wildly popular series include Until, Until Him, Until Her, Underground Kings and Shooting Stars.

Her writing career started in an attempt to get the outrageously alpha men who resided in her head to leave her alone and has blossomed into an opportunity to share her stories with readers all over the world.

Find her here:
Facebook: @AuthorAuroraRoseReynolds
Twitter: @Auroraroser

Review // Cold Pursuit by Toni Anderson

June 11, 2022

Cold Pursuit by Toni Anderson

Vivi had married a jerk, but at least she'd received this precious gift of a child. So even though she wished David a serious case of erectile dysfunction she never regretted having fallen for him in the first place. He was the price she'd paid for the best thing that had ever happened to her.

────── ♔ ──────

Cold Pursuit by Toni Anderson

Cold Pursuit by Toni Anderson

Standalone - Cold Justice #2
Release - June 2, 2014
Genre - Romantic Thriller
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5 / one semi-descriptive scene
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 350 pages
Publisher - Indie

Single mom Vivi Vincent is thrust into her worst nightmare when she and her eight-year-old son are trapped inside a mall during a terror attack. Jed Brennan, a dedicated FBI agent on enforced leave, helps Vivi and her son survive the assault. But the danger is just beginning...

Vivi’s son may have witnessed critical details of the terrorists’ future plans and is targeted for death, but he’s mute, and he’s traumatized. When someone launches a strike against the FBI’s safe house, Jed fears the bad guys have an inside man. Not knowing who to trust, he hides mother and son in a log cabin deep in the heart of the Wisconsin Northwoods. There Jed and Vivi try to figure out how to unlock the information inside her son’s head.

What they don't bargain for is the red-hot attraction that flares between them or the extent of the sinister plot that threatens to rip apart any chance of happiness they might have together.

My Two Cents

3 "Secrets Abound" stars

I'm really loving the plots the author has created for this series. Seriously loving them. However... for some reason, I found this one to be lacking on certain details.

I got so much information about the terrorists, which was helped along by getting their perspectives. I even got more than I wanted about Vivi and her ex. I got virtually nothing about Jed, which was ridiculous because he featured in such a huge part of this story. He mentioned a woman named Mia, who was murdered, but I know nothing about how they met, how she was killed, nada. So much was dumped on me about Vivi's ex and I really couldn't care less, but what I really wanted was missing. More of Jed's background please.

Once again, the author's writing made it so easy to picture it all, from the dangerous situations to the investigations to everything in between. I'm excited to keep reading this series and if you enjoy thrillers with some romance thrown in, you should dive in too!

About the Author

Toni Anderson writes gritty, sexy, FBI Romantic Thrillers, and is a New York Times and a USA Today bestselling author. Her books have won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense, Readers' Choice, Aspen Gold, Book Buyers' Best, Golden Quill, National Excellence in Story Telling (NEST) Contest, and National Excellence in Romance Fiction awards. She's been a finalist in both the Vivian Contest and the RITA Award from the Romance Writers of America. More than two million copies of her books have been downloaded.

Best known for her "COLD" books perhaps it's not surprising to discover Toni lives in one of the most extreme climates on earth--Manitoba, Canada. Formerly a Marine Biologist, she still misses the ocean, but is lucky enough to travel for research purposes. In January 2016, she visited FBI Headquarters in Washington DC, including a tour of the Strategic Information and Operations Center. She hopes not to get arrested for her Google searches.

For more information, visit

Review // Pure Magnetism by Aja James

August 25, 2021

She'd never met a man who purred. It was the most fascinating and sexy sound.

Pure Magnetism by Aja James

Dark/Pure Ones #11
Release - November 1, 2019
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - ebook borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Page Count - 391
Publisher - Indie

A lost king…

Goya is a rare magical being: a royal Beast. And not just any animal shifter, but the king of the earthly realm--the great white tiger. But now he is a king without a home, cut off from his kin, and trapped in a human body against his will.

A single mother…

Maddie Peterson is a career-minded single mother who has a fundamental distrust (and often, dislike) of men, especially in light of her cheating ex-husband and manipulative co-worker. But, then, she's never met a male like Goya before.

