Showing posts with label Contemporary Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contemporary Fiction. Show all posts

Audrey by Sean-Paul Thomas // Review

June 04, 2021

Audrey by Sean-Paul Thomas

She just appeared so cool, extravagant, retro and quirky, all at the same time. He'd never seen anything quite like her before.

Audrey by Sean-Paul Thomas

Audrey by Sean-Paul Thomas

Release - May 23, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Fiction/age gap romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 1.5 out of 5/sexual themes mentioned
Format/Source - Kindle Purchase
Length - 283 pages
Publisher - Indie

Joe is a plumber and an aspiring writer from Edinburgh who is released from prison after serving five years for a terrible tragedy that ripped his family to pieces. While struggling to adjust to life on the outside it isn't long before he is back on the building sites again while trying desperately to win back the broken trust of his ex-wife and estranged daughter, Sarah.

But then Joe meets Audrey, a bold and brash, heavy drinking, chain-smoking, middle-aged, French film actress while attending the premiere of her new movie in town. After hitting it off they end up spending one crazy, spontaneous night together. But in the early hours, while trying to sneak out of his apartment, Audrey accidentally stumbles across Joe's new screenplay about his life in prison and slyly emails it to herself.

A few weeks later, Joe is still battling to win back his daughter while resisting the temptations of alcohol again when Audrey gets back in touch after running out on him. But Audrey brings good news - she loved his script that she secretly stole and wants him to come to Paris to meet her producer friend who can help make his movie-making dreams come true.

Not wishing to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Joe throws caution to the wind and embarks on a week-long whirlwind adventure into Audrey's crazy movie star life. But the more time he spends with the enthralling mature beauty - from wild movie parties in the catacombs, karaoke sessions in quirky Parisian clubs, watching her act on movie sets, to encounters with her misogynistic and abusive, movie director ex, who wants full control of Joe's new script no matter the cost - the more Joe begins to fall deeper under Audrey's charming, dazzling, but dangerously addictive spell.

And before things, spiral treacherously out of control, Joe must decide between doing what is morally right by his enchanting movie star paramour or take a dirty, tainted, yet life-changing movie deal instead that could go a long way in reuniting him with his estranged daughter.

Find your copy of Audrey on Amazon:
It's FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited

I've read a few of this author's books and I've learned to expect the unexpected. The tale of Audrey was full of unexpected delights. Joe was a man who wished to atone for his misdeeds. After being released from prison, all he wants is to reconnect with his daughter and perhaps pick up his one true passion - writing. Getting close to his daughter proves to be harder than he ever thought possible. His ex is still angry, there's a huge disconnect, and he hasn't a clue how to bridge the gap. He lucks into the deal of a lifetime, realizing his dream, which forces him to acknowledge what is most important... his child.

Audrey was a riot. She was a free spirit who challenged Joe in ways he had never been pushed before. As an introvert, she pulled him out of his shell, put him in crazy situations, and made him happy. So happy that he was able to love. I enjoyed the way the author characterized their relationship. It definitely kept my attention as much as it kept Joe on his toes! While this story doesn't have the typical romantic ending, it did end on a high note and the author's writing made this story a winner, happy ending or not.

Sean is an author from Edinburgh in Scotland. He spent most of his childhood and teenage years on the move with his Scottish and Irish army Parents growing up in the likes of Cyprus, Germany, Wales, and England, as an army brat.

With a keen interest in both reading and writing, he was diagnosed with the travelling and writing bugs very early on in life. Now, writing, traveling, reading, cinema, and Scottish football (Supporting the mighty Hibernian FC for his sins) are his main passions in life, along with cooking, yoga, meditation and health, and fitness.

His main inspiration for writing today comes from living in such a beautiful, charming and hauntingly, Gothic city, such as Edinburgh. An awe-inspiring wee city that has given Sean so much amazing inspiration to write the more time he spends there.


December 18, 2017

The Chronicles of a Winstorm

Meet Makaila Windstorm, just like her last name, her life is everything a windstorm delivers. Powerful winds and damaging gusts is just the beginning. Ride into the storm with Makaila as she deals with her very own windstorm in the form of an abusive mother, absentee father, the love of her sister, an overprotective boyfriend, and catastrophic friendships. Will she be able to survive the destruction of her life? Or will she get sucked into the deadly wind force that ushers everything into its stormy path? The people in Makaila’s life are causing destruction and mayhem. One devastating event after another causes her to lose herself and her love ones. Read on as she fights for her life and goes on a search for her happy ending.

************Warning this story has intense sexual scenes and explicit language. It also can be a trigger point for victims of abuse of any kind as it deals with emotional, physical and sexual abuse. But I promise you this story is intended to inspire hope after the rain and sunshine on a cloudy day.

Review: The Pool Boy's Beatitude by D.J. Swykert

March 01, 2017

The Pool Boy's Beatitude by DJ Swykert
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Release - July 23, 2013
Genre - Contemporary Fiction
Male POV - 1st person
Heat - 1.5 out of 5
Length - 239 pages
Publisher - Rebel Epublishers

In space, the expansion of the universe exceeds the speed of light. In a jail cell the speed of light slows, time ages and deteriorates slowly to a crawl.

Jack Joseph understands physics. He understands the nature of quarks, leptons, dark matter and the desire to find the God particle. What Jack doesn’t understand is Jack.

He has a Masters degree in particle physics, an ex-wife, a sugar mama, a passion for cooking and chronic dependencies he needs to feed. He cleans pools to maintain this chaotic lifestyle.

Spinning about in a Large Hadron Collider of his own making, the particle known as Jack is about to collide with a particle known as Sarah.

Find it here:
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