Showing posts with label G.A. Aiken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label G.A. Aiken. Show all posts

Review // The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

October 10, 2023

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

Annwyl suddenly bolted toward enemy lines, screaming the entire way. She started slashing her sword, cutting demons in half and quarters. The commanders fought back, but Keeley didn't know why. Because Annwyl just kept going. She didn't stop. Keeley wasn't sure the woman could stop.

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

My Rating - ★★★★1/2
Part of a series - The Scarred Earth Saga #3
Genre / Trope - fantasy Romance / royalty
POV - Multiple 3rd person
Heat - one explicit scene
Source - Kindle Unlimited (Amazon)
Length - 338 pages

Other books in the series: The Blacksmith Queen * The Princess Knight

Ainsley Farmerson has always planned to break free of the family business—and the family drama. But what was once farming, smithworking, and bickering over the dinner table has turned into open warfare between sisters. Sides have been taken, lives are on the line, and Ainsley has no doubt which sister must be queen. She’ll do whatever is necessary to take down the soulless Beatrix. Even if that means joining forces with angry battle nuns, irritating monks, and overbearing centaurs.

Gruffyn of the Torn Moon Clan has no time for human beings. And yet . . . there is something about the uncontrollable princess that he can’t ignore. Maybe it’s the way her eldest sisters underestimate her. Or her bravery facing down dragons and mad queens from distant lands. Whatever the reason, Gruff is willing to fight by this human’s side. Not only for the entertainment value, but because she’s right. Beatrix must never be queen. So whatever he has to do, whoever he has to destroy, Gruff will battle beside Ainsley. Fast. Hard. And with absolutely no mercy . . .

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

My Two Cents

I have to tell you something...
I absolutely LOVED Annwyl!!

I honestly forgot how ridiculous and fun and perfect this series is. The fantastical imaginings of the way this story is told makes me giggle and laugh uncontrollably. I'm constantly in a state of shock and awe, thinking to myself "Did they really just say that?" or "No way did they just do that."

Before I started this book, I remembered I left Keeley and friends being confronted by Annwyl and her dragons. I had no idea what would happen next and I could have never predicted what I found.

While this was primarily Ainsley's book with the aloof and grumpy Gruff, everyone had a huge part to play and still had prominent roles in how everything turned out.

The highlights (without spoilers):

❋ Ainsley was tired of being overlooked and underestimated and Gruff was determined to see her.

❋ Keeley realized that she had some hard choices to make when it came to her evil sister and Annwyl might just be the key. Shoot, Annwyl had some hard truths to lay down on her fellow queen. LOVED IT!!

❋ Gemma was suspicious of everyone (what else is new?) and wasn't looking to make new friends (or any friends).

❋ Annwyl was hilarious and most definitely the best part of this story. Sorry, not sorry.

If you love fantasy, tons of action, reasons to laugh, with a bit of romance thrown in, you need this series in your life!

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

The Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, Originally from Long Island, New York, lives on the West Coast and spends most of her time writing and making sure her rescued Pittie doesn’t love everyone into a coma. When she’s not writing about sexy dragons, she’s writing about sexy wolf, lion, tiger, and other fang-filled predators under the name Shelly Laurenston. Find out more about this New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors books at