Opposite worlds collide…

When Maddie welcomes the silent stranger into her home, there is no denying their animal attraction. She teaches him how to be human, and he teaches her how to be wild. But when he gives his heart and soul to her, the pure spirit of the noblest of Beasts, is she brave enough to accept him as a partner into her life, as well as step into his fantastical, dangerous world?

Purchase Links

Amazon CA * Amazon US
(free to read with Kindle Unlimited)

My Two Cents

I went into this book with so many questions, and yet they all fled my mind because... GOYA!! My bookish friends, those who put me onto this series and have been encouraging me to fall for these characters, know exactly what I'm talking about.

Goya was an incredible, honorable, fierce tiger, the TIGER KING, and he was beautifully broken. I don't even know how being in pieces can make a male so gorgeous, but that's what he was. I want to claim him for my harem, but Cécile doesn't seem to want to share! 😭😭😭

No female will ever ride me like this, he vowed silently, willing her to understand through their fused gazes. No female will ever own me like this. Only you, Maddie mine. Only you will have the power to break me. He opened his eyes wide, then, and let her see everything inside of him. The animal, the man. The prisoner, the king.

I don't even know how him being silent could be so hot. Maddie did all the talking and her inner musings were hilarious! Everything she said or did showed how awesome she was. Sweet, kind and generous... she was the perfect person to help a lost tiger. She’d never met a man who purred. It was the most fascinating and sexy sound... Her inner slut cackled like it was on crack.

The elements have been referred to before, but I need to know what their importance is? Ramses has now confirmed that he his an Earth elemental, which is cool because Eli is wind and Clara is fire. So who is water? And isn't Goya an Earth elemental as well? With him being at least 12,000 years old, wouldn't that make him like ten times stronger than Ramses? Hello?! He's the King of Beasts!! And if Goya isn't the strongest right now, is it because he hasn't realized his full capabilities, such as having control over any living or non-living thing?

And why is Ramses being set as someone not to be trusted? What the heck is his real agenda?

Am I bad person for thinking the scenes between Medusa and Wan'er were hilarious? How funny was it that Wan'er used her? Their final transformation sounds disgusting and I can't wait until they die. I still want it to be graphic, bloody, torturous, and final.

Whatever, Goya was awesome, Maddie was awesome, even her brat of a son was on his way to being awesome. I love all of these characters so much and I can't wait to see if The Creature finally learns about its parentage!!

Check out the previous books:

Quick Peek

Intensely, he stared into her eyes, letting her see into his fathomless depths.

Maddie’s heart stalled, lungs sputtered, the longer she looked.

So much sorrow and pain. So much loneliness and vulnerability.

Yet, burning through it all, was a steadfast strength, an undefeatable courage.

And he was giving it all to her.

His big hands cupped her face.

Her arms tightened around his waist.

Slowly, achingly, his head lowered to hers.

And when he kissed her softly with trembling lips, Maddie knew that she’d love this man forever.

About the Author

Aja James just completed the Pure/ Dark Ones paranormal-fantasy romance series in 2020. If you want your heart battered, bruised, shattered and skewered, then put back together in the most glorious ways, check out the series below. Every couple gets an HEA, but they fight like hell for it on the way.

Aja is now working on her new series, Dragon Tails, because dragons are her favorite shifters of all!

Visit for more information!

Review // Perfectly Adequate by Jewel E. Ann

July 10, 2021

Perfectly Adequate by Jewel E. Ann

It's funny how a year can change your world. And it's amazing how a single breath can take a life, give a life, and sometimes... save a life.
She is my breath of life.

Perfectly Adequate by Jewel E. Ann

Add it to Goodreads / Find it on Amazon

Release - September 25, 2019
Genre - Contemporary Romance / single dad
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 418 pages
Publisher - Indie

Dr. Elijah Hawkins needs … something.

After his wife jumps headfirst into a midlife crisis, he’s left with his young son, Roman, and a lot of unanswered questions.

That something turns out to be a someone—Dorothy Mayhem, nursing student, patient transporter, reckless driver, and emu owner.

