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Tragic by JA Huss
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 3 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 280 pages
Rook Walsh is TRAGIC
Because life so far – just sucks. Some girls get parents. Rook got the foster care system. Some girls get Prince Charming. Rook got an abusive frog. Some girls get lucky…
Rook got a second chance.
And she took it. Because when fate throws you a bone – you grab it with both hands and run.
Antoine Chaput knows the minute he spies Rook in his photography studio that she’s got The Look. The dark and desperate look he must have to land the exclusive TRAGIC media contract.
Rook is paired up with top model, Ronin, and he’s everything her abusive ex-boyfriend wasn’t. Patient, gentle, happy, attentive, and sexy! He knows exactly what to do to make Rook blush for Antoine’s camera.
Rook’s luck changes in an instant and suddenly she’s the darling of the modeling world. It’s a dream job to go with a dream guy and all she has to do is look pretty and follow directions. But there’s always a price to pay – and Rook is about to get the bill.
Based on first impressions, I decided to hold judgment on Rook. I felt like there was a lot more to her than had been revealed already. So when I get that story, I'll have my say. So far, it's Ronin who's making me keep reading. He's just so darned sweet!

Manic by JA Huss
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 3 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 300 pages
TRAGIC is over and Rook is ready for the future—Spencer Shrike and the STURGIS contract!
It’s three months of body art modeling! That means three months of Spencer Shrike’s paintbrush all over her body, three months in front of Antoine’s camera, and three months of twenty-four-hour filming for Spencer’s Biker Channel reality show.
Wait a minute… what reality show? Maybe she should’ve read that STURGIS contract a little closer? ;)
Sure, Rook’s bank account is overflowing, but Ronin is angry, Clare is trying to escape rehab, Antoine is a worried mess, and Elise is just trying to hold everyone together. Rook’s new family is about to fall apart before she even gets the chance to enjoy it.
Add in a mysterious man from her past, a road trip to the famous Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and a final show in front of the entire world where all her goods are on display, and you’ve got Manic.

Panic by JA Huss
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance
POV - Dual 1st person (primarily)
Heat - 3 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 312 pages
Rook is chasing her dream—film school and a chance at a life beyond the one she ran from six months ago. But before she can become the girl she wants to be, she must deal with the girl she left behind.
Ronin is also chasing his dream—a family of his own and a life away from erotic modeling. And he too, has a past he’s trying to forget. A past that makes Rook question everything about their life together.
Lies, secrets, and shocking truths will rock the foundation Rook and Ronin have built. Can they put the past behind them and move forward together? Or is this just another too good to be true relationship that will crash and burn in the end?
I love Spencer and wouldn't mind reading more about him and Ford... that man's mind... I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get a peek inside.