Dorothy studies humans, the neurotypical kind, through books and television. Then she emulates their behavioral patterns to fit in with her peers.

But nothing can prepare her for Dr. Elijah Hawkins.

Single dad.
Brilliant pediatric oncologist.
And the sexiest doctor at the hospital.

When his failed attempts at asking her out turn into a string of playdates with his son, Dorothy finds herself unexpectedly enamored with the boy and his father.

And that’s a problem, a huge one, because Elijah’s ex-wife is a famous plastic surgeon—and Dorothy’s idol.

Perfectly Adequate was a story about love. I know that makes it sound simple, but the complexities of this story made what the characters were feeling more profound.

Newly divorced, Dr. Elijah Hawkins was trying to figure out his new normal. Then along came Dorothy Mayhem, a woman who couldn't be more different from his ex if she tried. She made him feel young again, feel joy again. She made him smile and made everything okay.

Dorothy put Roman above everyone else. And in doing so, she made me love her in a way that rips the air from my lungs, shackles my heart, and claims my soul.

And honestly, for the most part, this story was perfectly lovely.

I loved every moment spent with little Roman and his Dorfee. They were so cute together. I also enjoyed every time that Dorothy misread a situation or responded in a way that I didn't expect.

What I didn't like? The times when I couldn't decide who Eli loved more... his ex who he was desperate to have back... or Dorothy. I also couldn't stand how much everyone compromised and accommodated Dorothy without her even attempting to do the same. I'm pretty sure she wasn't able to, but that fact didn't make her any less frustrating.

She offers enough emotional reassurance to make any desperate man jump off the side of a tall building.

Jewel E. Ann sure knows how to write! I think I highlighted practically 40% of this book because I was swooning over so many words. I fell in love with these characters... hard ... and I'm a fan of how things ended on such a mature note.

Perfectly Adequate by Jewel E. Ann

“You can call me Eli.”
She swallows hard. “I don’t actually think I can.”
“Why not?” I force my gaze away from her mouth.
The second our eyes meet, she averts her attention to her feet. “Because you’re half of the Hathaway-Hawkins duo.”
This is a new one to me. “I’m divorced.”
“I know. I …” She makes an attempt to look at me, but her attention shifts to my temple then maybe my ear. “I mean you’re a brilliant doctor, and Dr. Hathaway is too—so brilliant. God, she’s just phenomenal. Like there are no words. But still … you change the lives of young children. You save them. You’re what every young person entering the medical field can only dream of becoming. You’ve earned the title. I can’t call you by your name. It’s too personal. I don’t know … almost intimate.”
She has Julie on a really high pedestal. Me? Down a few pegs. Sounds about right for my life at the moment. It’s not that Julie doesn’t deserve to be on the pedestal. No matter how much I hate her, I still love her. And her skills as a pediatric plastic surgeon are unmatched. She deserves Dorothy’s admiration.
But I don’t want to talk about medicine, accolades, and saving lives. I know … I know … how terrible of me. Sorry, but I need something for myself. Something personal and maybe a little selfish.
Definitely intimate.
“I don’t need a babysitter for Roman.”
She jerks her head back, giving me her full attention, eyes squinted, gaze locked to mine. “What?”
I trap my top lip between my teeth, drowning in coconuts as my heart races, sending ample blood to all regions of my body. God … I just want—need—to kiss her.
“Oh jeez …” She shakes her head, closing her eyes for a breath. “You invited me to dinner to … flirt.” Her eyes open to their widest point.
A tiny laugh escapes me. I can’t help it. Everything about this woman feels like a rebirth. “I invited you to dinner because Roman really likes you. And I just can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done for him. You’re so generous.”
Gah! I suck at this!
What is my problem? Yes. The answer is yes! Yes, Dorothy, I invited you over to flirt, maybe even kiss. And other things …
“Oh.” She takes a step backward, stumbling a bit as the front door catches her, and more embarrassment tints her cheeks. “Well, now I feel stupid. Yes, of course you invited me here because Roman likes me. Duh. Now I just look like an idiot for assuming you wanted to flirt with me. And really, no need to thank me. My generosity is selfish. It makes me feel good to do nice things. That’s all. And really, you’ve bought me coffee and made me dinner again. It’s like I should be thanking you again. But that’s probably weird. So … I’ll just go now.”
Really, really weird shit goes through my mind as she fidgets. Dr. Hawkins is nowhere to be found. Neither is Roman’s dad. Raging-puberty-hormones Eli Hawkins invades my head—both of them really. And I just want to kiss Dorothy. That’s the PG version of my thoughts. Most of them are R-rated. Worse than the R-rating. All I can think about are the ways Dorothy and I can be generous with each other, leading to never-ending thank-you’s that don’t involve stationary, replacement scrubs, superhero capes, pasta dinners, lunch boxes … or clothing.
“Should we call it even? No more thank-you’s,” I suggest.
“Okay.” She lifts her gaze, eyes going a little cross-eyed like her focus is centered on the bridge of my nose.
“Okay.” I release a slow breath, but it does very little to relax all of my body. “Can I ask your age?” I’m not sure why I’ve been so chicken about asking her age. I think it worries me that she’s too young, and I’ll feel like a dirty old man having really inappropriate thoughts about her.
“I’m thirty. Why?”
“You just look young.”
“I wear massive amounts of sunscreen.”
I nod slowly.
Just kiss her, you big chicken!
What if she doesn’t want to be kissed by me? Or flirt with me? I internally laugh at the memory of her comment and at myself for being just as awkward. Why does something so simple have to be so complicated?
“I have a forty-five-minute drive home.”
And school the next day. Where is my head?
Oh, that’s right …
“Of course. I’m sorry. I lost track of time.”
“Okay.” She smiles.
I love her okay’s. They feel like more than the average okay.
“I’ll walk you out.”
“Have you not closed all of your rings?” She holds up her wrist, signaling to her watch.
I chuckle. “All rings were closed hours ago.”
“We could track each other. Share our rings. Did you know that?”
Rings. Kisses. Trips to the on-call room for sex.
For the love of God … get your shit together, Elijah!