I don’t expect it to be significant; I know I’m not anything special.
But I’m alive.
I exist.
I want to like the real me.
I want others to like me too.
I want my tiny allotment of real estate in the universe to matter.
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Pure Requiem by Aja James
Release - November 5, 2020
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Ere & Tal
Heat Level - 5 out of 5 / the scenes between Tal and Ishtar were scorchers!
Format/Source - ebook purchased from Amazon
Page Count - 240
Publisher - Indie
Who he was…
The Creature was not always an “it,” a monster and tool for Medusa’s use. Once upon a time, he was a boy, and then a man. He had a name—Erebu. Twice, he sacrificed himself for love. Twice he died and was revived by his Mistress. In the process, he lost his soul and buried the painful memories where no one could find them, least of all him.
Who he is…
Now one of Medusa’s most brilliant henchmen, captured by the Pure Ones yet treated like a friend rather than a foe, the Creature is reminded of the soul he lost, the memories he’d forgotten, and the dream he used to hope for. But first, he must confront the past.
Who he is meant to be…
The Creature realizes that he matters, he has will, even if he is not completely free; that without darkness there is no light, and that darkness can be beautiful too.
When his newfound friends—his family—are threatened, will the Creature find the strength to fight for love? Will he make the right choice and change the course of Destiny?
Amazon CA * Amazon US
(free to read with Kindle Unlimited)
If I haven't said it yet, I'll say it now... I love Erebu!
How is this possible?
How did the author make this person into a redeemable hero? Or would he be an anti-hero?
I don't know how it was done. And I don't even care. I LOVE HIM!!
And to top it all off, I got not only Ere... but Pure Requiem gave me more of my beloved Tal!
The following are my thoughts, feelings, and questions about this read. If you don't want to be spoiled, stop here!
1. The Creature, who will now be named Ere (because I refuse to ever call him 'it' again) was as sarcastic, adorable, vulnerable, and particularly loquacious as ever.
2. I found it entirely too sweet when Ere impersonated Inanna to spend time with Tal. How cute was it that Tal knew all along that it was him? And how nice was it that he was so honest with his father, even in disguise?
“There’s a certain symmetry as well as randomness in the lines. It’s actually quite…beautiful, despite the ugliness that created them. When I look at you, I see colors, and the world pales to gray. You’re a work of art, papa.”
And then I saw it: a corner of his mouth slowly curved up in that gorgeous, heart-palpitating squirk. Holy gods, how I love this heroic male with all my twisted, black heart!
3. I love Ere's connection to Benji. I live for every moment of their time together, their banter, their love, and their light.
There he goes with his obsession with cuckoos again. I suppose I aided and abetted this unhealthy fixation with the grim fairytales I’ve been telling him. He’s determined to prove to me how cuckoos are actually beautiful and love-worthy, how the ugliest of them all is destined to mate with a magical golden phoenix of all things. One can never account for a boy’s wayward imagination.
Is Benji seeing the future? The phoenix... that would be The Eagle King right? Is he to be Ere's promise of happiness?
4. How sweet was it when Ere finally saw his true self for the first time?
Huh. I guess I’m genetically blessed with a big, fat ass. Despite the beef jerky imitation that describes the rest of me (except the obscenely plump meat hanging between my legs), my backside doesn’t appear to have gone on the same diet.
5. Why do I want Ere to write me some letters? I'm in love with his love for Dalair. I love how his letters were sweet, vulnerable and honest. I am begging for these two 'brothers' to reunite and find their love and friendship again.
6. How hot was that first scene between Tal and Ishtar? Initially he was tense and reluctant and still averse to her touch. Then he became dominant and exchanged the power with his mate. Is this what he needed to finally overcome the hurdle to their passion? Will they be okay now? And when the heck will he get back his sight???
7. Am I the only one who melted into a sticky puddle over Ere's love and admiration for his parents? I'm a gushy mess!
I stand in front of the bathroom mirror admiring the gorgeousness that sprouts from my scalp. I think it’s my best feature. After all, I got it from Ishtar Anshar, Heaven’s Brightest Star. I cock my head a little in consideration. On second thought, maybe I like my eyes best. Because they’re from Tal-Telal, the General of the Pure Ones. Everything else about my body is probably my own, so I don’t like that as much. But the features that are from…them I absolutely adore.
8. I'm still wondering about the futures of Rhys, Ana, and Adam Morgan. Will there be happy endings for them? I always thought Ana and Adam would hook up.
9. Will I ever get the back stories for Tristan and Ayelet? I want to know who they really are and how they ended up mated.
10. The reconciliation of Ere and Liv almost made me teary-eyed. I know this is fiction, but what are the chances that she was the same girl who gave him a broken heart. They were kids together. She knew him before he ever became The Creature. How cool is it... how far he's come to be able to forgive her?!
11. I would love for someone to tell me why Ishtar is still being referred to as a Dark One when we know that her true father was a Pure One. Doesn't that mean she is half and half? Doesn't that make Inanna and Ere 3/4 Pure and 1/4 Dark?
What I know is this... Ere is still a rascal, but he is definitely redeemed. He's becoming the hero he was always meant to be. After an epic battle scene, it seems he's ready to make a huge sacrifice for his family and friends. Now here I am, ready to start Pure Destiny, and all I can think of, besides my love for these characters, is 🎵 Ding Dong the Witch is Dead 🎵 One down... one to go!
Check out the previous books:

“He is so beautiful, my love,” she whispers, the salt from her hot tears blending with the light sprinkle of water from the showerhead as it all trickles down my skin, leaving me raw.
“Benji described him accurately—eyes like yours, hair like mine, tall and much too thin. But you wouldn’t believe how his beauty eclipses the gods of old unless you beheld it for yourself.”
I clench my fist against the small of her back and hug her tighter.
I cannot see my son. I do not know if I ever shall. At least I have the memory of Inanna to sustain me. At least I had my daughter for two decades before we were separated. But I have never seen Erebu. My blind eyes throb with visceral pain at the loss.
“I will tell you all about it,” Ishtar adds softly, as if sensing my torment. “Our son truly cannot be described as anything but beautiful. He is all male, but there is a feline, delicate grace about him. I do not think it’s because of his thinness. It’s his inherent gentleness and playfulness. He might display his prickly, irreverent wit to the world, but he’s terribly sensitive inside. And gravely hurt.”
She sniffs, and I take a deep breath, both of us gathering ourselves out of sorrow, focusing on joy.
And hope. Always hope.
“Often, he makes scornful, self-deprecating comments,” she continues in that soothing, low voice, “partly to fend off harsher words from others that he seems to expect as his due, and partly because he truly believes them himself. He has so much light within him that it shines through whenever he looks upon Benji. Yet, so much darkness as well, focused inward. And because of this, not in spite of it, he is exquisitely, painfully beautiful. Endlessly fascinating, multi-faceted like the kaleidoscopic fragments of light filtered through the most perfect diamond.”
Aja James just completed the Pure/ Dark Ones paranormal-fantasy romance series in 2020. If you want your heart battered, bruised, shattered and skewered, then put back together in the most glorious ways, check out the series below. Every couple gets an HEA, but they fight like hell for it on the way.
Aja is now working on her new series, Dragon Tails, because dragons are her favorite shifters of all!