“Never mind. That’s weird.” She shakes her head, rolling her eyes at herself just before opening the door and scurrying ten steps ahead of me. Her pace gains momentum with the hill of my driveway. My long strides catch up to her at the bottom of it. She looks both ways and bolts across the street to her car, clicks the locks, and opens her door.
“Dorothy Mayhem … you’re killing me.”
She turns just before ducking into the driver’s seat.
“What do you mean?”
Resting my hands on my hips, I drop my chin in defeat and stare at my untied gray canvas shoes. “What if I did ask you to dinner tonight to … flirt?” I glance up, digging my teeth into my bottom lip on a slight cringe.
Her body remains stoic as her eyes shift from side to side, like she’s been caught on a hidden camera. “Well … then I wore the wrong outfit.” She refuses to look me in the eye.
“I think you look amazing.”
“Yes. But this is a playdate outfit. Maybe even one I’d wear to apply for a babysitter position. It’s fun, but wholesome. Practical and safe.”
I just want to spend one day in her head. Everything about her fascinates the hell out of me. The curiosity gives me such a high.
“Tell me about your flirting outfit.”
“Well …” She clears her throat, keeping her focus on the big hill leading out of my development. And of course … her cheeks are perfectly flushed as she talks to the wind. “Since Romeo was involved, I would have chosen my red dress with white stripes. It hits just below my knees, but it’s strapless. And I would have worn my blue cardigan with it and matching blue wedge sandals with straps that tie around my ankles. Flirty … but appropriate for young eyes.”
“And if Roman wouldn’t have been here tonight?” I stare at the side of her head, wondering if she’ll look at me again before driving home.
She narrows her eyes. “I would have taken off the cardigan after you invited me into your house.”
The picture she paints in my head does all kinds of wicked things to me. Why imagining her in a striped strapless dress has such a physical effect on me is a mystery. It’s not like she suggested showing up wearing nothing but high heels and a trench coat. Dorothy Mayhem possesses her own brand of seduction, and I’m completely entangled in every part of it.
“And in this scenario, would you have kissed me after I walked you to your car?”
She turns completely red. I feel certain even her toes hidden in those blue shoes have to be red. “You’re making fun of me.”
Her comment knocks me back a good ten steps, even if my body remains right next to her. Why would she say that?

Jewel is a Wall Street Journal & USA Today best selling author a with a quirky sense of humor. When she's not saving the planet one tree at a time, you can find her role modeling questionable behavior to her three boys, binge-watching Netflix with her husband, and writing mind-bending romance.

Visit for more information

Review // Lights to my Siren by Lani Lynn Vale

June 16, 2021

Lights to my Siren by Lani Lynn Vale

There was something about the girl that made me feel again.

Lights to my Siren by Lani Lynn Vale

Lights to my Siren by Lani Lynn Vale

Standalone - The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #1
Release - January 22, 2015
Genre - Contemporary Romance/motorcycle club
Primarily Dual POV - 1st person/Sebastian Sue Mackenzie & Baylee Roberts
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle gift
Length - 313 pages
Publisher - Indie

You’re The Lights...

Sebastian had one rule.
No women on the back of his bike. Period.
The one time he broke that rule, he killed the woman that was carrying his child.
Then comes Baylee Roberts. She makes Sebastian want to break every single rule he’d ever implemented. Hell, but she even makes him consider that dreaded H word. A helmet.

To My...

Baylee Roberts innocently walked into her bathroom never expecting that she’d find a man in there. It is her bathroom after all, and she lives alone.
From the instant he placed his hat on her head to protect her from the sun, Baylee’s mind becomes filled with thoughts of a certain biker.
She really shouldn't go there. There’s no telling what kind of dangerous things he does for The Dixie Wardens MC.


Nothing is ever as easy as it should be. Their relationship’s one of them.
Baylee’s brother is a cop. Baylee’s father is a cop. Which inevitably means that Baylee’s going to have certain hang-ups about being with a man like him.
Sebastian has a lot on his plate with his busy job as a firefighter, a single father, and the vice president of The Dixie Wardens MC.
Not enough, though, to keep him away from Baylee.
When a series of arsons rattle their hometown and puts Sebastian’s life on the line, Baylee finally realizes the only fire Sebastian can’t put out is the one inside her heart.

Find Lights to my Siren on Amazon:

I'm sure it's obvious by now, but I can't get enough of this author's books! I've already met and fell in love with the second generation of LLV's characters and I'm loving getting to know and love the first gen.

I first met Sebastian in a previous book, when he was in a horrific traffic accident that killed the woman who was carrying his son. I was kind of desperate to learn more about him and I'm thrilled that I got this opportunity. He was the VP of The Dixie Wardens, a heroic firefighter, and one heck of a dad. He had a huge heart, cared about his people, and was in love with Baylee.

Baylee was Luke Roberts's sister. She was a paramedic who had a bunch of health issues, which wasn't surprising because it seems that this author loves to give her characters problems to overcome. She also had a huge heart to match Sebastian's and she loved him just as much as he loved her.

I have to say that watching Johnny, who I got to meet in Get You Some, and how much of a crazy little monkey he was absolutely made this read for me! I'm really appreciating seeing some of my absolute favorite characters as babies!!

There were some trials, there were some tribulations, but above all, there was happiness and joy. Getting glimpses of other club members (I'm looking at Kettle and Trance) made me excited to read more of this series and I'm on tenterhooks while I wait to get to Silas's book. That man seems like he's going to be a riot to read!

Sebastian & Baylee family tree:

    Their children
        Johnny Mitchell Mackenzie - Get You Some
        Blaise Mackenzie - Kitty Kitty

    Sebastian's family
        Silas Mackenzie (dad) - Counter to my Intelligence
        Samuel Cash Mackenzie (half-brother) - Boomtown
        Shiloh June Mackenzie (sister) - Texas Tornado
        Amelia Mackenzie (half-sister) - Any Day Now