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale
Release - July 27, 2021
Genre - Romantic Suspense
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5 / several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Page Count - 208
Publisher - Indie
Buy it here: Amazon
Taos was tired.
Tired of everything that came with living. Not to the point where he was suicidal or anything, but tired enough that he just didn’t give a crap anymore.
He’d seen all the ugliness this world had to offer due to his job as a police officer for way too many damn years of his less than stellar life. After finding a way to sustain his spending habits that didn’t include having criminals point guns at his face, he quits without a backward glance.
Only, he just can’t step away from old habits.
Old habits that have to do with a beautiful young woman that makes his heart feel like it isn’t nearly as broken as it is.
Fran has experienced more than her fair share of crap. After an attack that nearly took her life, she stays hidden in her house, fearful that stepping out of her comfort zone will be the final nail in her coffin.
Then her sister forces her to face her fears, and she joins Madd CrossFit.
There, she meets the man that saved her life a year ago, and realizes rather quickly that he doesn’t even realize who he is to her.
He’s everything she ever thought a man should be and wants nothing to do with her.
Maybe she’ll have to give him a reason to look her way.
And damned if she doesn’t find a way to do it.
She didn’t plan on nearly getting killed for that to happen, though.
At least not again.

While there were plenty of familiar things, such as the light and fun vibe typically found in an LLV novel, it was a touch more serious. And it had to be. Fran survived a serial killer and Taos hunted them. Makes sense. On top of that, there was no rush for the intimacy that was growing between the main characters. It wasn't a slow build, but it did grow organically.
Am I a fool for hoping that one day the author ages up baby Vlad to give him his own story? Man, that baby was sooooo cute!
I have digressed...
Fran almost fell victim to a serial killer. Taos was the cop who rescued her. She disappeared from life due to fear until her sister tried to inject some hope inside of her. That's where Taos' crossfit gym came in. Fran came out of her shell and she blossomed. Was it being around other people? Testing and building her strength? Or was it all due to Taos?
I'm going with a huge helping of Taos!
I enjoyed the suspenseful elements of this story. I couldn't figure out who the new serial killer was and it was exciting to see how everything would unfold. I loved what eventually grew between Fran and Taos and the way their happily ever after developed. I also appreciated meeting all of the side characters and I'm looking forward to reading their own stories. Jerk It, the story of Murphy and Mavis, is next!

It didn't make sense that Fran would avoid Taos after he learned of how they originally knew each other. It was already established that she was into him and that they were building something together. I didn't get the purpose of her hiding anything from him or pushing him away because she was worried about how he would treat her. It was beyond obvious that something had happened to her, and that she lived with fear as a constant companion, even without knowing the details. So why would he treat her differently after knowing the specifics?
I was confused by the whole 'Taos has a biological brother named Greer that Fran is determined to find' storyline. I understand that he was adopted out and that despite Taos being a cop, he couldn't be found. Then by the end of the story (eight years later), Fran and her grandmother have found him. And.... nothing. She didn't even tell the man that she found his long-lost brother! Where would these details be found? Is there another book that will make this clearer?

When they finally give in to desire, the truth unfurls itself in a vicious attack that leave both broken and alone.
Happiness is something they need to fight for. Can they find forever in the web of deceit?
*This story is for mature audiences only. Contains explicit scenes intended for adults 18+
Goodreads | Amazon

Release: August 16, 2016
Length: 250 pages
Sometimes, there’s nowhere to go but f*ck up…
If you love Broad City and Bridget Jones, you’ll adore Dagmar Kostopoulos…and her colossal fuck-ups.
Twenty-something Dag has always been the ‘perfect’ woman. Responsible, honest to a fault, hard-working. Even her bras are no-nonsense. And for what? Her boyfriend dumps her for being boring, and her boss fires her for not sucking on his nether regions to get promoted. What’s a perfectionist overachiever to do? A complete one-eighty.
To heck with rules—Dag orchestrates a spectacular fall from grace by ruining her life exactly six-hundred-sixty-six times, and finally has a little naughty fun. Some scandalous Spandex and a few bar lies later, tame little Dagmar becomes Giselle, ballsy siren.
The wild thing is…it works! Dag gets a better job and meets the sexiest man she’s ever known. Well, Giselle meets him. Dagmar doesn’t exist. Except that she does, and her escapades just became a ticking time bomb, one that might blow her heart to smithereens.
Join Dag for her irresistible and hilarious fuck-ups, because every good girl needs to inject a little bad girl sizzle into her veins.
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