    Baylee's family
        Lucas "Luke" Roberts - Center Mass

My Notes

⮞ there was what I believe to be an inaccurate description of Blaine from Baylee's perspective. She's always been referred to as tiny, even in her own book with Elliott, I Don't Dance, she was characterized as petite. In this book, Elliott is described as 5'11" and 200lbs and that Blaine is only four inches shorter than him. I don't think so.
⮞ I didn't like Baylee's terrible assumptions about Sebastian or his club. Did she really think the good people of the Free community would have Sebastian casually hanging around them and their children if, in his off time from being a firefighter, "he pedaled flesh and had a titty bar he laundered money out of"? If he were a criminal, he wouldn't be around, no matter that he's Sam and Shiloh's brother. And if he was really as awful as she thought, what did it say about her and her lust for him and her observation skills (or lack thereof)?
⮞ at about 79%, Baylee puts herself in a dangerous position, knowing that it was very possible that she was carrying Sebastian's child. Of course he went off on her, as any sensible and rational person would. He basically told her to grow up and stop using her disability as an excuse. Amen! While the author worded the scene in a way that made it seem that the women who overheard Sebastian were pissed off and the men were in agreement, I was turned off. Heck yeah, I agreed with him and every word he said. I wish he had screamed it in her face! The man was right and Baylee knew it.

Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

Visit for more information!

Texas Tornado by Lani Lynn Vale // Review

June 09, 2021

Texas Tornado by Lani Lynn Vale

He held me up when I needed him the most.
There were many things that scared me on this earth, but I well and truly believed that, with James, I could accomplish anything. Be anyone.

Texas Tornado by Lani Lynn Vale

Texas Tornado by Lani Lynn Vale

Standalone - Freebirds #5
Release - July 29, 2014
Genre - Contemporary Romance/military/instant connection
Dual POV - 1st person/James Johnathan Allen & Shiloh June Mackenzie
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 420 pages
Publisher - Indie


James had plans for his life. Those plans were derailed by the surprise arrival of his daughter. His life revolved around her. Then she arrived with her beautiful brown hair that was made to wrap around his wrist, and a butt that was to die for in a tight pair of jeans. Nevertheless, he didn't need any more drama in his life. His ex-girlfriend was stirring enough of that up for ten women. Yet, there was something about her that soothed his soul.


Shiloh’s made it her life’s mission to protect the innocent children she can from the big, bad, scary things that lurk in the darkness. She has an inane curiosity for life and craves knowledge. Which is why when she starts poking around in her father’s business, she inadvertently starts something in to motion that threatens her very existence. Her father, the one man that was always supposed to be there for her, drops her off with a brother she never knew she had and leaves. Making her question the father she obviously never really knew at all. Then she meets him, and she doesn't think her life’s so bad after all. The sexy biker turned SWAT officer sets her nerve cells to igniting, and she relishes in every single second of it.


He knew life could change in an instant. One soul crushing instant.

When he’s presented with the aspect of losing Shiloh before he’s ever even had her, he decides it’s time to grab life by the handlebars and ride it like he stole it. Then that threat not only touches his woman, but his daughter. And there’s no power on God’s green earth that can protect them from a father’s wrath.

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I have to tell you... I was really excited for this book and I'm so glad I got the chance to read it! James won a place in my heart several books ago and I was excited for him to finally get his own happy ending.

Shiloh was Sam's sister (Boomtown) and from the moment she entered the scene, her life wasn't easy. Not that she had it great to begin with. Her father dumped her on Sam because she poked her nose where it didn't belong. So she's without her dad, the brother she grew up with is unreachable, and the brother she's just met wants nothing to do with her. Good times.

James steps in and like the hero he is, he gives Shiloh her person. He became the one person she could always count on. The one person who would always give her just what she needed. Aside from his daughter, Janie, he put her first.

He had a ton of baby mama drama (it was pretty extreme), she had some evil chasing her, and a ton of her father's secrets were finally revealed. I'm thrilled about it and I'm looking forward to how it affects the stories to come.

If you know anything about this author's books, you know that they can be devastating, heartwarming, hilarious, sexy and necessary. If you don't know... now you know.

My Note(s)

* I suffered some confusion at different parts of this story, but it in no way took away from my enjoyment of it. So although it wasn't as fluid as I'd like, I'm sure it will make more sense with the more stories that I read. I can't wait to get my hands on Sebastian's book, Lights to My Siren.

James + Shiloh family tree:

    Their children
        Caroline "Janie" Jeanine Allen (James') - Kinda Don't Care
        Scout Allen
        Emmaline "Rebel" Allen

    James' Family
        Cheyenne Allen (sister) - Boomtown

    Shiloh's Family
        Silas Mackenzie (father) - Counter to My Intelligence
        Samuel Cash Mackenzie (half-brother) - Boomtown
        Sebastian Sue Mackenzie (brother) - Lights to My Siren
        Amelia Rose Mackenzie (half-sister) - Any Day Now

Check out my reviews of the other books in this series:

Whom it was shouted by, I didn’t know, but I didn’t stop. In fact, I turned on the turbo blast, and took off like a shot. My adrenaline was pumping, and only pushed me faster. I so did not want to talk to anyone right now, and least of all my prick of a brother.

It’d been in my first hour on the floor of the bathroom that I decided just to say, ‘fuck it’ and ignore him from now on. I was tired of putting forth all the effort with my family and getting nothing in return. My dad. My brother. Brothers. Mother. No more, I was done. Finished.

“Fuck,” a man grunted from a good distance behind me.

I let the first smile break over my face in weeks. Did I mention that I was a sprinter, as well as a long distance runner? Yeah, I kicked ass in high school. I broke state records in the 100-meter dash and the 400 meters.

Although my distance running was lacking compared to my sprinting, I still did good when I put my mind to it. Cross-country kept me in shape during the off-season, and I made myself stick with cross-country even though I hated it with every fiber of my being. Sprinters weren’t made to go the distance.

Another curse sounded from behind me, and I let out a laugh this time. Spying my shortcut, which I rarely used lately due to the mud, I took it despite my reservations. I lost my sandals in the first mud puddle, and had to stop to go back for them, although, I didn’t put them back on. I was in the forest now, and it was very unlikely there would be anything but twigs on the ground.

Yelling sounded somewhere behind me, but I kept going. My lungs had that good burn going, and I felt exhilarated.

Running was my therapy. Although I sucked balls at the distance, I kept doing it even though I hated it.
“I’m gonna beat your ass when I catch you, you little shit.” Sam yelled.

I cackled. My ass he was going to catch me. I knew these woods like the back of my hand. I’d met with the owner, a lovely woman in her late seventies, and asked her if it would be all right. She’d readily agreed, saying I was a sweet ‘child’ and so I spent my days off exploring.

That, and hidden stashes of things in the woods, planned an escape route, and made maps of the woods for just in case.

“Mother fucking son of a bitch. Goddammit.” Sam growled.

Brother bear has a potty mouth.

Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

Visit for more information!

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When the pieces of two people fit, falling in love should be easy. Except there’s always something in the way of happily ever after. And just because two people fit, doesn’t always mean they match.

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Dean Walker is all about keeping life simple. He's effortlessly talented and intelligent - spending his summers playing drums in the local band and the rest of the year teaching high school in the same Jersey town where he grew up. He likes his love life simple too, enjoying the commitment-free hook-ups his good looks and sexy charm have always made oh so easy.

Then he meets Lainey Burrows. And his simple, easy life gets turned upside down.

One wild one-night stand was all it was ever supposed to be, so Lainey is shocked when she discovers that her sizzling summer fling is also her son's new math teacher. But that's nothing compared to the most unexpected twist of all - their hot hook-up left Lainey knocked up, and now they're about to become parents. Together.

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One boy.
The boy.
The boy who offered me safe touches and heart-stopping smiles - smiles he shared with his son.
We filled our days with porch-step kisses,
filled our ears with laughter,
filled our hearts with love.
Deep, soul-aching, desperate love.
But love is misleading.
It's an invisible, fleeting moment.
Somewhere between false adoration and pure hatred comes an emotion, a vulnerable need, a single desire.
It lives within the ones who miss it, who crave it,
who know better than to expect it.
Love is relentless.
Even when that love turns to hate, turns to loathing,
turns to pain.
Love should heal you.
But it can also break you.
Believe me, I know...
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